Takuu entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.FIRO.1 Hilo Mix or intermingle (as in mixing swamp taro with fish) (Mle)
NP.FILOA Hiloa Variegated Emperorfish (Lethrinella variegatus) (Mle)
EC.FINA.1 Hina Sweetheart, lover (Mle)
NP.FUGAO-NA Hinaona Collective term for affines of the generation above one's spouse... Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
MP.FIRI.1 Hiri, f/firi (of hair, sennit cord) Braid, plait; fence, enclosure (Mle)
AN.FILI.1 Hiri Choose, select (Mle)
MP.FITI.1A Hiti Shifted, moved, risen, protruding, (of a disease) spread to another person (Mle)
NP.FITI.1B Hiti Risen (of sun) (Mle)
PN.FITI.2 Hiti Melanesian or dark-skinned person (Mle)
AN.FITU Hitu Seven (Mle)
PN.OO.1 Oo Fish taxon, very small fry of unknown species (Mle)
FJ.FOO.1 Hoo Kind of small silver fish caught in hand nets, commonly used as bait. Possibly Siganus fry or Caesio sp. (Mle)
MP.FOHE Hoe Paddle, oar, rudder...steering wheel...to paddle, row... (Mle)
PN.FOKI.2 Hoki Again, also, too; indicates continuation of verb action (Mle)
PN.FONO.1B Hono The built-up sides of a canoe; washstrake plank (Mle)
AN.FONU.1 Honu Deep (of water); high (of tide) (Mle)
AN.FOAKI Hookii Hand over, lend, give with expectation of return, pass something to someone Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
AN.FOLA Hora, vora Spread out, unfold, stretch (one's legs), open (one's arms), distribute over an area; display (Mle)
PN.MA-FOLA Maahora Flattened (Mle)
OC.TA-FOLA.1 Taahora Very smooth or flat (Mle)
AN.FOLAU Horau Voyage, journey, travel a long distance by sea; vessel, fleet (Mle)
PN.FOLO Horo (pl. f/foro) (pass. horomia) Swallow (v) (Mle)
CC.FOTA.1B Hota/hota Humid, muggy, stuffy (Mle)
MP.FOTO Hoto Barb of a stingray (Mle)
EO.FOTA.3 Hota Adze the interior of a canoe (Mle)
EO.FOTU.3A Hotu Penetrated, pierced, having a hole (through an object), holed; hole (through and object); vagina (Mle)
AN.FOQOU Hoou New (Mle)
PN.FUU.2A Huu To hide something; secret, secretly (Mle)
PN.FUA.5A Hua Denotes the absence of something normally present or expected; empty, bare, pure (Mle)
XO.FUA.7 Hua Sing (a song) (Mle)
AN.FUA.3A Hua Egg (of bird, fish, turtle, lizard, spider); piece of fruit (Mle)
EC.FUA.3B Hua Testicle (Mle)
PN.FUAFUA.3 Huahua Red Coral Trout or Leopard Cod (Plectropoma leopardus) Uncertain Semantic Connection (Mle)
SO.FUA-QI-TINO H(u)aitino The entire human body (Mle)
FJ.FUATA.2 Huata Season, as of fruit, taro, and migratory pelagic fish, esp. tuna (Mle)
OC.FUE.1A Hue Two types of ground creeper (Vigna marina, Canavalia maritima) (Mle)
PN.FUE.2 Hue Fan or swish away flies or mosquitoes (Mle)
PN.FUE.2 Hue/hue Fly-whisk (Mle)
PN.FUHI.A Hui Bunch (of coconuts or pandanus fruit, while on the tree); cluster of stones on the seabed (Mle)
OC.FUIA Huia Atoll Starling (Aplonis feadensi) (Mle)
PN.FUKAFUKA Hukahuka Tree with soft white wood that drifts to Takuu (Mle)
NP.FULA.2 Hula A women's dance reputedly introduced from Nukumanu in the 1950s (Mle)
PN.FUNE.1 Hune Core of a breadfruit (Mle)
SO.FUNU Hunu Pubic hair (Mle)
OC.FULE.A Hure Peel off (as of skin); graze (n) (Mle)
MP.FULI.1 Huri Capsize; turn something over or around; (thoughts, habits etc.) change (Mle)
MP.FULU.1 Huru Body feather of an adult bird... (Mle)
MP.FULU.2 Huru Paint oneself with turmeric dye (Mle)
MP.FULU-FULU Huruhuru Body hair, skin of a bird or pig, hide of an animal, fine rootlets covering a taro corm, downy feathers (Mle)
AN.FUTI.1 Huti Pull, hoist, catch fish with a line, pluck a chicken (Mle)

2219 entries found