Protoform: LIGO-LIGO [PN] An insect, cricket
Description: | An insect, cricket |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian |
Notes: | *3 PRO *li9o-li9o "night insect, probably a cricket" (LPO IV:396). |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
East Futuna | Ligoligo | Cricket | (Mfr) |
East Uvea | Ligoligo | Grasshopper. Chrysalide | (Myr) |
Fijian | Ligoligo | Night insect, moth sp | (Cpl) |
New Zealand Maori | Riko/riko | Man-eating spirits which haunted deserted houses [South Island Dialect] Problematic | (Wms) |
Pukapuka | Tangi te lingolingo | Idiom for deserted place; also for ringing in ears | (Sby) |
Rotuman | Riag/riga/ | Cockchafer | (Cwd) |
Samoan | Ligoligo | Cricket | (Prt) |
Tahitian | Riʔoriʔo | Night-singing insect (not cricket) (I). Petit insecte qui emet un bruit aigu | (Aca) |
Tahitian | Riorio | The departed spirit of a person, but particularly the ghost of an infant; to be possessed by a departed spirit | (Dvs) |
Tikopia | Ringoringo | Cricket (Gryllidae) | (Fth) |
Tokelau | Ligoligo | Insect which makes a soft, high pitched sound, especially in the evening (probably cricket) | (Sma) |
Tongan | Lingolingo | Cricket | (Cwd) |
Tuvalu | Ligoligo | Cricket | (Rby) |
Vaeakau-Taumako | Lingolingo | An insect, a type of grasshopper, similar to lakii singing at sunset | (Hvn) |
West Futuna | Rigorigo | A small cricket | (Dty) |
15 entries found
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