Protoform: SOKA.1 [OC] Pierce, stab *soka(-qi)

Description: Pierce, stab *soka(-qi)
Reconstruction: Reconstructs to OC: Oceanic

*1 Cf. PPN *hoka.2 "husk coconuts on a pointed stake"
*4 POC *soka "to pierce, stab, poke hole in (something)" (LPO I:265).
*41 PCEMP *seka "pierce, stab".
*6 Cf. AN root *-sek 'to insert, stick into a soft surface' (Blust 2022).

Pollex entries:

Language Reflex Description Source
Anuta Toka/i Stab. Spear, puncture (Fbg). (Yen)
Anuta Toka To push or thrust as in stabbing...; to push one object into another (Fbg)
East Futuna Soka/ʔi Embrocher (Mfr)
East Uvea Hoka Stab, pierce (Rch)
Emae Soko/ia To husk (coconut) (Cpl)
Fijian Coka Pierce, usually with spear (Cpl)
Marquesas Hoka Douleurs cuisantes (Dln)
Marquesas Mai/hoka Aiguille à filet (Lch)
New Zealand Maori Hoka Pierce (Wms)
Niuafoʔou Hoka/ʔi To stab (or stick) (Gry)
Niuatoputapu Hoka tofuaʔa Harpooning whales (Dye)
Niue Hoka Pierce, poke. Thrust, spear (Sph). (McE)
Nuguria Hoka (te niu) Schälen (Ths)
Nukuoro Soka To pierce, to stab (Crn)
Penrhyn Soka Point, count Problematic (Sta)
Pukapuka Yoka To husk coconuts; pierce (Mta)
Raʔivavae Hoʔa A lashing-pin, used to bind down the ridge-comb Uncertain Semantic Connection (Stn)
Rarotongan Oka Instrument used for stabbing Phonologically Irregular (Bse)
Rennellese Soka Pierce (Ebt)
Samoan Soʔa Spike, transfix, stab, pierce (Prt)
Sikaiana Sooka/i Stab (Dnr)
Tahitian Hoa A stick used for carrying things on the shoulder Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvs)
Tikopia So/soka Transfix, spear (Fth)
Tokelau Hoka Poke, stab; husk (coconuts) (Sma)
Tongan Hoka(ʔi) Ram, jab, poke, strike (Cwd)
Tongan Hoca To stab, a lance, a thrust (Mar)
Tuamotu Hoka Stab, pierce (Stn)
Tuvalu Hoka To poke, to push fingers into an object; to husk coconuts (Jsn)

28 entries found

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