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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Sa'a PN.HUQA Lue Flood-tide
Luangiua SO.UFU.2 (ʔ)Uhu Pull out, uproot
Kapingamarangi PN.QUGA-KOA Unga-goo Mollusc sp, (Vermetid gastropod sp.)
Niue PN.QUGA-KOA Ungakoo Mollusc sp. (with cylindrical shell, usually attached to rocks or flat reef, sometimes in spiral form...). A limpet (McE).
Nukuoro PN.QUGA-KOA Unga-goo Vermetid gastropod sp
Penrhyn PN.QUGA-KOA Ungakoa, ungakoo Wormshell, marine worm staying in a tubular shell (not a Penrhynese word)
Tahitian PN.QUGA-KOA Uʔaʔoo Vermet; mollusque qui vit dans des tubes calcaires sur le récif
Tikopia PN.QUGA-KOA Ungakoo Teredo mollusc, boring into timber
Tongan PN.QUGA-KOA ʔUngakoo Small inedible shellfish
Tuamotu PN.QUGA-KOA Uŋakoo Medium growth stage of edible marine worm
Easter Island EP.UHI Uhi Bone needle used in tattooing
Hawaiian EP.UHI Uhi Solid tattooing
New Zealand Maori EP.UHI Uhi Tattooing chisel
Tuamotu EP.UHI Uhi A tattooing chisel
Niue OC.UKA.A Uka An arrowroot scraper (made of sinnet bound round a piece of wood)
Anuta XO.UKA.B Uka Muscle, sinew, blood vessel
Takuu XO.UKA.B Uka Vein, artery, blood vessel, pulse
New Zealand Maori PN.UKA.C Uka Hard, firm, long-lasting; staunch blood
Samoan PN.UKA.C Uʔa(uʔa) Tough. Gummy (of foods), glutinous
Tokelau PN.UKA.C Uka/ukaa Sinewy, muscular; look powerful (of body)
Takuu EO.ULA.1A Ura Burn with an open flame, be burning; flare (as on a ship), meteorite, shooting star, lightning bolt, skyrocket
Tongan MP.URU.2 Uu Spread out hot stones in native oven before putting food on them
Tahitian PN.QULU.2 Uru Préfixe désignant une zone où poussent des espèces végétales ou des coraux. A thicket of wood; also of coral in the sea (Dvs).
Tikopia PN.QULU.2 Uru/ao Woods, natural vegetation
East Futuna MP.QULUGA ʔUluga Wooden pillow
Tahitian MP.QULUGA Urua The native pillow; the too or body of a god when wrapped up
Tikopia MP.QULUGA Uruga Pillow of wood, anything used to rest head on
Nukuoro OC.UMA.A Uma Chestbone of bird (used as tool)
West Futuna AN.QUMAGA Umaga Seed, seedling, sprout, shoot
Niue CP.QUMITI Umiti To crave (for sea food)
Rennellese CP.QUMITI ʔUmiti Crave flesh foods
Tongan CP.QUMITI ʔUmisi Crave for seafood
Easter Island MP.QUMU.1A ʔUmu Horno de cocina nativo; curanto, alimento cocido en el horno. Cookhouse; stove (Wbr).
East Futuna MP.QUMU.1A ʔUmu Earth oven, food so cooked
Hawaiian MP.QUMU.1A Imu Underground oven, food cooked in such
Kapingamarangi MP.QUMU.1A Imu Oven (under ground); cook house
Niue MP.QUMU.1A Umu Earth oven; oven-cooked food
Nukuoro MP.QUMU.1A Umu Oven, cookhouse
Samoan MP.QUMU.1A Umu Oven, food cooked in oven
Sikaiana MP.QUMU.1A Umu Earth oven; mound of earth, especially for planting root crops
Tahitian MP.QUMU.1A Umu Réchaud, fourneau, four (actuellement se dit surtout des fours construits au-dessus du sol à l'exception du umu tii). The native oven for baking food (Dvs).
Tokelau MP.QUMU.1A Umu Oven; cooking house
Tongan MP.QUMU.1A ʔUmu Oven, food cooked in oven
New Zealand Maori NP.QUMU.1B Umu/tuupaapaku Halo around the moon
Rennellese NP.QUMU.1B ʔUmu Ring around the moon or sun
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.UNU.1 Unu/ia To loose, untie
Tongan AN.UNU.1 Unu(hi) Pull out, draw out (a sword, a tooth)
Tuamotu CE.UOA Uooa. Uoa (Bct). A variety of fish; the mullet. Mulet argenté (Neomyxus leuciscus) (Bct).
Tahitian NP.USI.2 Uhi Shoots or suckers of taro, plantains, &c.
Pukapuka PN.QUSI Uyi Dark (of flora) :as tai uyi, dark heartwood; also leaves