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61243 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Anuta PN.MAA-UNU Maunu To untie a strip of bark-cloth, so that a *popora*-type basket falls from a woman's back
Rennellese OC.TIFA.1A Tiha To be or appear white, as some flowers, or sun-bleached *kie* leaves; said esp. of vertical objects Uncertain Semantic Connection
Anuta MP.MAQULI Mauri Soul
Anuta PN.MAQU-QALUGA Maurunga High (in rank)
Tongan PN.MATA.5 Mata/paa Gate, door, or window
East Futuna PN.MATA.5 Mata/a ulufaga Entrée (d'un domaine)
West Uvea PN.MATA.5 Mata/faiaa Porte d'entrée; entrée de la barrière de la chefferie
Takuu PN.MATA.5 Mata- In compounds denoting an opening or entrance
Emae PN.MATA.5 Mata/feiaa Door
Rennellese PN.MATA.5 Mataa ʔaa Gate, fence opening
Anuta PN.MELO Me/mero Pink
Anuta PN.MOSO.2 Mo Cooked, in any manner (baked, roasted, boiled)
Anuta MP.MOHE Moe (pl. mo/moe, moe/raki) To sleep
Luangiua OC.PILI.2 Moʔo/pili Schwarze Eidechse [black lizard]
Anuta PN.MORI.A Mo/mori To send (an object)
Anuta NP.MOAGA Mooanga Fish sp. (= apuru)
Anuta OC.MOTU.A Motu/motu To cut up or split
Anuta PN.MAUMAU.1 Moumou/i To spoil, destroy
Anuta PN.MAUNU Mounu Bait
Anuta PN.MUQA-KI Mua To go first
Anuta EO.MU-MUNI Muni/muni A game in which people hide
Anuta SO.MUQA-GA-LAQE Mungaarai Forehead
Anuta PN.MURI.1B Muri Back, the rear portion of something
Anuta AN.NAMU.1A Na/namu To have an unpleasant odour, to stink; sour, pungent or other disagreeable odour, such as the smell of *ma*, or rotten fish
Anuta SO.NEVE Neve/nga A load carried by a woman by tying it to her back with a strip of barkcloth
Anuta ??.QATAMAI.B Nima atamai Right arm, right hand
Anuta PN.MATA.2B Niu mata Young coconut
Anuta PN.MATUQU.B Niu matuu Mature coconut (before the stage where the liquid congeals to form the *oko*)
Anuta PN.MOTO.2B Niu motomoto Coconut before it has become fully mature and fallen from the tree
Anuta PN.QUI Niu vi Green coconut Phonologically Irregular
Anuta CP.NOQA No/noa Promise (n,v) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Anuta EO.NOO-GIA No/nongi To ask for something; a request
Anuta CP.NOQA Noo/kapa A belt made from sennit cord
Anuta SO.GAA-QUTA Ngauta Landward, ashore, inland, toward the centre of the island
Anuta OC.-GA -nga Substantive suffix, often used to change a verb to a noun
Anuta CE.AAIO Ng/aaio Calm weather; sometimes used as generic term for weather
Tikopia CE.AAIO Ng/aio Calm; lack of wind
Anuta CE.GAKI.A Ngaki To be short of wind Uncertain Semantic Connection
Luangiua PN.TUQU.3A Ku/ku/kia Abschneiden [cut off (several things)]
Anuta OC.KAO.3 Ngao, ngau A kind of bird Problematic
Anuta PN.PULE.2 Nga(a)/pure Married man
Anuta PN.GATALA Ngatara A kind of reef fish...
Anuta PN.GAAWARI Ngavari Slack (as a fishing line)
Anuta PN.MO-QI Ngo Prefix indicating that an object has in some way been altered in such a manner as to prepare it for use (e.g. ngo-ika 'piece of cooked fish', ngo-paka 'piece of tobacco ready for smoking') Problematic
Anuta CP.GOGO.1 Ngongo A type of bird
Anuta PN.KOLE Ngutu korekore To curse someone or shout in anger
Anuta PN.HOKA.1 Oka Transverse beams supporting roof of house
Mangaia EO.HOKA.2 ʔOka/a kina Lever off and collect sea urchins Phonologically Irregular
Anuta AN.ONO Ono Six
Anuta AN.QOTI.A Oti/ka And then