West Futuna entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.PITO.2 Pih/pito/kai Restes pour le lendemain (Rve)
PN.POKI.1 Poki kutu, poki/a Epouiller (Rve)
NP.POGA-A-ISU Poronga isu Trou du nez Phonologically Irregular (Rve)
PN.PUU.2 Pu/kake Jaillir (eau), sortir (Rve)
PN.KUPU.2 Puku toro Jointed section of sugar cane. Intervale entre noeuds (Rve). Phonologically Irregular (Dty)
SO.PULI Pu/puri/a Tightly wrapped; wrinkled. Enrouler (ligne) (Rve). (Dty)
OC.PULAPULA H/pura To plant, cover seeds (or other crops such as roots) with earth (Dty)
OC.PULAPULA Pura Enfoncer plant (Rve)
MP.PUSA.2 Pusa Vapeur (Rve)
PN.PUSAKI Pusaki/na To smash something to bits. Bouteille qui se brise en morceaux (Rve). Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dty)
PN.PUTO Putogi-a Cover, wrap. Panser, couvrir, mettre une feuille (Rve). (Dty)
PN.KASI.2 Pwaru/kasi (Rastrelliger kanagurta) [Indian mackerel] (Rve). Uncertain Semantic Connection (Rve)
MP.LAI Pworu/rai (Scomberoides lysan) (Rve). (Rve)
EO.ULA.1A Ura Flame (n) (Dty)
PN.ULA.1B Ura To redden; reddish; ripe (Dty)
PN.TARA Tara veihtoka Dépassement du toit devant la maison (Rve)
MP.MAHUKU Rakau mouku Arbre à fruits non comestibles (Rve)
AN.FANUA.A Rakau fanua Arbre à fruits comestibles (Rve)
MP.QATUA Rakau otua Priest, diviner. Bon sorcier, médicin (Rve). (Dty)
PN.LAGA.1C Ranga/ranga Briser le sol avec pieu (Rve)
OC.LAGO.2 Rago/na To budy surf, catch waves (garu as object) (Dty)
OC.LAGO.2 Lago To surf Phonologically Irregular (Dty)
OC.LAGO.2 H/lago garu Body surfing, wave catching (vi) (Dty)
OC.LAGO.2 Rango/nake Glisser avec la vague à l'abordage (Rve)
NP.ALAALA Rara/marari (Caranx sexfasciatus) (Rve)
AN.HALA Re/tu Road, path, way of doing (Dty)
AN.RIKI H/liki Small (Dty)
PN.LOHOLOHO Roro Pédoncle noix (Rve)
AN.MATA.2A (Mah)mata Green (color) (Dty)
MP.LUA.1 Ruo/ki/nea, ruakina (Cpl), roukinia (Rve) The cooking oven (Dty)
MP.LUA.1 Ro/ki/nea Depression made in the ground to use for cooking, stone oven (Dty)
PN.LAULAU Raurau A covering made of leaves used to protect starchy puddings while cooking (Dty)
PN.LAULAU Raurau ipu. Rourou/ipu (Rve) Coconut shell kava cup. Bol, verre (Rve). (Cpl)
SO.MAQAA Ma Sister-in-law (of woman); female cross-cousin (Dty)
XO.FAI-.6 Hai- Prefix to most of the basic kinship terms indicating a reciprocal relationship between the base and closely associated kin (Ebt)
XO.FAI-.6 Fei Reciprocal particle used with personal nouns in the dual, trial or plural... (Dty)
OC.HURU.A Ru- To move (with directional particle) (exs. into, out of) (Dty)
OC.HURU.A Ru/fia To move something (Dty)
OC.SALU.1 Sa/sara Débrousser (Rve)
NP.SOMO.2 Somo A plant, vine; to grow (of plants) (Cpl)
CP.TIKO.A Jiko To defecate (Dty)
CP.SIGA.A Siga To limp. Boiter (avec blessure sous pieds) (Rve). Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dty)
CP.SIGA.A Siga/siga To become lame, to limp; to hop on one leg Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dty)
PN.TINO.C Jino Appearance, image; impression of something, sign or mark of something (Dty)
AN.SALATO Sirato Plante urticante. Dendrocnide spp. (Wly). Phonologically Irregular (Rve)
MP.LAKA.1 Sop/raka/ia To leap over (Dty)
NP.SOLO.2B Soro naleaji Pate de taro (Rve)
NP.SUGALE Sugare (Halichoeres nebulosus [wrasse]) (Rve)
MP.SUKI.A Suk nifo Se curer les dents (Rve)
PN.SIKU-MATA Sukumata Coin extérieur de l'oeil (Rve)

1908 entries found