Protoform: TUQU.3A [PN] To cut

Description: To cut
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to PN: Polynesian

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Anuta Tuu Pierce or stab, from the point of view of the instrument (Fbg)
Anuta Tuu/ti To cut (Fbg)
Anuta Tuu/tuu/ti To slice something with a knife or adze (Fbg)
East Futuna Tuʔu/ti Couper en deux (Mfr)
East Uvea Tuʔu To cut (Btn)
Emae Tuu Cut (Cpl)
Emae Tuu/tia To cross . Traverse (un cours d'eau) (Rve)
Hawaiian Kuu Abruptly, rudely, defiantly, unceremoniously, without observance of taboos or niceties, brusque Uncertain Semantic Connection (Pki)
Ifira-Mele Tuu/jia Cut (Clk)
Kapingamarangi Tuu To cut (Lbr)
Luangiua K/ku. Ku/kuu (Sar). Cut in pieces (Smd)
Luangiua Kuu/kuu Cut (?) (Smd)
Luangiua Kuu Fällen [fell (trees)] (Sar)
Luangiua Ku/ku/kia Abschneiden [cut off (several things)] (Sar)
Niuafoʔou Tuʔu/si Cut (as with knife) (Dye)
Niuafoʔou Toʔusi Cut (Gry)
Niue Tuu/tuu Cut up, chop; sever (lit. and fig.) (Sph)
Niue Tuu/tia Be cut (Sph)
Nuguria T/tuu (sg.obj.), tuu/tuu (pl.obj.) (pass. tuu/tia) Cut (off), sever, amputate; chop, cut down (a tree, a coconut); harvest, reap (banana, sugarcane) (Dvl)
Nukumanu Takuu tuu/tuu Severing adze (Fbg)
Nukumanu Tuu (pl. ttuu) (pass. tuu/tia) (mult. tuutuu) Cut (axe cutting tree), cut off; sever (relations); cut short (Trt)
Nukuoro Tuu Cut something (Crl)
Rennellese Tuʔu/ti Cut off (as top of drinking coconut) (Ebt)
Samoan Tu/tia To be cut off, as one part of an army separated from the rest; to cut of the head (in abuse) (Prt)
Samoan Tu/tuu(ina) Fell, cut down (Prt)
Sikaiana T/tuu To cut, to split across the width (Dnr)
Takuu Tuu Cut, chop with an axe or knife, cut into cross-sections (Mle)
Takuu T/tuu Cut (hair) (Mle)
Tikopia Tuu To cut; a cut (e.g. of fish) (Fth)
Tongan Tuʔu Cut through something hard ; sever, cut off, chop off, lop off, amputate (Cwd)
Tongan Too. Too/too. Too/chia. To cut, to separate. To cut, to cut off, to prune; a chisel. To crop, to cut off. (Mar)
Vaeakau-Taumako Tuu/tuu Cut (canoe) ; cut (trees from bottom), fell (trees) (Hvn)
Vaeakau-Taumako Tu/hia, tu/sia Fell (trees); cut open (coconuts) (Hvn)
West Futuna Tu(-shia) Cut away, cut off (Dty)
West Futuna Tuu Stick straight into something (Dty)
West Futuna Tu/ji-a (WFU), tau/tjia (ANI) Cut something. Cut away, cut off (Cpl). Découper (laplap) (Rve). (Dty)
West Uvea Tu/tuu, tuu/tia Couper; abattre (arbre, boeuf) [Heo Dialect] (Hmn)

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