Protoform: WAHO [CE] Outside
Description: | Outside |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to CE: Central-Eastern Polynesian |
Notes: | *0 << PN *fafo |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
Hawaiian | Waho | Exterior, outside | (Pki) |
Mangareva | Vaʔo | Outside. Dehors. | (Rch) |
Mangareva | Taka/vaʔo | Rester ou se promener dans les lieux déserts; être sauvage | (Rch) |
Manihiki-Rakahanga | Voho. Vaho (Osn). | Outside Phonologically Irregular | (Krk) |
Marquesas | Vaho | Dehors, le dehors | (Dln) |
Marquesas | Váhho | Without, out of doors | (Crk) |
Moriori | Waho | Outside | (Shd) |
New Zealand Maori | Waho | Exterior, outside | (Wms) |
Nukuoro | Ki-vaho | Without Problematic | (Crn) |
Penrhyn | Vaha | Out, outside | (Sta) |
Pukapuka | Vao | Outside Borrowed | (Sby) |
Raʔivavae | Vaho | The place outside | (Zpn) |
Rarotongan | Vaʔo | Exterior, outside | (Bse) |
Tahitian | Vaho | Locatif: dehors (peu usité) | (Lmt) |
Tuamotu | Vaho | Exterior, outside | (Stn) |
15 entries found
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