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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tokelau XW.TOQO-TOQOGA Tootooga Part, organ
East Futuna PN.TOTO-TOTO Totototo/a Suffused with blood
Hawaiian PN.TOTO-TOTO Kokoko Bloody
Nukuoro PN.TOTO-TOTO Dotodo Bloody (of person)
Pukapuka PN.TOTO-TOTO Totototo Bloody
Rotuman PN.TOTO-TOTO Tototo Blood-stained Problematic
Samoan PN.TOTO-TOTO Totototo Bloody
Tikopia PN.TOTO-TOTO Tototo Bloody
Tongan PN.TOTO-TOTO Totototo Bloodshot, blood-coloured
Tuamotu PN.TOTO-TOTO Totototo Suffused with blood
Rarotongan OC.TOU.1 Tou Pacific Rosewood (Cordia subcordata)
Waya OC.TOU.1 Tou/tou A large tree with soft wood good for carving, outriggers and rafts
Easter Island PN.TOOUA Tooua Yolk of egg
Hawaiian PN.TOOUA Kauwoo-melemele Yolk of egg
Hawaiian PN.TOOUA Kauwoo-keʔokeʔo White of egg
New Zealand Maori PN.TOOUA Tooua Yolk of egg, roe of fish
New Zealand Maori PN.TOOUA Toohua Yolk of egg, roe of fish
Tuamotu PN.TOOUA Toouo Eggs of any kind
Tuamotu PN.TOOUA Tooua Abdomen of coconut crab
Easter Island AN.TUQU.1 Tuʔu Stand, arrive; mast, shaft. Put (on top of, e.g. a book on a table) (Wbr).
Takuu PN.QUFI-QULU Uhouru, hoouru Hat, cap; to wear a hat Phonologically Irregular
Luangiua CP.TUAHI Kuai Stool
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.TUQA.1B Tua Roof framework; upper shiny surface of coconut leaf
Waya EO.TUKUFALA (Kutu)vala Barringtonia edulis, with large seed, edible raw or cooked
Takuu PN.TUQA.1C Tua Ocean side of an island (as opposed to the lagoon side)
Hawaiian NP.TUQA-AKAU Kuaʔau Basin inside the reef; lagoon
Kapingamarangi CP.TUAHI Duai Stool for grating coconuts
Rennellese CP.TUAHI Tuai Spoon for grating coconuts
Takuu CP.TUAHI Tuai Wooden three-legged stool for grating coconut; coconut-grater commonly used as a stool itself
Niue OC.TUAI Tuai Old, ancient; stale (of food); (postverbal) marks perfect aspect: already, early
Takuu CP.TUAKI Tuaki Stuff and cook (a turtle, fish, bird, etc.)
Luangiua PN.TUQA-SIWI Kuasivi New moon Uncertain Semantic Connection
New Zealand Maori EO.TUFA.1 Tuwha, tuha Distribute [exx. food, fish]
Tikopia EO.TUFA.1 Tufa Distribute food etc.
West Futuna EO.TUFA.1 Tufa To give, present to; gift, present; to distribute food
Samoan AN.TUFU.1 Tufu Pool or spring of fresh water situated near the shore
New Zealand Maori PN.TUGA.A Tunga Larva of (Prionoplus reticularis); decayed tooth, toothache; worm-eaten, rotten (of timber)
Tuamotu PN.TUGA.A Tuŋa Insect larva found in dead wood, maggot
Tongan PN.TUGA.B Tunga Knot (in wood)
Samoan PN.TUQU-GA.1 Tuuga Portion beyond the appointed share of food or property; a privilege which some are allowed to ask for; acquisition of all the great titles
Rennellese PN.TUQU-GAQA Tuʔungaʔa Poor, destitute; to need to urinate or defecate
Rennellese PN.TUUGAKI Tuungaki Light up, illuminate, as a room Problematic
Takuu AN.TUI Tui Pierce with a sharp object, pin pandanus leaves to a stick to construct thatch panels; pin, sharpened stick, wooden needle used to tie thatch panels to the rafters
Vaeakau-Taumako FJ.TUI-TUI.2 Tutui A tree with small leaves, its wood is used for house posts Problematic
Hawaiian PN.TUU-KAU.A Kuuʔau Stem, stick, mallet, shank of hook
Luangiua PN.TUU-KAU.A Kuʔau Bamboo fishing pole
Samoan PN.TUU-KAU.A Tuʔau Wooden butt lashed to end of rod
Easter Island PN.TUKE.1 Tuke Stalk, stem, shoot, sprout
Tongan PN.TUKE.1 Tuke Stump of tree, limb, tooth
Ifira-Mele AN.TUKI.A Tuki/a Hit, pound, knock on (door)