Rarotongan entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
MP.PIA.1 Pia Polynesian Arrowroot (Tacca leontopetaloides) (Whr)
MP.PIA.2A Pia/pia Discharge from eyes, smegma (Bse)
CE.PIERE.1 Piere Banana figs, bananas peeled and dried in the sun (Bse)
CK.PIIGOFI Piingoʔi Tongs, pick up with tongs (Bse)
CK.PIIGOFI Piringoʔi (Use) tongs, tweezers Phonologically Irregular (Bse)
MP.PIKI.1A Piki Clamber, swarm, cling on; mount (a female); lay hands on something and retain it (Bse)
MP.PIKO.A Piko Bent (Bse)
CE.PIKO.B Piko Bow, stoop, bend down (Bse)
PN.PILAU Piirau Decayed, stinking (Bse)
NP.PILI.1B Piri Close to; join, unite with; closed (of door); choked (of channel) etc. (Bse)
EP.PIRI Piri Puzzle, riddle, secret, mystery (Bse)
CE.PIRI-PIRI Piripiri An introduced herb, Beggar'-tick (Bidens pilosa); an indigenous grass Sandbur (Cenchrus echinatus) (McC)
PN.PILITA Pirita Fingerleaf Yam (Dioscorea pentaphylla) (McC)
MP.PIPI.1 Pipi Term applied to a number of small, ribbed, cockle-like bivalves (Bse)
OC.PIPI.2 Pipi An indigenous vine with purple, trumpet-like flowers Uncertain Semantic Connection (Bse)
TA.PIPI.3 Pipi Student or disciple of the ancient priests . Pupil, disciple (Sve)
EP.PI-PIRI Pipiri Season September to November (Sve)
EP.PISA.* Piʔa Box, chest, trunk, room (Bse)
PN.PISI.2 Maa/piʔi Star Limpet (Patella flexuosa) (Bse)
AN.PITO.1 Pito Navel (Bse)
PN.PITO.2 Pito Heartland, central region (Bse)
PN.PITO.2 Pito/pito Button; sucker on octopus tentacle (Bse)
NP.PII-WAI Piivai Undeveloped fruit at end of banana bunch (Mka)
MP.POO.1A Poo Night (Bse)
MP.POA.1 Poa Fishy (smell or taste); scales, rust (Bse)
EP.POE Poe-a Pearl, ear-ring; wear such (Bse)
CE.POO-FATU.1* Pooʔatu Stone (Mka)
CE.POO-FUE.* Pooʔue Indigenous beach pea (Vigna marina), also indigenous beach morning-glory (Ipomoea pes-caprae) and, on Mangaia, Ma`uke, Miti`aro, an aboriginally introduced vine (Luffa cylindrica) (Whr)
TA.POO-FATU.2 Po(o)ʔutu/kava A coastal shrub with white berries (Sophora tomentosa) Ngaputoru name . (Scaevola sericea.) Phonologically Irregular (Whr)
PN.POGA.1 Ponga A tree fern (Cyathea dealbata) ; knot (in wood), notch, nick, dent (Sve)
NP.POGA.2 Ponga Dent; knot (wood); nick, notch Problematic (Bse)
NP.POGA.3 Ponga Knot (in wood), notch, nick, dent; molar tooth (Bse)
PN.POGI.1 Pongi Hungry, hunger Uncertain Semantic Connection (Bse)
MP.POGI-POGI Poo/pongi/ Twilight, especially morning; tomorrow (Bse)
CP.POQOI Poi Mashed banana, taro, etc., pudding (Bse)
PN.POOKAI Pookai Coil, wrap up (Bse)
NP.POKE Poke A pudding containing grated vegetables (Bse)
CE.POKEA Pokea A fleshy herb (Portulaca lutea); purslane (P. cleracea) (Bse)
CE.POO-KERE Pookere A black dress material (Bse)
PN.POKI.1 Po/poki Cover over; break (of a wave); overtake (Bse)
PN.POKI.1 Poki-a Bow or stern covers on a canoe; palm a playing-card, deal unfairly (Bse)
PN.POO-KIA Pookia Covered, struck by waves, overtaken. Passive of popoki (Bse)
PN.POKO.2 Poko Dent, hollow, sunken etc (Bse)
PN.POKO.3 Poko Slap water (Bse)
CE.POKO-SIWI.* Pokoivi Shoulder, alternative frm of pakuivi (Etn) (Bse)
TA.POO-REHO Pooreʔo Cowrie (Cypraea spp.) (Bse)
NP.POLI.B ʔAre /pori/ A beauty-school where all well-born girls were given special diet, blanching, etc (Bse)
OC.POLO.1 Poro Solanum spp. (Aitutaki, Atiu).... (Whr)
OC.POLO.1 Poroʔiti (Solanum viride) (Whr)
OC.POLO.1 Poro/poro (Vaccinum cereum) or (Vaccinium reticulatum) (Sve)

2365 entries found