Protoform: PALA.2 [OC] Tree-fern sp

Description: Tree-fern sp
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to OC: Oceanic

*0 >> NP *pala-tao "fern sp."
*4 PROc *b(w)ala 'Cyathea sp.'
*4 PEO *pala "fern sp."
*4 PO *b(w)ala 'tree fern, Cycas or Cyathea sp.' (LPO III:300)
*7 Cf. PWMP *balat "kind of banana" (Bst.1989:126).

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
East Futuna Pala/pala Tree fern sp (Mfr)
Easter Island Para A plant (Compylopus turficola) (Fts)
Emae Bala/bala Tree fern Problematic (Cpl)
Fijian Bala/bala Tree fern (Cyathea lunulata) (Cpl)
Hawaiian Pala A tree fern (Marattia douglasii) (Pki)
Marquesas Paʔa Espece de fougere que l'on mange en temps de disette (Dln)
Marquesas Paʔa/hei Grande fougère arborescente de la famille des cyathéacées (Lch)
Marquesas Pa/héi (THT) Sometimes used for the species [of fern] generally called *pa* (Crk)
New Zealand Maori Para King fern (Marattia salicina) (Wms)
Nguna Na/pwala/ Fern (Stz)
Niue Pala Fern sp. (McE)
Niue Pala/pala/veka Fern spp. (Tectaria chrysotricha, T.latifolia) (Sph)
Niue Pala/tava Coastal fern spp. (Phymatodes nigrescens, Acrostichum aureum) (Sph)
Rapa Para A fern (Marattia stokesii) (Sks)
Rarotongan Para A large mountain fern (Marattia fraxinea) ; Potato Fern (Marattia salicina) (McC)
Tahitian Para A species of root eaten in times of scarcity (Dvs)
Tikopia Para/para Tree fern (Cyathea sp.) (Fth)
Waya Bala/bala Generic for tree ferns (Cyathea spp.) and sometimes other large ferns... (Ply)
West Futuna Para/fara (ANI) Tree fern (Dty)
West Futuna Para/para Fougère arborescente; rape-laplap végétale (Rve)

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