Moriori entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
EP.POO-TAKA Potaka Round (Shd)
EP.POO-TAKA Potaka/taka Circle (Shd)
CK.POOTIKI.B Potiki Youngest child, infant (Shd)
OC.POTO.1 Poto Short (Shd)
OC.POU.1 Pou Post . Central post (Shd)
PN.POO-QULI Pouri Darkness (Shd)
PN.PUU.2 Pu hhiamama Hollow (of tree) (Shd)
TA.PUU.4 Pu Be found, come forth (Shd)
NP.PUQU Pu Butt of spear (Bke)
NP.PUQU Pu/rakau-timu Root (Shd)
NP.PUQU Pu/take Base (of tree) (Shd)
EP.PUA.B Pua Flower (Shd)
CK.PUUFAA Puwha Thistle (Shd)
MP.PUGA.1 Punga/tei Pumice (Shd)
CC.PUGA-EHU Purungehu Ashes Problematic (Shd)
EC.PUGA-A-LEVELEVE Purehe Spider Problematic (Shd)
PN.PUKE.2 Wai/puke Flood (Shd)
MP.PUKU.1A Puku Swelling, knob, bump (Shd)
FJ.PUKU.3 Noho puku Remain silent (Shd)
FJ.PUKU.3 Puku/mauri Sob (Shd)
AN.PULA.2A Pu/pura/ Blind (Shd)
MP.PULE.1 Pure Flat side of scallop shell (Shd)
MP.PULELE-FUA Purehurehu Butterfly (Shd)
CE.PUROTU Porotu Beauty (Shd)
NP.PULU.1B Puru/puru Stuff (vt) (Shd)
NP.PULU.7 Puri Cling Problematic (Shd)
PN.PUNI.1A Puni Blocked up (Shd)
MP.PUSI.1 Puhi Blow (Shd)
MP.PUTA.1A Puta Hole (Shd)
CE.PUTA.1B Puta, puti etu Appear, come forth (Shd)
CE.PUTA.1B Hoko/puta Launch (canoe) . Thrust out (spear) (Shd)
EO.PUUTEE Pute(e) Basket for valuables (Shd)
MP.SAQA.1 Ha Sacred (Wms) (Shd)
OC.SAE.1 E/he(e) Cut up (Wms) (Shd)
OC.SAE.1 Hei/hei Tear (v) (Shd)
PN.SAQELE He(e)re Advance, go; gradually (Shd)
FJ.SAGA.1A Hanga, heang, hhiang Build; make, do (Shd)
AN.SALA.1 Hara Crime (Shd)
FJ.SALA.2 Hara Large, big (Shd)
FJ.SALA.2 I/haaraa Fat (Shd)
EC.SALE Hara/mai, ha:ro mai Come (Bke)
EO.SAQALO Haro Scrape flax (Shd)
PN.SALULU Heruru Rumbling noise (Shd)
CC.SAAMAMA (H)amama Yawn, gape, bawl (Shd)
CC.SAAMAMA Pu hhiamama Hollow (of tree) (Shd)
NP.SAPA Hapa Be missing (Shd)
MP.SAPAI Hapai Lift up . Make (war), go to war (Shd)
CE.SAPUU Hapu Pregnant (Shd)
MP.SAU.1 Hau/rangi Dew (Shd)
FJ.SAU.2 Heau Fell (Shd)

872 entries found