Reconstruction Level: EO - Eastern Oceanic

Reconstruction Description
LIKU.1 Back side or windward side of island
RUFI.1 Fish sp (Caranx lugubris)
LULU.1A Barn owl (Tyto alba)
MA-.1 Stativising prefix: *ma(a)-
MA-FOA.A Broken open, cracked open
MAFUIKE Earthquake
MAGA.2 Orifice; be open
MALALA Charcoal
MA-LAMA Moon, month
MANA-UI A large tree (Garuga floribunda)
MAPE.A Tahitian chestnut (Inocarpus fagifer(us) [= edulis]): *ma(a)pe(e)
MASUI Left (not right)
MATA.1C Point, blade, cutting-edge (of a weapon or instrument)
MATA-LIKI.B A star cluster, the Pleiades; name of a month or season
MAUII Left (not right)
MILO.1 A tree (Thespesia populnea)
MOKA.1 White, light in colour
MU-MUNI Hide oneself
NOA.1 Be common, worthless
NOO-GIA To ask for something, solicit
NUANUA. Rainbow
OFAGA Birdnest
OPE.2 Be afloat
QOTA.2 Dregs, residue (of coconut etc.)
PAITO Cookhouse
PAASUA Tridacna clam sp
PATA.2 Banana sp
POKO.1 Extinguished
POLI.A Folds of fat
PUUPUU.2 Univalve shellfish
PUUTEE Bag, sack
SAQALO Scrape, clean by scraping, rub smooth
SAU.6 Wind, breeze; to blow (of wind)
SAQU.2 Carry, lift, take
SELE.2 Knife; cut
SELE.3 Beloved, prized
SINU.2 A shrub or tree with irritating sap (perhaps Phaleria sp.)
SOLI.1 Give or trade
SONI.A Incise, cut into
SUA.3 To paddle a canoe
SULA Appear (Rby)
TAA.1A Strike, beat, kill
TAFA.1A Side, edge; beside
TAFAA Coconut shell container
TAFI To sweep
TAHI.2 (Heart)wood (particularly of Cordia subcordata)
TAKI.1 To lead, tow, guide
TAQO.1 Cook in earth oven
TAPA.2 Labia

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