Protoform: FIO [NP] Whistle

Description: Whistle
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to NP: Nuclear Polynesian

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Hawaiian Hio Blow in gusts, inside corners of house (where ghosts whistle) (Pki)
Hawaiian Hio/hio Whistle softly; blow softly; jabber; gibberish (Pki)
Mangareva ʔIo Whistle. Siffler (Rch). (Jnu)
Mangareva Mu/ʔio Parler dans l'eau pour faire peur au poisson (à la pêche) (Rch)
Mangareva Vio Bruit que l'on fait en suçant des cannes à sucre; siffler en parlant comme en prononçant le *s* et le *z*; être difficile à prononcer Problematic (Rch)
New Zealand Maori Whio(whio) Whistle (Wms)
Pukapuka Wiu Whistle Problematic (Mta)
Raʔivavae Hio To whistle, make a thin, high, penetrating sound (Stn)
Rapa ʔIo An herb, used by children for whistling (Sks)
Rapa Fio Young taro spathe used by children as noisemaker; to whistle (MCl)
Rarotongan Iʔo/iʔo Whistle v.(Met.) Phonologically Irregular (Bse)
Tahitian Hio A whistle, or the native flute; to whistle; to blow, as a person out of breath (Lmt)
Tahitian Hio Sifflet; siffler (Lmt)
Tokelau Fi/fio/ Whistle (Sma)
Tokelau Fio/fio Whistle a tune (Sma)
Tuamotu Hio To whistle (Stn)
West Futuna I/fio A native dance Uncertain Semantic Connection (Cpl)

17 entries found

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