Rarotongan entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
TA.PAA-RAKU Paaraku-a,-ʔia, -na Scratch, scrape, rake up (Bse)
PN.PALALAA Paararaa Rustle, rattle, creak, crackle (Bse)
CE.PAA-RARA Paarara Expose leaf, etc., to heat of fire (Bse)
EP.PA-RARE Parare Stammer, stutter; blunder, boob (Bse)
TA.PARARII Pararii Wrecked, smashed up (Bse)
PN.PALA-PALA Parapara Filth, anything that soils (Sve)
NP.PAALASI Paaraʔi Squash, crouch, brood or sit (as bird on nest), sit (on the ground), lie down (as pig or horse) (Bse)
CE.PARATA Parata Species of edible plant Problematic (Sve)
PN.PALAU Parau Pride, conceit (Bse)
TA.PAA-RAU Paarau Various pearl-shell oysters, including (Pinctada margaritifera) (Bse)
PN.PALE.1A Paare/a Thrust aside (Bse)
PN.PALE.2 Pare Hat, circlet, headdress; to wear a hat or other head covering (Bse)
FJ.PALE.3C Pare/pare Decline (of the sun) (Bse)
NP.PA-LEMO Paremo To drown (Mka)
FJ.PALI.1A Pari Cliff (Bse)
TA.PARI.2 Pari High. full, (of tide) (Bse)
TA.PARI.1 Pari Chop, lop, hack (Bse)
CE.PARIRI Pariri Exhausted, worked out (of soil) (Bse)
CP.PALOLO.A Paroro Small fish sp (Bse)
CP.PALOLO.A Paroro The cold months of a year (Sve)
CE.PARORO Paroro Barren, unproductive and not bearing crops (of land), famine-stricken, dearth, shortage, lean times; winter, cold months (Bse)
PN.PALU.1 Paru Snapper spp. (Etelis carbunculus) and (Pristipomides zonatus) (Bse)
AN.PALU.2 Paru Pulp, mud, slime ; yeast (Sve)
CE.PARU.1 Paru Ground-bait; lay ground bait (Bse)
CE.PARU.2 Paru Soft, weak, flexible ; supple, graceful, relaxed; soft and yielding, pliant, deflated (as tyre, balloon), slack (of rope) (Sve)
CE.PAA-RURU Paaruru Curtain, screen, partition (Sve)
CE.PANA.1B Pana Throb v (Bse)
PN.PAANAKI Paananaki To patch (as clothes, canoe sail) (Bse)
PN.PANE.A Pane Snout of shark (Bse)
EC.PANE.B Pane Glans of penis (Bse)
OC.PANI.1 Pani Paint, smear, rub oil on (Bse)
CE.PANI.2 Pani Spill over, overflow (Bse)
CE.PANI.2 Poo/pani/ Plug, stopper (Bse)
NP.PANOKO Panoko Suckerfish (Cheimarrichthys forsteri) (Bse)
TA.PA-ANU Paanu Drift or float freely (in water) (Bse)
PN.PAO.1 Pao-ʔia Strike (as with a club on the head; dig or nibble out, make a hole in something (Bse)
PN.PAPA.1B Papa Flat hard surface (Bse)
EP.PAPA.1C Papa Layer, stratum; recite (a genealogy), recount, relate (esp. historical events or tales of the past) (Bse)
CE.PAA-PAKA.* Paapaka Crab (Bse)
CE.PAPA-ARIGA Paapaaringa Cheek (Bse)
TA.PAPI Papi Jerk the pelvis forward as in intercourse and certain dance movements (Bse)
TA.PAPI Papi/papi Copulate (Bse)
CE.PAAPUU Paapuu Level, even, understandable, clear; certain (Bse)
PN.PA-SEKE Paʔeke Slip, slide (Bse)
CE.PAA-SERE.1 Paaʔere Cut or strip off (flesh, skin or layer of something), scratch, lacerate (Bse)
CE.PAA-SERE.2 Paere The name of an ancient spear Problematic (Sve)
TA.PA-SERU Paaʔeru Rummage or rake through, search thoroughly; comb (Bse)
EP.PASII Paʔii Large sea-going canoe; ship (Sve)
PN.PAASI Pangia Satisfied (of hunger, thirst) Borrowed (Bse)
CK.PAA-SII.1 Paaʔiiʔii Squashed, crushed, beaten up (Bse)

2365 entries found