West Futuna entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
AN.KIKILA Kira Pure, chaste, clean (Dty)
FJ.LEU H/leu Ripe; to ripen; (of leaves) to turn color (from green to reddish, yellowish or brown) (Dty)
PN.TAGALOA.B Tagaroa Sea snake (Dty)
PN.TAGALOA.B Kava/taŋaro (ANI) A kind of shell (Cpl)
PN.TAGALOA.B Vaka taŋaro (ANI) Nautilus (Cpl)
PN.GAQATI Gaj/a ipu Empty headed, numbskull. Crâne (Rve). (Dty)
FJ.LII.2 Ri/jia To tie up, bind, wrap; to bandage. Ligoter un cochon; ficeler laplap (Rve). (Dty)
OC.KANO.1A (H)kano/uri Flesh [Aniwa Dialect] (Dty)
OC.KANO.1A Kan/tea Animal fat, white meat (Dty)
NP.KANO-FI-MATA Kano mata White of eye (Dty)
SO.PULI Taka/puri/hpuri Soft and wrinkled; crushed; crumpled. Froissé (Rve). (Dty)
SO.LEKA.3 Reka (ANI) To belch (Dty)
NP.KALI-KAO Karikao Trocas (Rve)
AN.KASO.1 Kaso/ki Riders; stringers for attaching thatch which run parallel to the rafters of a roof. Petit solive verticale (Rve). (Dty)
PN.KAU-HAGA Kauaga, kouaga Groin (Dty)
AN.AKA.A Ka/i, no/aka Root (Dty)
OC.KAWIKI Kaviki White sand crab (Dty)
SO.TAKA-WIRI Takavini To twist, turn, spiral Phonologically Irregular (Dty)
SO.TAKA-WIRI Takavini/vini Wavy, coiled, twisted Phonologically Irregular (Dty)
SO.TAKA-WIRI (Ta)kavinvini Boucle Phonologically Irregular (Rve)
EO.KI-KITE Hkite A sign of something, remembrance or a sign of something to come... (Dty)
FJ.FOLI.1 Faka/fori-a To turn over 180 degrees, flip over, turn upside down. Chavirer (Rve). (Dty)
NP.TUKE-MATA Tu(h)/tukemata Eyebrows. Sourcils, arcade sourcillière (Rve). (Dty)
NP.KAMO.2 (H)kemu Sneak (up on), creep (away) Phonologically Irregular (Dty)
PN.TATUU Tatu, htatu, tetu To throw, to cast about recklessly (Dty)
PN.KIKII No kiki ano nifo Ses dents font du bruit (grincer les dents) (Rve)
PN.LAU-GUTU Ragutu. Ragotu (Cpl). Mouth, beak (Dty)
PN.TOQO.1 Ko/h/to Attraper (Rve)
PN.TOQO.1 To/to/mia To grasp hard, to do violence to (Dty)
OC.KOHO (Ko)ko/ia To husk coconuts. Enlever avec pieu (Rve). (Dty)
NP.LOMA.1 Lom/loma Rising, approaching high tide (of the sea). Monter (mer) (Rve). (Dty)
PN.KOGA Koga fanua Border of land (Dty)
PN.KOGA Koga vaka Mid section of canoe (Dty)
PN.KOGA Konga/rima Bras (Rve)
EC.KAVAU Kovau Crier pour le plaisir, faire du tapage (Rve)
OC.KUKU.2 Kuku Mussel (Dty)
RO.KOLILI Kuriri Oiseau bord de mer non-identifié Phonologically Irregular (Rve)
PN.POKI.1 Poki-a To beat, strike, pound; to clap; to poke about (Dty)
PN.LUKU.B Luku/jia To carry cradled in one's arms (Dty)
FJ.LUKU.A Luku/Sia Porter (cocos) contre la poitrine (Rve)
AN.MATA.1A Mah/mata Appearance, likeness, face (Dty)
PN.MAA-GALO.1 Faka/mangaro/a Lever un tabou (Rve)
FU.MAPU-SAKI Mapu sakei Haleter (Rve)
FU.MAPU-SAKI Mapu sakei Haleter (Rve)
PN.MAROO Niu maro Coco qui vient de tomber (Rve)
MP.MALUU.A Maru/ru Flabby (Dty)
MP.MATA-QI-HUHU Mata uu Téton (Rve)
OC.SIFI Mesi/sifi/e Copeau de bois (Rve)
OC.MISI.B Mis/ekina To chew sugarcane (Cpl). (Dty)
OC.MISI.B Mih/mis/akina Boire bruyamment (Rve)

1908 entries found