Reconstruction Level: NP - Nuclear Polynesian

Reconstruction Description
FAQAKI Disclose information about, tell
SAAKILI.2 Curse, use bad language *saakili(kili)
FAA-KULE Search head for lice
FALA-FALA.2 Freshwater eel
FALELO Coral sp. (probably staghorn) (Hwd)
FAALOA A fish, Spotted Sea Bass (Epinephelus tauvina)
FANAKE.* Ascend, rise
FAANAU.B Bear child, give birth; be born: *fa(a)nau
FANAU-GA A consanguineous kin group
FATA.2 Gape; gap
FAATELO Stick out the tongue
FATI-GA Joint, esp. knee or elbow
FATITILI.* Thunder: *fa(a)(ti)tili
FATU.2B Kidney
FATUKE.* Slate-pencil urchins (Heterocentrotus spp.)
FEE-.3 Be like
FEA Where? which?
FEEKAU Excrement, guts
FE-KITE See or meet one another
FENUU.* Afterbirth, placenta
FENUQU.A* Strand of rope or cord; single element in plaiting, netting, etc.: *fenu(u)
FENUA.*A Country, land
FENUA.*C Placenta, afterbirth
FIFI.2A Entangled; confused
FIFI.2B Intestines
FIFI.3 Extensions from a body, as antennae, rays
FILOA Fish spp. (Lethrinus and Lethrinella spp.)
FIO Whistle
FITI.1B Climb, go up, rise, appear (esp. of heavenly bodies)
FOQAGA.* Abrasive stone, grindstone: *fo(q)(o)anga
FOKA Move suddenly, as against an adversary, or involuntarily when asleep
FUAAGA Relative, kinsman
FUE.1B Calabash-gourd (Lagenaria)
FUGAO-NA Affine of alternate generation
FUKA.2 Foam
FULA.2 Dance: *(f, s)ula
FULU.3 Appearance, nature, sort
FUNA.1B Put on loincloth or similar garment
FUNE.2 The itch, scabies; be itchy
GAE.A Out of breath; gasp, pant, wheeze: *ga(q)(ei)-(-ga(q)(ei))
GAQI-GAQI Out of breath
GAA-LAFU Charcoal
GAALULU.B Headache, nausea
GAAOQI Hurt, sore
GA-SAE Torn, rent
GA-TASI United, together, equal (Rby): *ga(a)tasi
GATOLO.2 A repetitive sound (e.g. rattle, of surf)
GEGE Weary

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