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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Takuu MP.QOLOGAA Aronaa Plant sp. (Pipturus argenteus) used for making cord
Tongan MP.QOLOGAA ʔOlongaa A small tree (Pipturus argenteus)
Tuamotu MP.QOLOGAA Rongaa A tree (Pipturus incanus var. tuamotensis)
West Uvea MP.QOLOGAA Alongaa Plante (Pipturus incanus) [Wedd.] (Urticacées)
Easter Island EC.NAMU.1B Namu/namu To taste, chew. Chew (well) (Wbr).
Tahitian EP.OMA.3 Oma Fallen or sunk, as the cheeks when a person loses his teeth
East Futuna PN.QOMAKI Omaki Boire en mangeant; dunk food in water and eat it
New Zealand Maori EP.QOMO Whaka/omo/omo Tend invalid, child
Marquesas EP.QOMO Omo. ʔOmo (HIV) (Bgs). Suck. Sucer, pomper, humer, téter, absorber; fumer la pipe
Mangareva EP.QOMO Omo Têter, sucer
Mangareva AN.QONE One Terre, humus. Land in general; earth, soil (Tgr).
Nuguria AN.QONE Matea/ one Sand
Emae SO.ONEA Toke /onea/ Eel sp., white
Ifira-Mele SO.ONEA Woonea Sea eel sp. (white)
New Zealand Maori CE.ONI.* Oni(oni) Move, wriggle, copulate
Marquesas CE.ONI.* Oni Grimper, monter par saccades en appuyant le corps contre l'arbre
Moriori AN.ONO Te/ono Six
Rarotongan PN.QONO.2 ʔOno-ʔia To replace (torn cord or thread, esp. repair the meshes of a fishing net, or strips of leaf in a plaited net, or a plant or post missing from a row)
Tahitian PN.QONO.2 Ono To exchange one thing for another; to join one piece to another; a substitute; to fix one's affection on another person; an avenger of blood
Niue PN.QONO.3 Ono(ono) Look steadfastly
Penrhyn PN.QONO.3 O/ono/ To look at look, look after
Tokelau PN.QONO.3 Ono/ono Observe, watch attentively, care for; (of the sun and moon) peep through; come through, sprout through
Tahitian EP.OPE.1 Ope Pelle, bêche, pelleter
Fijian FJ.OPE.3 Obe/obe Eaten by Teredo or barnacles
Waya FJ.OPE.3 Obe The shipworm Teredo (Cirripedia), a barnacle or sea-worm
Samoan PN.QOPO Opo Hold, clasp (in both hands or arms); be fully planted
East Futuna SF.QOSAQOSA ʔOsaʔosa Un reste, un restant
Easter Island PN.OSI ʔOhi Stem of a plant
Mangareva PN.OSI Oʔi Young shoot. Rejeton long et mince; marcher l'un derrière l'autre; avorter (en parlant des arbres étouffés par l'ombrage des autres
Tahitian PN.OSI Ohi Rejeton des plantes, germe, pousse, drageon
Tongan PN.OSI Ohi Banana, etc., sprouted from old plant
East Uvea PN.QOSO ʔOho Se precipiter sur, venir subittement
Pukapuka PN.QOSO Oyo Spring forward, appear suddenly or unxexpectedly >
Takuu PN.QOSO Oso Jump from being startled, surprised or frightened; jump the gun (start too quickly)
East Futuna EO.QOTA.2 ʔOta Residue of grated coconut after squeezing
Kapingamarangi EO.QOTA.2 Odo Coconut meat after oil squeezed out
Tokelau PN.QOTAI Ootai A lightly sweetened dish made from the juice and grated flesh of an almost mature drinking nut, mixed together, and eaten raw
Manihiki-Rakahanga EO.QOTA.2 Ota Coconut flesh after cream has been extracted
Marquesas EO.QOTA.2 Ota Miette, marc de coco rapé, de kava, de café. Poussière de bois râpé ou frotté (Lch).
Nukuoro EO.QOTA.2 Oda Coconut meat after oil removed
Luangiua EO.QOTA.2 ʔOka Grated coconut; dress [dregs?], rubbish
Penrhyn EO.QOTA.2 Ota Residue; grated matured coconut flesh (after the milk being expressed)
Pukapuka EO.QOTA.2 Ota Refuse after coconut cream is expressed
Rennellese EO.QOTA.2 ʔOta Residue of expressed grated coconut or turmeric
Rotuman EO.QOTA.2 Mofa Rubbish, refuse, garbage, litter Problematic
Niue PN.QOTAI Ootai A drink (made from the juice of the cooked root of a 'ti' tree and added coconut juice and grated flesh)
Takuu SO.PAPA.2 Ppaa Fish sp., similar to bonito but larger, with a shorter body
Easter Island AN.QOTI.A Oti Exhausted, finished; be enough; end Phonologically Irregular
East Futuna AN.QOTI.A Ti Ensuite, alors, et puis Problematic
East Uvea AN.QOTI.A ʔOsi Completed, finished