West Futuna entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
AN.KIKILA | Kira | Pure, chaste, clean | (Dty) |
FJ.LEU | H/leu | Ripe; to ripen; (of leaves) to turn color (from green to reddish, yellowish or brown) | (Dty) |
PN.TAGALOA.B | Tagaroa | Sea snake | (Dty) |
PN.TAGALOA.B | Kava/taŋaro (ANI) | A kind of shell | (Cpl) |
PN.TAGALOA.B | Vaka taŋaro (ANI) | Nautilus | (Cpl) |
PN.GAQATI | Gaj/a ipu | Empty headed, numbskull. Crâne (Rve). | (Dty) |
FJ.LII.2 | Ri/jia | To tie up, bind, wrap; to bandage. Ligoter un cochon; ficeler laplap (Rve). | (Dty) |
OC.KANO.1A | (H)kano/uri | Flesh [Aniwa Dialect] | (Dty) |
OC.KANO.1A | Kan/tea | Animal fat, white meat | (Dty) |
NP.KANO-FI-MATA | Kano mata | White of eye | (Dty) |
SO.PULI | Taka/puri/hpuri | Soft and wrinkled; crushed; crumpled. Froissé (Rve). | (Dty) |
SO.LEKA.3 | Reka (ANI) | To belch | (Dty) |
NP.KALI-KAO | Karikao | Trocas | (Rve) |
AN.KASO.1 | Kaso/ki | Riders; stringers for attaching thatch which run parallel to the rafters of a roof. Petit solive verticale (Rve). | (Dty) |
PN.KAU-HAGA | Kauaga, kouaga | Groin | (Dty) |
AN.AKA.A | Ka/i, no/aka | Root | (Dty) |
OC.KAWIKI | Kaviki | White sand crab | (Dty) |
SO.TAKA-WIRI | Takavini | To twist, turn, spiral Phonologically Irregular | (Dty) |
SO.TAKA-WIRI | Takavini/vini | Wavy, coiled, twisted Phonologically Irregular | (Dty) |
SO.TAKA-WIRI | (Ta)kavinvini | Boucle Phonologically Irregular | (Rve) |
EO.KI-KITE | Hkite | A sign of something, remembrance or a sign of something to come... | (Dty) |
FJ.FOLI.1 | Faka/fori-a | To turn over 180 degrees, flip over, turn upside down. Chavirer (Rve). | (Dty) |
NP.TUKE-MATA | Tu(h)/tukemata | Eyebrows. Sourcils, arcade sourcillière (Rve). | (Dty) |
NP.KAMO.2 | (H)kemu | Sneak (up on), creep (away) Phonologically Irregular | (Dty) |
PN.TATUU | Tatu, htatu, tetu | To throw, to cast about recklessly | (Dty) |
PN.KIKII | No kiki ano nifo | Ses dents font du bruit (grincer les dents) | (Rve) |
PN.LAU-GUTU | Ragutu. Ragotu (Cpl). | Mouth, beak | (Dty) |
PN.TOQO.1 | Ko/h/to | Attraper | (Rve) |
PN.TOQO.1 | To/to/mia | To grasp hard, to do violence to | (Dty) |
OC.KOHO | (Ko)ko/ia | To husk coconuts. Enlever avec pieu (Rve). | (Dty) |
NP.LOMA.1 | Lom/loma | Rising, approaching high tide (of the sea). Monter (mer) (Rve). | (Dty) |
PN.KOGA | Koga fanua | Border of land | (Dty) |
PN.KOGA | Koga vaka | Mid section of canoe | (Dty) |
PN.KOGA | Konga/rima | Bras | (Rve) |
EC.KAVAU | Kovau | Crier pour le plaisir, faire du tapage | (Rve) |
OC.KUKU.2 | Kuku | Mussel | (Dty) |
RO.KOLILI | Kuriri | Oiseau bord de mer non-identifié Phonologically Irregular | (Rve) |
PN.POKI.1 | Poki-a | To beat, strike, pound; to clap; to poke about | (Dty) |
PN.LUKU.B | Luku/jia | To carry cradled in one's arms | (Dty) |
FJ.LUKU.A | Luku/Sia | Porter (cocos) contre la poitrine | (Rve) |
AN.MATA.1A | Mah/mata | Appearance, likeness, face | (Dty) |
PN.MAA-GALO.1 | Faka/mangaro/a | Lever un tabou | (Rve) |
FU.MAPU-SAKI | Mapu sakei | Haleter | (Rve) |
FU.MAPU-SAKI | Mapu sakei | Haleter | (Rve) |
PN.MAROO | Niu maro | Coco qui vient de tomber | (Rve) |
MP.MALUU.A | Maru/ru | Flabby | (Dty) |
MP.MATA-QI-HUHU | Mata uu | Téton | (Rve) |
OC.SIFI | Mesi/sifi/e | Copeau de bois | (Rve) |
OC.MISI.B | Mis/ekina | To chew sugarcane (Cpl). | (Dty) |
OC.MISI.B | Mih/mis/akina | Boire bruyamment | (Rve) |
1908 entries found