Kapingamarangi entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.KOLI.1B Koni Flutter hands and arms in dancing, also as an expression of joy (Ebt)
PN.KONA.3 Kono Sick (Ebt)
AN.KOSI Koi Metal hand grater for grating soft coconut flesh; to so do Phonologically Irregular (Lbr)
NP.KOO-TOU.* Goodou Second person plural pronoun (Lbr)
AN.-KU.1 A/ku, u/ku, o/ku First person singular possessive plural possessed object (Ebt)
NP.KU.2 Gu Did, has (decisive aspect) (Lbr)
OC.KUKU.2 Gugu Fish sp Uncertain Semantic Connection (Lbr)
XO.KUGA Gunga iga School of fish (Lbr)
MP.KULU.1 Gulu Breadfruit tree, Artocarpus altilis (Lbr)
EO.KUMETE Gumade Large wooden bowl for pounding food; name of a constellation Phonologically Irregular (Lbr)
MP.KUMI.3A Kumi Grab, grasp, handle, obtain. Kidnap (Emy). (Lbr)
OC.KUPEGA Kupenga Net (Ebt)
OC.KUPEGA Gubenge Net for fishing (large) (Lbr)
PN.KUPU.1A Gubu Verse (e.g. of Bible) (Lbr)
AN.KUTU.1 Gudu Head louse (Lbr)
AN.IA.1 Ia He, she (Lbr)
AN.IKA.A Iga Fish (Lbr)
MP.QILA Ila Mole (Lbr)
AN.QILO Ila Maggot (Lbr)
MP.QILO-A Iroa Know, understand (Ebt)
MP.QILO-A Iloo Know, knowledge (Lbr)
EO.INO-QI Ino Droop one's head (Lbr)
MP.INU Inu Drink (Lbr)
AN.IPU Ibu Coconut shell, cup (Lbr)
OC.ISE.1 Iha Fish sp., ballyboo, (Hemirhamphus brasiliensis) (Lbr)
OC.ISI Ihi Peel off in long strips, as of bark (Lbr)
AN.ISU.1 Uhi Nose Phonologically Irregular (Lbr)
NP.IWI.A Iwi Bone (Lbr)
PN.RAA Laa There (away from speaker and hearer) (Lbr)
AN.LAA.1 Laa Sail (Lbr)
PN.LAA.2B -nau Third person dual possessive suffix Problematic (Lbr)
OC.LAQAA Laa Sun (Lbr)
AN.LAQE.A Lae Forehead (Lbr)
NP.LAFI.1 Lahi Thin, part of, half of (Lbr)
NP.LAFI.1 Lahi/lahi Thin, of something flat (Lbr)
CP.LAGA.1A Ranga Hoist (Ebt)
CP.LAGA.1A Langa Lift or move with a lever (Lbr)
NP.LAGA.1B Langa/dia Buoyant (Lbr)
NP.LAGA.1B Langa Riding high in the water (canoe) (Lbr)
OC.LAGI.1 Langi daahili Start a song (Lbr)
OC.LAGI.1 Langa Chant Phonologically Irregular (Lbr)
AN.LAGI.2 Langi Sky (Lbr)
OC.LAGO.2 Langa Canoe support (Lbr)
NP.LALI.2 Ma/lali Slippery (Lbr)
PN.RAQA-KAU.A Laagau Tree; bush (Lbr)
PN.LAAKEI Laagei Decorate, adorn (Lbr)
AN.RAKU L/lagu Grab up, claw v (Lbr)
AN.RARA.1 Lala Heat up (Lbr)
EO.LALAFI Llahi Fish sp. (Lbr)
SO.MAA-LALI Malali Slippery (Lbr)

1351 entries found