Easter Island entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
FJ.PALI.1B Pari Rough (of sea) (Wbr)
AN.PALU.2 Paru Colorear, embadurnar, empolvar, pintar, untar. To anoint, color, oil, paint, powder, tint. (Fts)
CE.PAA-RURU Paaruru Curtain (Kvt)
PN.PANE.A Pane Leg of a turtle (Métraux 1937:53) Problematic (Fts)
NP.PANOKO Paaroko Blackblotch Blenny (Cirripectes alboapicalis), Chapman's Blenny (Entomacrodus chapmani), Disalvo's Goby (Kelloggella disalvoi) Phonologically Irregular (Rce)
PN.PAO.1 Paao/a Maza (arma de palo) (Fts)
PN.PAO.1 Paʔo To cut by striking, to strike with an axe. Cut down; chop, hew (Wbr). Problematic (Fts)
PN.PAO.1 Paʔo/paʔo To chip in reference to wood Problematic (Fts)
PN.PAPA.1B Papa Flat stone; shelf in the bottom of the sea (Fts)
EP.PAPA.1C Ta/papa Genealogia (Cnt)
EP.PASII Pahii General name for ships or boats. Ship (Wbr). (Fts)
CE.PASU.1B Pahu Can, pot, tin-can; coffin (obs.). Urna, ataud (mod.), tarro, cajun . Problematic (Fts)
FJ.PASU.2 Pahu/pahu Throw something into a hole (Fts)
EP.PAA-TEFE Paatehe Castrate (Fts)
EP.PAA-TEFE Petehe Castrate (Chl)
CE.PAA-TIA Paatia Harpoon, fork Problematic (Fts)
TA.PAA-TOKI Paatoʔi Disobey, protest Borrowed (Fts)
FJ.PAATUKI Paatuki Blenny (Blenniidae) sp. (Cirripectes alboapicalis) (Rdl)
PN.PEE- Pe As, how, like (Fts)
OC.PEQE Peʔepeʔe Tired, worn out (Fts)
EC.PE-AFA Peaha Perhaps, maybe (Fts)
OC.PEAU Peau To sweep all away (Chl)
NP.PEE-FEA Pehea How? (Chl)
EP.PEKA.2A Peka Cross (Chl)
EP.PEKA.2A Peka/peka Starfish (Fts)
CP.PEKA-PEKA.1 Pepeka Dragonfly Problematic (Kvt)
TA.PEKE.1A Peke (Of fish or lobster) to bite the hook Problematic (Fts)
PN.PEKE.2A Pe/peke No desarrollarse las plantas, marchitarse, por el frio (Egt)
EP.PEKE.2B Pe/peke Fetal position; catch a cold, cold; to shrug (Fts)
EP.PERA Pera Graveyard (Fts)
OC.PELU.A Peru Roll; bundle (of bills, clothes) (Kvt)
PN.PENA.1B Pena/pena Place firewood in oven before lighting (Fts)
PN.PENA.2 Pena Belt, leather strap (Fts)
OC.PEPE Pepa Butterfly Phonologically Irregular (Fts)
PN.PEU.1 Peu/peu To groan (Fts)
MP.PII.2A Pipi To irrigate, sprinkle, water (Fts)
MP.PII.2A Pii/pii Sprinkle (Fts)
MP.PIA.1 Pia Paste, starch; (Tacca pinnatifida) (Fts)
MP.PIA.2A Pia Materia blanca incrustada en los ojos (Cnt)
MP.PIKI.1A Piki To contaminate, to infect, to pass on (a disease); contagiar, contaminar; contagiarse Problematic (Fts)
EP.PIKI.1B Piki Go up, rise (Fts)
PN.PIKI.2 Piki Cramp (Fts)
NP.PIKI-PIKI Pikipiki Curly (e.g. hair) (Fts)
MP.PIKO.A Piko Bent, twisted (Fts)
EP.PIIRARI Pirari Honey . Not in (Chl)
EP.PIRI Piri Riddle (Kvt)
CE.PIRI-PIRI Piripiri Plantas que se adhieren o se agarran a la ropa (Cenchrus echinatus, Urena lobata) (Cnt)
PN.PILO Piro Corrupt, fetid, putrid, rotten, stinking... (Fts)
XE.NIKU Pi/niku Mesh (as of a net) (Chl)
MP.PIPI.1 Pipi Any small sea-snail (Fts)

1657 entries found