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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tongan OC.QANU.3 Anoo Saliva; to spit
Tongan OC.QAO.1 Aoo A cloud
Tongan OC.QAO.1 Aˈoochia To grow cloudy
Tongan FJ.QAOGA Aˈoonga Of use; valuable
Tongan AN.QATO Ato To roof; to thatch
Tongan OC.ATU Atoo To give; towards (with second person)
Tongan OC.QATU.1 Atoo The fish called Bonito
Tongan AN.QOTA.1 Awta. Otta-otta. Raw, not cooked
Tongan PN.PEGU Becoo. Pecoo. Blunt, not sharp; obtuse
Tongan EO.PAITO Beito A kitchen or place where cooking is carried on
Tongan PN.PELU.B Beloo Cups to drink out of, made of the banana leaf
Tongan MP.PIKO.A Bico Crooked; curved; awry
Marquesas PN.POO.1B Poo Jour de vingt-quatre heures
Tongan CP.POQOI Bo/bói, bói A preparation of food
Tongan FJ.PULOTU.1 Bolotoo An imaginary island to the NW of Tonga, the residence of the immortal gods, and of the souls of deceased chiefs and matabooles
Tongan FJ.PUA.A Booa A kind of flower resembling the Jiali, but yellow
Tongan OC.PUAKA Booaca Swine; pork; pig,&c.
Tongan XW.PUSA.3 Boo/booha Sultry, hot
Tongan OC.FULA.1 Boo/boola, boola To swell
Tongan PN.PUKE.3 Booge To apprehend; to seize hold of; to arrest
Tongan FJ.PUKE.1A Booge The little hillock or mound in which a yam is planted
Tongan PN.PUKE.4 Booge Those parts of a double canoe extending beyond the platform
Tongan PN.PUKU.2 Boogoo-boogoo Squab; short and thick
Tongan PN.PUSA.1 Booha A box; a chest
Tongan MP.PUSI.1 Boohi To blow any thing out of the mouth with force; also the name of the party that distribute the bait for rats, which is done by blowing it forcibly out of their mouths
Tongan PN.PUI.B Booi booi A curtain; a screen
Tongan PN.PULE.2 Boole To order or conduct, to manage, to declaim
Tongan AN.PULE-PULE Boole-boole Spotted, party-coloured
Tongan CP.PUULOU.A Booló Veiled, concealed, something thrown over the head and face, to veil, to mask
Tongan MP.PULU.1A Booloo The husk of the cocoa nut
Tongan AN.PULU.2 Booloo Gum, pitch, or any adhesive substance
Tongan PN.PULU.4 Booloo-booloo To draw up the dress so as to cover the shoulders, to shelter
Tongan MP.PUNA Boona To fly, to vault, to jump high in the air; to rebound as an elastic body
Tongan PN.PUNOU Boonó To incline, to bend down, to droop, to stoop
Tongan NP.FULA.2 Bo-oola A night dance
Tongan PN.POO-QULI Bo-ooli Night
Tongan PN.PUTU.2 Bootoo Burial ceremony
Tongan PN.POTU.1 Botoo Alongside, near to, the side of any thing (except of man or animal); a part of, a portion, a detachment
Tongan PN.POTU.1 Botoo fonnooa A district
Tongan PN.KAKALA Cacala. Namoo cacala. Any flower, a wreath or necklace of flowers. Sweet scent (as of flowers); odorous.
Tongan MP.KAFU.A Cafoo Any covering with which a person may be covered whilst resting or sleeping
Tongan PN.KALAGA Calanga To roar out; to shriek; to halloo; s shout
Tongan OC.KALI.1 Cali A pillow (made of wood, after the Tonga fashion)
Tongan PN.KAATOA-GA Catooanga A feast, feasting and jollity; to give a feast
Tongan OC.KUKU.2 Coocoo The muscle (shellfish)
Tongan PN.QAROFA.B Chiod/ófa A term of friendly salutation..; also a term of pity, as, poor fellow!
Tongan PN.KUPETI Cobechi The leaves of the paoanga, dried and embroidered with the fibres of the cocoa-nut husk, so as to form an instrument for imprinting gnatoo
Tongan EO.KOKA Coca A brownish red juice, from the bark of a tree also called coca...used to stain or dye gnatoo with
Tongan FJ.KOFE.A Cofe The bamboo
Tongan OC.KOFU.1A Cofoo To inclose, or wrap up