Protoform: TUGAANE.* [CE] Brother or male cousin of a female

Description: Brother or male cousin of a female
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to CE: Central-Eastern Polynesian

*0 << PN *tuagaqane
*2 PCP *9wane (Gty.1984).
*8 Note. The REN form is considered to be an independent innovation, but Cf. tu9ane sibling, opposite sex given by Cashmore for Matema.

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Hawaiian Kunaane Brother or male cousin of a woman (Pki)
Mangaia Tungane Woman's brother (Sta)
Mangareva Tugane Brother of a woman. Frère ou cousin d'une femme (jusqu'au 6ième degré) (Rch)
Marquesas Tukane (Ua Pou), tunane (MQS), tuʔane (MQN) Les filles appellent ainsi leurs frères; frère pour les soeurs. Frère de la soeur (Dln). Phonologically Irregular (Lch)
Marquesas Tunánne A woman's brother (Crk)
New Zealand Maori Tungaane Brother or male cousin of a female (Wms)
Niue Tugaane Brother of a woman, male cousin of a female Problematic (Sph)
Raʔivavae Tuʔane Brother (Zpn)
Rapa Tungane Brother of a sister (Sks)
Rarotongan Tungaane Brother or male cousin of a female (Bse)
Rennellese Tungaʔane Brother or male cousin of a woman Problematic (Ebt)
Tahitian Tuʔaane Frère ou cousin d'une personne du sexe féminin (Lmt)
Tuamotu Tuŋaane Brother of a woman (Stn)
Tupuaki Tuane Woman's brother (Atn)
Tupuaki Tunane Elder sister (Grn)
Vaeakau-Taumako Thungane (pl. ve/thungane) Brother of a woman (Hvn)

16 entries found

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