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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Niuafo'ou PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood
Fijian PN.LOO-LOO Droo/droo A current of the sea....; to flow Uncertain Semantic Connection
Samoan PN.LOO-LOO Loo/loo To be wet, as the clothes
Tokelau PN.LOO-LOO Lo/loo Steep (v), plunge; dip
Tokelau PN.LOO-LOO Loo/loo (Of a fisherman cathing skipjack with a rod) have the tip of one's rod dragged down into the water by a fighting skipjack
Takuu PN.LOFI Loohi/a (Of a canoe) take in water
Niuafo'ou AN.WAQE Vaʔe Leg, foot
Niuafo'ou PN.TOO.3 Too Fall
Tongan OC.KULAPO Kulapoo Fish sp.
Tokelau PN.KUMIKUMI-A Kumikumia A fish species similar to the Yellow Moorish Idol
Pukapuka NP.PULA.3 Pula Name of a reef and lagoon fish (Acanthurus achilles)
Tongan PN.MA-KILA Matakila When the moon begins to appear, and is said to be seen by gods and only afterwards by men (Collocott)
Tongan EP.FUA.3C Fuo/fua/vale Almost full moon (Collocott) Problematic
Tupuaki PN.FUGOWAI.* Metua hoovai Father or mother in law
Tupuaki TT.KAWAKE Avae Moon
Tupuaki EO.MA-LAMA Marama Moon (obs.)
Tupuaki EO.KUMETE Umete Wooden bowl
Tupuaki OC.KIATO Iato Outrigger boom
Pukapuka OC.TAKUA.1 Takuo Fish that is noosed (in chants)
Tongan OC.TAKUA.1 Takuoo Fish sp.
Tupuaki PN.KORO.1 Raau oro/moo Remedy for sore throat
Tupuaki CP.SEU He/heu To open, as the door ("Old Tubuaian")
Tupuaki MP.PAA.1 Paa Door ("Old Tubuaian")
Rarotongan CC.TULI-TULI Turituri Be deafened by noise; noisy, deafening, a deafening row; be quiet! it is too noisy
Niue PN.KOKOLO Kolo/kolo/loo To make a hollow gurgling sound
Tongan PN.KI-MO-UTOLU Motoloo. Gimótóloo Ye, you, your (used only when three or more persons are signified)
Ifira-Mele PN.KAPI.C Kapi Too tight (clothing), overcrowded (canoe)
Penrhyn PN.KAPI.C Kapi(kapi) To become congested, bloodshot, swollen, have black rings around one's eyes
Rarotongan PN.KAPI.C Kapi(kapi) Covered completely, fully occupied (of floor space or a piece of land which has been planted up), filled in and completed (of the cane wall of a house, or a palisade)
Gilbertese OC.KAU-QAHE Kauae The root of a tooth. Ivory (Sbt). Borrowed
Tikopia AN.KAPI.A Kapi/ti Squeeze in; strip of wood used to compress thatch sheets, uprights etc.
Tuamotu EP.PAU.1D Pau Consumed, used up, exhausted (as provisions, food); exterminated, destroyed...spent (of the breath)
Tikopia PN.TUQA.1B Tua Outer side; back (of hand); top (of foot); outside (of canoe hull)...
Rennellese PN.TUQA.1B Tuʔa(a) Roof, top; side or outside, as of canoe, lantern, tapa
Takuu PN.TUQA.1B Tua Roof of a house
Luangiua SO.PULI Puli/i A type of food Problematic
Luangiua PN.KATOA Ha/(ʔ)akoa. Haʔakooa (Sar). All
East Futuna FJ.ROO.1 Loo Monter à plusieurs sur un véhicule (suivi d'un numéral)
Tongan XW.MOFI Moofi/a To burn, be burnt (honorific)
East Uvea XW.MOFI Moofi/a Etre brulé (par la fièvre, par le feu)
East Futuna XW.MOFI Moofi/a S'enflammer; prendre feu; etre léché par les flammes (feuilles d'un arbre)
Samoan TU.OFI.B Ofi Go through, get into (narrow passage or space); be room; (of animals) mate
Nukuoro TU.OFI.B O/ohi/a (For a canoe) to be able to navigate on the reef (i.e. the tide not being so low that it is too shallow)
Hawaiian PN.OQO Oo To remain, endure, survive, continue, go on, exist Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuamotu PN.OQO Oo Penetrate, enter into; find room, get in (implying difficulty or reluctance)
Tikopia PN.SEGI.A Sengi/a Darkening phase, last quarter of moon
Tokelau PN.TAUSI Tauhi Look after, take care of, maintain, uphold, keep
Emae PN.QAA-POO Aapoo Tonight
Nuguria PN.FAKA-QAROFA Hakaaroha Poor, unfortunate, unlucky
Emae PN.MO-QI Mo/a/kai Les restes (leftover food)