West Futuna entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
MP.TOKO.1A | H/toka | Pousser le radeau du fond Phonologically Irregular | (Rve) |
AN.TUKI.A | Vax/tuki | To resist; a quarrel, fight | (Cpl) |
OC.WELA.B | H/vera | Chaleur; il fait chaud | (Rve) |
OC.WE-WELA | H/vela, h/vera | Chaleur; il fait chaud | (Rve) |
OC.FATI.A | Koi fasi/ake ta ra | Aube (le soleil apparait) Phonologically Irregular | (Rve) |
PN.TILI.1A | Jiri/jiri | To catch large surface or game fish such as tuna and kingfish with flyfish bait, casting and reeling in; to troll | (Dty) |
FJ.LII.2 | Koi ri/jia | Le noeud se referme | (Rve) |
PN.KOGA | Konga isu | Haut du nez, entre les deux yeux | (Rve) |
FJ.TAKAPE | Kape | (Lutjanus coatesi (bohar) [Two-spot Red Snapper]) | (Rve) |
FJ.TAKAPE | Kape/kanu | (Lutjanus kasmira [Bluestripe Snapper]) | (Rve) |
MP.PAA.1 | Kou/pa, kau/pa | Fence (esp. of sticks) | (Dty) |
PN.KOLOA | Karoa | Magnifique Phonologically Irregular | (Rve) |
PN.KOLOA | Tuku karoa | "Mon trésor" (à un enfant) Phonologically Irregular | (Rve) |
PN.KASI.2 | Kasi | (Scomber japonicus [Pacific Chub Mackerel]) (Rve) | (Rve) |
FJ.TAE.2B | Kau/tae | Filet pour poissons volants | (Rve) |
PN.MANU-MEA | Manumea | Bird sp. (red head, black body). Myzomela cardinalis (Cardinal Honey-eater) (Rve). | (Dty) |
PN.KULA.1B | Sara kura | Parrot. Vini palmarum (loriquet des palmes) (Rve). | (Dty) |
PN.SEGA.1 | Sima/sima | Bird sp. Phonologically Irregular | (Dty) |
PN.SEGA.1 | Sema/sema | Oiseau (petit rouge) Phonologically Irregular | (Rve) |
NP.TUU.1 | Tuu | Tourterelle | (Rve) |
OC.SIWILI | Uini uini. Wini/wini (Rve). | Bird sp. | (Dty) |
SO.PUQAO | Poa, pa (ANI) | Cloud | (Dty) |
PN.PUKU.2 | Puku (pl. h/puku) | To sit | (Dty) |
PN.PUKU.2 | (H)puku | Round (two or three dimensional form without sharp edges or straight sides) | (Dty) |
PN.PUKU.2 | Fa/sa/puku/a | Fermer le poing | (Rve) |
PN.TATAU.3 | Fa/tataw/ia | Essorer main de dessus vers droite | (Rve) |
PN.FAKA-TONU.A | Fakatonu/sia | To adjust something, set it right | (Dty) |
PN.FAKA-TONU.C | Faka/toh/tonu/sia | To talk something over and make it straight, to settle a dispute, solve a problem, explain something | (Dty) |
PN.FEFEKA | Feka | A moitié sec (coco) | (Rve) |
AN.FONU.2 | Fonu | Punaise d'eau | (Rve) |
OC.FAQU.1 | Fou vaka | Amarrer | (Rve) |
OC.FAQU.1 | Fou/sia na pakasi | Ligoter un cochon | (Rve) |
MP.FULU.2 | Furu/na (kea) | Enduire | (Rve) |
OC.KAAKAA.1A | Kaa | Parrot | (Dty) |
PN.FAKA-TUPU.C | Faka(h)tupu | Assemble, meet... | (Dty) |
PN.FAKA-TUPU.C | Fakatupu/ria | Pile up, heap, gather together | (Dty) |
PN.KALAWA.2 | Karava | Mal de l'oeil (blanc) | (Rve) |
CE.KOFE-KOFE | Ko(h)kofe | Native cabbage Problematic | (Dty) |
NP.KAMO.2 | Kem/kemu | S'approcher sans fair du bruit; attraper | (Rve) |
PN.LAU-GUTU | Kiri rangutu | Lèvre inférieure | (Rve) |
PN.KINI.2A | Kiri/jia | To hit, pound; to bang into. Fouetter; battre la bourre avant de faire ficelle (Rve). Phonologically Irregular | (Dty) |
OC.KOFU.2 | Kofu/kofu | A species of spider that makes a large, fine web which appears to be a misty film (This spider is sacred and embodies an important spirit.) Toile d'araignée (Rve). | (Dty) |
PN.MATUQA.B | Ko/motua | Jardin nouveau, jamais planté auparavant | (Rve) |
AN.KAU.3 | Kou kau | Poutre horizontale du toit | (Dty) |
OC.KAU-KAU | Kou kau | Nager le croul | (Rve) |
PN.MAKA.B | Maka/kafa | Fronde (arc) (ancienne) | (Rve) |
NP.PULA.3 | H/pula | Squirrelfish (Myripristis spp.) Phonologically Irregular | (Fkm) |
PN.TALAKISI | Tarakesi | Squirrelfish (Adioryx and Flammeo spp.) | (Fkm) |
PN.PALU.1 | Pwaro | Pule-fish Problematic | (Fkm) |
OC.KOHO | Koo ko hfine | Blue marlin | (Fkm) |
1905 entries found