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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tongan EO.FOQI.1 Foi. Foi oofi. Foi níoo. One, or rather a whole, bulk, ball, or head. One yam. One coconut.
Tongan AN.FANUA.A Fonnooa Land, clime, country round about, a people
Tongan PN.FONO.3 Fono The food that is eaten at cava parties; also the act of eating it
Tongan AN.FONU.2 Fonoo A turtle
Tongan PN.FUU.1B Foo To clap the hollow palms of the hands together
Tongan MP.FUQU Foo-aców The vegetable kingdom, a tree, a plant
Tongan MP.FUA.1B Fooa To carry a parcel, or burden
Tongan PN.FUA.1A Fooa The shape; size, dimensions
Tongan PN.FUAFUA.2A Fooa-fooa A pimple, any eruption on the skin, a carbuncle, &c.
Tongan CP.FUQAGA Foóa/fooánga Pumice-stone
Tongan AN.FUTI.1 Foochi To haul, to pull; to deplume (as to pluck a fowl)
Tongan AN.FUTI.2 Foochi, fooji The plantain
Tongan PN.FUE.2 Fooe A whisk used to keep off flies
Tongan PN.FUU.2A Foofoó To hide, to conceal, to disguise; retired, hidden, snug, concealed, disguised
Tongan OC.FULA.1 Foo/foola, foola Swollen, protuberant, bloated, large-bellied; intumescence
Tongan MP.FULU.2 Foo/fooloo To wash; lavation, washing
Tongan EO.FUSU Foohoo Boxing
Tongan PN.FULI.2 Fooli All (in number, not mass, or quantity of bulk)
Tongan MP.FULU.1 Fooloo Hair of the body
Tongan MP.FULU-FULU Fooloo-fooloo Hairy
Tongan OC.FUGA.1 Foonga The beach; the deck of a vessel; the top or summit of a hill where it is flat; the top of any thing
Tongan AN.FOQOU Foo-o Afresh, anew, new
Tongan OC.FAQU.1 Foo-ó-vaca To build canoes
Tongan PN.FAQO.2 Fooö/hági To lie along on the ground with the face upwards
Tongan CP.FUTA.1 Foota To boast
Tongan OC.PELA Pele/pela Mud, mire or muddy pool; muddy, miry
Tongan PN.FUTA.2 Foote Effort; to strive with muscular energy, to struggle
Tongan PN.FOTA.1A Fota The ceremony of pressing a chief's foot upon the belly of a person taboo'd; also, their method of compressing the skin to relieve pain
Tongan PN.FATU-MANAVA Fotoo manáva The right auricle of the heart
Tongan PN.FAI-GAOFIE Fygnofooa Easy to be accomplished, easy
Tongan PN.FAKA-HUHU Fucca-hoohoo To suckle
Tongan PN.FAKA-QAFU-MATE Fucca-afoo-mate The name of the ninth lunar month
Tongan PN.FAKA-QAFU-OLA Fucca-afoo-möoói The name of the tenth lunar month
Tongan PN.FAKA-QITA Fucca-ita To affront, aggravate, make angry, displease; to pout or look displeased
Tongan PN.FAKA-TONU.B Fucca-tonoo To demonstrate
Tongan PN.FAKA-TUPU.A Fucca-tooboo To beget, to cause to spring up, to grow
Tongan PN.KELE-MUTU Gelemootoo The common earth-worm
Tongan PN.POTU.1 Gi-botoo On one side, towards
Tongan OC.MUQA.A Mooa. Gi-mooa. First, preceding; the capital town of an island; a rank in socity. In front, first in rank or place, forwards, before.
Tongan MP.MURI.1A Mooi. Gi-mooi. He-mooi. After, following; ago, in time past. Behind, or last in rank or place, backwards. Hereafter.
Tongan AN.QUTA.1 Oota. Gi-oota. Land or shore. On shore, inland.
Tongan PN.TUQA.1B Gi tooa. Gi-tooa. Outside, out, without. Behind, at the back of.
Tongan PN.TAU-MULI Tow-mooli. Gi-tów-mooli. The stern of a vessel. Abaft, astern.
Tongan PN.KIKI.1 Gigi Any food used to relish some other food, as yams with pork, or the contrary
Tongan NP.KIU.2 Giloo One hundred thousand
Tongan PN.KI-MO-RUA Gimóooa. (Ma)móooa. Both, the dual number to the pronoun mo
Tongan PN.KI-MAA-UTOLU Gimówtóloo Us, our (used only when the person spoken to is not included, and when three or more are meant)
Tongan PN.KI-NAA-RUA Ginówoóa. Nowooa. They, them, their (when only two are signified), both of them. The dual number of the pronoun, they...
Tongan PN.KI-NAA-UTOLU Ginówtóloo They, them, their (when three or more are signified)
Tongan MP.KIU.1 Gioo A crane (a bird)