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702 Results matching "oli" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nuguria CP.SEU Seu, heu-a Destroy, demolish (a piece of sugar)
West Uvea PN.LI-AKI Le/lekina Jeter par terre; démolir, déraciner; enlever et jeter
Nuguria CP.FUQAGA Huana Pumice (used to polish and sharpen things)
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.TOKO.1A Toko/manga Poling pole (of Te Puke canoe) [Taumako Dialect]
West Uvea SO.PULI Puli Paquet (colis); bougna
Nuguria PN.WALE.1 Vare/vare Going bad (solid food, such as taro, rice, etc., and coconut oil)
West Uvea PN.TOO.3 Too/too (Pluie) tomber; avoir la colique [Muli Dialect]
Takuu NO.MAKAKA-TAU Makattau, matakkau (of solid object) Hard, firm, rigid
Nuguria NO.MAKAKA-TAU Maakaka-ttau Solid, hard
Tahitian PN.HURU.B Uru Etre possédé (du démon), avoir un accès de folie
Samoan NP.OLI.2 Oli To challenge to a club match by brandishing the club
East Uvea NP.OLI.2 Oli Brandir une arme, exciter
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.OLI.3 Oli-a To thank
Kapingamarangi NP.OLI.3 Oli To entice, to talk one into; persuade, cajole
Sikaiana NP.OLI.3 Oli A traditional form of prayer to the spirits (aitu, tupua)
Sikaiana NP.OLI.3 Oli/tana A prayer type which was sung to control the weather
Mangareva PN.FAKA-TUQU ʔAkatuu Rétablissement d'un roi...; dresser des arbres tombés, une maison démolie; former des complots; inventer des histoires;...créer. Dresser, relever; raise (Atl).
Emae NP.ENE.2 Faka/ene/ene Ask politely, please
Rennellese PN.PIKO.C Piko/piko gea To speak foolishly, tell lies
Samoan PN.FAKA-WALE Faʔavale To act foolishly; applied to one who has a defect, as a mutilated arm or a blind eye
Tongan PN.FAKA-WALE Fakavale Foolishly, in a foolish way; causing to be foolish or to act foolishly
Tongan PN.FAKA-WALE Fakavale/a To bewitch, to cast a spell over, or to exercise a strong influence over, and so lead to act foolishly
Rarotongan EP.FAKA-KORE ʔAkakore Abolish, annul, forgive, postpone
Rarotongan PN.E.3 E(e) Exclamatory, after the noun; in admiration; often used with [preposed] e(e) as a more polite or formal way of calling or addressing someone
Nukumanu CP.SEU Seu (pl. sseu, pass. seu(a) ria) Destroy; abolish, annul; violate (law); overcome
Tokelau PN.LIGO-LIGO Ligoligo Insect which makes a soft, high pitched sound, especially in the evening (probably cricket)
Tokelau CP.LOLI Loli A small species of black sea-cucumber (beche-de-mer, Holothuria sp.)
Mangareva PN.MA-FELA Mafela (of eyes, anus, &c.) Be open, exposing the red inside surface; (very impolite word for) women's genitals, anus
Tokelau NP.MOOLII Moolii Lamp (in general)
Tokelau PN.MUQA.B Mua Politeness particle, with emphatic effect, which generally follows the verb
Tokelau CP.NOQA Noa/noa Bind up, tie up; be confined, detained (e.g. by police)
Tokelau CP.TIKO.A Ti/tiko Defecate, move the bowels (not polite)
Tokelau CP.TOLI.1 Toli Pick (coconuts or breadfruit)
Tokelau NP.QUFA.2 Ufa Buttock(s) (impolite)
Tokelau OC.USU.1 Uhu (of a man) Pay one's court, woo, solicit in love; start (a fight or quarrel)
Pukapuka EC.LALI.3 Lalii tua Grouper (Cephalopholis sexmaculata)
Pukapuka NP.OLI.2 Waka/oli/oli To feint (with a weapon)
Pukapuka PN.SINU-SINU Yiyinu Polished, shiny, smooth, without spots or roughness. Even, straight, with uniform tension (of plaiting) (Bge).
Waya CP.LIALIA Lialia Foolish, stupid; mad, insane
Manihiki-Rakahanga RO.PUKA Puka/ama Lantern Tree (Hernandia nymphaeifolia)
Mangareva CE.TURORI Tuurori S'ébranler; ne pas être solide (se dit des hommes, des arbres, etc.)
East Futuna SO.KAI-MAALIE Kaumaalie Genereux; prolifique; s'entendre bien avec quelqu'un; se mettre ensemble Phonologically Irregular
Niuatoputapu PN.KALO-AMA Kaloama (Mulloidichthys flavolineatus)
Niuatoputapu PN.GATALA Ngatala (Epinephelus sp.) (Cephalopholis argus)
Niuatoputapu PN.WALE.2 Vale Foolish, ignorant
Rennellese SO.KANO-KANO Kanokano Social wasps, Polistes sp.
Sikaiana CP.LOLI Loli A sea slug; (fig.) a man's penis
Ra'ivavae CE.GOIO.1A ŋoio The noddy tern, Anous stolidus
Nukumanu NP.KIWI.1* Te/kivi Pacific golden plover, Mongolian plover, and all migratory waders
Vaeakau-Taumako CP.LOLI Loli Black sea slug