New Zealand Maori entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
TA.FALA.3 Whara Be struck, hit (Wms)
AN.FARA Puu/whara/whara Astelia sp (Wms)
AN.FARA Koo/whara/whara Astelia spp., liliaceous plants (Wms)
AN.FARA Whara/riki Phormium cookianum, an inferior kind of New Zealand flax (Wms)
AN.FARA Whara/nui Variety of Phormium tenax (Wms)
AN.FARA Hara/keke Phormium tenax (Wms)
PN.FAQALA /Hara/paki Crack lice between fingernails Problematic (Wms)
FJ.FALA-FALA.1 Wharawhara (Collospermum sp.) (Wms)
NP.FALA-FALA.2 Wharawhara Fish similar to kuutoro (Wms)
PN.FALALA.A Wharara Lean v, stoop, decline (of sun) (Wms)
PN.FAA-LASI Whaarahi Wide, broad (Wms)
FJ.FALAU Wharau Canoe shed; temporary shed made of branches; travel by sea (Wms)
MP.FALE Whare House (Wms)
CC.SALI.3 Hari To carry, bring or take (Bgs)
CC.SALI.3 Heri To carry, bring or take (Bgs)
PN.FAALIKI Whaariki Floor mat, cover floor with mats (Wms)
PN.FA-LIU Whariua Pass by Problematic (Wms)
EO.FARO.1 Haro Scrape (Wms)
EO.FARO.1 Wharo Scrape (Wms)
PN.FAALOO.B Whaaroo(roo) Stretched out at full length (Wms)
TA.FARU.2 Wharu Mud, quagmire (Wms)
TA.FARU.2 Ma/wharu Muddy, boggy (Wms)
AN.FANA.1 Whana Bent, bowed . Kick (Bgs)
AN.FANA.1 Whaka/whana/ Project, impel (Wms)
MP.FANA.2 Hana Radiate heat, shine, glow; source of heat and light (Wms)
NP.FANAKE.* Whanake Move onwards/upwards (Wms)
OC.FAANAKO Whaanako Steal, theft, thief, thievish, thieving [Eastern Maori Dialect] (Bgs)
PN.FAANAU.A Whaanau Extended family group (Bgs)
NP.FAANAU.B Whaanau Born, give birth (Bgs)
NP.FAANAU.B Whaanau-a Passive of whaanau (Wms)
NP.FAANAU.B Whaanau-tanga Birth, derived n. (Bgs)
NP.FANAU-GA Whanaunga Kinsman, relative (Bgs)
AN.FANO.1 Whano Go (Wms)
TA.FAANUI Whaanui Vega or Alpha Lyrae (Wms)
AN.FAQO.1A Whao Iron tool, nail (mod.) (Wms)
AN.FAQO.1A Whao-a Perforate, chisel out; a chisel (Wms)
AN.FAQO.1A Wha/whao/ Go into, enter; stuff into a bag or other receptacle Borrowed (Wms)
PN.FAQO.1B Whawhao Stuff into, pack into (Wms)
OC.FAQO.1C Koo/whao/ Hole (Wms)
OC.FAQO.1C Koo/hao/ Hole (Wms)
OC.FAQO.1C Whao Perforate (Wms)
PN.FAQAO Whaaoo Take greedily, devour (Wms)
PN.FAAPUKU Haapuku Groper, (Polyprion oxygeneios) (Wms)
PN.FAQAPUKU Haapuku Cram food into the mouth (Wms)
MP.FATA.1 Whata Elevated stage for food storage (Wms)
PN.FAATAI.1 Whaa(ta)tai Stretch out the neck, gaze intently Uncertain Semantic Connection (Wms)
CK.FATA-MIRA Atamira Platform, stage (Wms)
TA.FAA-TATA Whaatata Near, contiguous (Wms)
TU.FAATELE Paatere An abusive song; a dance with grotesque gestures Problematic (Wms)
NP.FAATELO Whaatero Stick out the tongue (Wms)

3409 entries found