Reconstruction Level: MP - Malayo-Polynesian

Reconstruction Description
GALU.1 Wave (of sea)
GII Shrill sound
GIGIE Coastal shrub or small tree sp. (Pemphis acidula) (Clk)
GUGU.2 Rheumatism, arthritis
GULU Grunt, rumble
GUTU.A Mouth, lip, beak, orifice
HAGA.1 Span (measurement)
HAI Who?
HIKO-FI Tongs, pincers (Clk)
HUI Bone
KAFA.1 Sennit, coconut husk fibre
KAFU.A To cover, covering (esp. of person); clothing, put on clothing
KAHA.1 To burn (intransitive): *(ka)kaha
KAMI.1 Open and shut mouth, gills
KANAWA A tree (Cordia subcordata): *ka(a)nawa
KAPU.1A Cup-like container
KASI.1 Bivalve shellfish (Asaphidae)
KASO.2 Reed (Miscanthus floridulus)
KATA.2 Sprig of kava (Piper sp.); stem (of flower or fruit)
KATO.1 Basket
KAWE.1A Tentacle (of octopus etc.)
KAWE.2A To carry something
KEMO Wink, blink
KIE.A Pandanus sp. used for making fine mats
KILA.2 Open eyes wide, stare: *(ki)kila
KILO Look (sideways) at
KIU.1 Plover or other wading bird
KOLO.2 Intend, desire
KOMI Close the jaws on
KOPA.2 Weak, lame
KOPI.A Double together, fold
KOOPUU.A Fish gullet
KULU.1 Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis)
KUMI.3A Squeeze in the hand, grasp
KUMU.2 Rinse the mouth; hold liquid in mouth
QI Ligative enclitic of possession: -Qi
IA.2 Demonstrative particle: that, those (previously mentioned)
QIGO.1 Discontented
IKE Tapa beater
QILA Natural mark on skin
INU Drink
IO.1 Yes
QITA Anger, angry
LAFA-LAFA Flat and/or broad: *la(fa)lafa
LAI Fish sp. (Scomberoides sancti-patri)
LAKA.1 Go, step, step over
LAPA.1A Flat, broad: *lapa(lapa)

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