Hawaiian entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
CE.ANO.1 Ano Weird solitude, awe (Pki)
NP.QANU.1 Anu Cold (Pki)
EP.AA-NUANUA.* Aanuenue Rainbow (Pki)
AN.QANUFE ʔAnuhe Caterpillar (Pki)
CP.PEKA-PEKA.1 (ʔOo)peʔa-peʔa Bat (Ebt)
PN.SALUFE Uluhe, unuhe False staghorn fern (Dicranopteris, Hicriopteris, Sticherus) (Pki)
OC.QAO.1 Ao Cloud (Pki)
CE.AOA ʔAoa Bark (of dog), howl (Pki)
OC.QAOA Ao/aoa/ Small seaside shrub, (Wikstroemia sp.) (Pki)
CE.AO-RAGI Ao-lani Street name in Honolulu (Ebt)
EP.AA-POOPOO (ʔA)poopoo Tomorrow (Pki)
MP.APU.A Apu Destroy, ravage, ruin (Pki)
CE.APU.B Apu To snap or snatch with the teeth (Pki)
OC.ASI ʔIli/ahi/ Sandalwood, (Santalum spp.) (Pki)
PN.ATA.1 Aka Moon dawn (Pki)
CE.ATA.2 Aka- Carefully, slowly (Pki)
AN.QATA Aka Shadow, reflection (Pki)
EC.ATA-FAI Akahai Modest, gentle, unassuming, meek (Pki)
CE.ATA-RAU Akalau Ghost or spirit of a living person seen by others (Pki)
EO.QATAMAI.A Akamai Clever, expert (Pki)
AN.QATE.1 Ake Liver (Pki)
PN.QAATEA Aakea Broad, wide, spacious, open, public, at large (Pki)
PN.QAATEA Aakea Broad, wide, spacious, unobstructed (Pki)
PN.QATE-LOA Ake loa Spleen (Pki)
AN.QATO Ako Thatch (Pki)
OC.ATU Aku Away from speaker (Pki)
OC.QATU.1 Aku Bonito (Katsuwonus pelamis) (Hpr)
MP.QATUA Akua Deity (Pki)
EP.ATUA Akua Name of the fourteenth night of the full moon (Pki)
MP.QATULE Akule Trachurops crumenophthalmus (scud fish) (Pki)
AN.AU.1 (W)au First person singular pronoun (Focus) (Pki)
MP.QAU.1 Au Current (Pki)
PN.QAU.2 Au To weed; rub, massage, polish (Pki)
NP.QAU-AFI.* Uahi Smoke (Pki)
PN.QAUEE Au(w)ee Oh! Oh dear! Oh boy! Alas! Too bad! Goodness! (Much used to express wonder, fear, scorn, pity, affection)...To groan, moan, grieve, bewail (Pki)
PN.QAU-HULU Aau(h)ulu Injure, harm, rage; rough, raging (as sea or wind) (Pki)
CE.AU-MISI Aumihi Grieve, regret, be sorry (Pki)
PN.AQU-MOHE Aumoe Late at night, about midnight (Pki)
CE.AUTA Auka Tired, weary (Pki)
CE.AUTE W/auke/ Paper mulberry (Pki)
MP.AWA Awa Channel (Pki)
MP.QAWA Awa Milkfish (Chanos chanos) (Pki)
CE.AWATEA.* Awakea Noon (Pki)
NP.AWA-AWA Awaawa Valley, gulch, ravine (Pki)
PN.AWE.A Awe Thread (Pki)
OC.E.1A E Non-past (Ply)
PN.E.2 E Preposed agent marker (Pki)
CE.E...ANA E...ana Imperfect aspect (Ebt)
PN.EE ʔEe Yes (unemphatic) (Pki)
PN.EQA.A Ea Rise, go up, become erect; sovereignty, independance; life, breath, spirit (Pki)

2221 entries found