Takuu entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.FAGA-MEA Hanamea Red Snapper (Lutjanus bohar) (Mle)
NP.FAANAU.B Haanau Give birth, lay an egg; be born (Mle)
PN.FAANAU.A Haanau Same-sex siblings (Mle)
NP.FANAU-GA Haanauna Descendant; relative (Mle)
AN.FANO.1 Hano Go (singular) (Mle)
OC.FANO.4 Hano Tree (Guettarda speciosa) (Mle)
OC.FAAGOTA Haanota Fish, catch fish (particularly by net or some means other than line fishing); pull in (a fish, line, or net) (Mle)
OC.FAQO.1C Hao Hole drilled in the side of a canoe used for lashings (Mle)
AN.FAQO.1A Hao Very small, chisel-shaped adze...; nail... (Mle)
AN.FARA Hara Pandanus (Mle)
MP.FALE Hare House, dwelling; chrysalis; hole in which an animal lives; clan (Mle)
NP.FALELO Harelo General term for coral (Mle)
PN.FAALIKI Haariki Put a carrying cloth beneath an infant; put one's hands under someone in order to lift them up; line the bottom of a basket with leaves (Mle)
PN.FAALOO.B Haaroo (of arm or neck) Stretch, crane the neck, raise hand to reach something (Mle)
FJ.FASI.B Hasi Cut, chop into pieces (kindling or taro) (Mle)
MP.FATA.1 Hata Shelf, outdoor platform with holes in its base, wire rack for smoking fish (Mle)
PN.FATA-FATA Hatahata Chest (of a human) (Mle)
NP.FATA.2 Hatahata Uneven surface of two badly joined pieces of wood or the ground where a bed is spread (Mle)
PN.FATI.D Hati Chorus, refrain of a song; to sing the chorus (Mle)
OC.FATI.A Hati Break into pieces; joint of the body (Mle)
XW.MA-FATI Mahati Cracked but retaining the same shape (Mle)
AN.FATU.2A Hatu Single hard object (stone, rock, coral head, grindstone...seed...callous...) (Mle)
PN.FATU-KALAA Hatu karaa Hard volcanic stone... (Mle)
PN.FATU-MANAVA Hatu manava Heart, mind, seat of the emotions; breath, stamina (Mle)
PN.FATU.1B Hatu Compose, fabricate, make up (story or pattern), invent (Mle)
PN.FATU.1C Hatu Fold, roll up, tuck (leg), bend (elbow or knee), (Mle)
NP.FATUKE.* Hatuke Sea urchin sp. (Mle)
MP.FAU.A Hau Tree, Sea Coast Mallow (Hibiscus tiliaceus) (Mle)
PN.FAQU.2 Hau Anything worn on the head or around the neck, e.g. leaf headband... (Mle)
OC.FAQU.1 Hau Bind, lash or fasten with rope; weave (Mle)
OC.FE- He- Prefix indicating: reciprocal action; simultaneous action by a group; doing something to oneself (Mle)
MP.FEE.1 Hee Where? When? Which? (Expects a less specific answer than with hea?) (Mle)
NP.FEA Hea Where exactly? Precisely where? Which one? (Mle)
CP.FEQATA.A Heata Fish sp., Flowery Cod (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) (Mle)
XO.FEATU Heatu Quarrel, fight, argue (Mle)
SO.FEKAU.B Hekau Fishing activities in general, work; ceremonial obligations of each elder and ritual assistant (Mle)
PN.FEKE-FEKE Hekeheke Boil or abscess anywhere on the body and before it has burst (Mle)
PN.FELA Hela Stand with legs wide apart (Mle)
PN.FENUA.*B Henua People of a place, entire population (Mle)
NP.FENUA.*C Henua Placenta, afterbirth (Mle)
NP.FENUQU.A* Henu/i A loose leaf inserted into material being plaited or woven... (Mle)
MP.FETAQU Hetau Polynesian Mahogany (Calophyllum inophyllum) (Mle)
AN.FETUQU Hetuu Star, constellation, planet; starfish spp. (Mle)
PN.UGA He/una To work; work, job, task, occupation (Mle)
AN.FIHA.A Hia How many? How much? (Mle)
PN.FIA-FIA Hiahia Happy, joyful (Mle)
CP.FIA- Hii- Desire, want (desiderative verb prefix denoting an action not normally done) (Mle)
XO.FII-KAI.* Hiikai Hungry, want to eat; hunger (Mle)
OC.FIGOTA Hiinota Various kinds of shellfish having edible contents, seafood gathered by women (Mle)
EO.FILO Hilo Roll sennit strands on one's thighs to make rope (Mle)

2219 entries found