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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Rapa PN.TOTO.1 Toto Blood
Rapa EO.KUMETE Kumete Vase in wood
Rapa OC.KAI.2 Kae/kae Firewood Phonologically Irregular
Rapa AN.AKA.A Aka Roots
Rapa EP.MAQITAKI Meitaki Good
Tupuaki NP.FETUQU-LELE Hetu rere Shooting star
Nukumanu PN.FAKA-QAROFA Hakaalloha Poor (people) (plural)
Nukumanu MP.IO.1 Haka/ioo Answer (v)
Anuta EO.TUFA.1 Tupa To divide, distribute (commonly used to denote the division of fish or vegetable food into separate parcels for each of the household units)
Takuu PN.FAKA-ROGO Fakallono, fakannoo Listen; listen to, listen for
Takuu PN.LOFI L/lofi Flooded, inundated
Takuu SO.SAAFEA Sahe(a) Slip, lose one's footing; trip
Takuu AN.AKA.A Aka/aka Young Cyrtosperma shoot sprung up by side of parent
Takuu PN.HAGA.2 Ana sara Crooked
Takuu PN.HAGA.2 Ana/ana Take care of (someone), look after
Takuu PN.HAGA.2 Ana/ana Act as nursemaid to; support (as with clothes or food)
Takuu EC.LAGAI Laanai Deck of a two-hulled canoe or catamaran, raft; floating bier on which the ariki's body was formerly walked across the lagoon...
Takuu EC.MAGOO-QALAWA-FENUA Manoo fenua Shark sp.
Arosi PN.MOMO.B Momo Bits of fallen food
Ifira-Mele PN.MOMO.B Momo Chip of wood
Tuamotu PN.MOMO.B Momo Scraps or remnants of food
Takuu PN.MOMO.B Moo/mee Small portion of food
Rennellese PN.MO-QI Moʔi/moʔi To use sparingly, as food or clothes
Sikaiana SO.KAI-MAALIE Kaimalie To give generously to another, used especially for children who share food
Nukuoro SO.KAI-MAALIE Gai malie Good at food preparation, not wasteful
Tokelau EC.LAGAI Laga/lagai Float (for holding oneself or a catch of fish near the surface of the sea; usually a block of light wood)
Niuafo'ou EO.PAITO Baito Kitchen, cook-house
Niuafo'ou PN.TAFITO.A Tafito Root
Niuatoputapu OC.MOA-MOA Moomoa Boxfish
Niuatoputapu PN.TAOTAO Tootao Stickfish
Niuatoputapu OC.QONO.1 (Tupunga)ʔono Wahoo
Niuatoputapu MP.TAHI.1 Tahi Salt water; shallow salt water lagoon
Niuatoputapu OC.SOKA.1 Hoka tofuaʔa Harpooning whales
Niuatoputapu PN.MOKA.3 Moka Wooden-stake fish trap
Niuatoputapu PN.KOLOA Koloa Goods, wealth
Niuatoputapu PN.LEI.1 Lei Whale's tooth
Niuatoputapu PN.WALE.2 Vale Foolish, ignorant
Tuamotu CE.TAATAI.2 Taatai-taŋata A close connection by blood
Hawaiian CE.TAATAI.2 Kaakai To tie on; to encircle with a band, specifically, to stretch the taboo cord before the entrance of a chief's house...
Takuu PN.OKO.1 Oko/oko Small pieces of wood and coconut husks intended as firewood
Takuu PN.KIKII Ha/kiki Rub objects together to produce a scratching sound (as loose canoe lashings0
Takuu NO.ISE.2 Ise Shoo, chase, drive away (especially of chickens)
Nuguria NO.ISE.2 Ssee Shoo! (to a mouse) Phonologically Irregular
Takuu PN.KAFA-GA Kaahana Loop of rope used around one's feet and hands to assist in climbing coconut trees
Nuguria PN.KAFA-GA Kaahana A kind of rope ladder, loop used around one's feet and hands to assist in climbing coconut trees
Pukapuka PN.KAFA-GA Kooanga Tree climbing bandage Phonologically Irregular
Tikopia FU.KANO.2 Kano/kano Be unaccustomed to (a particular food); hesitate in selection, turn over in one's mind
Sikaiana PN.KAPI.B Kapi The harnesses of the back‑strap loom {mea tau} used to hold the strands of material taut
Takuu NO.KA-PISI Kappisi Shoot something (with a gun); explode
Takuu PN.LAWEGA Kau ravena Wooden fish-hook