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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tongan PN.WAI-TAFE Vy tafe A river, a brook
Tongan PN.WAI-MUQA Vy-mooa The third lunar month
Tongan PN.WAI-MURI Vy-mooi The fourth lunar month, or second rainy month
Tongan MP.SUA.2 Hooa-ky. Hoóö-ky. Hoóo-ky. Gluttony. Greedy, gluttonous. Ravenous after food, greedy.
Tongan PN.MAQU.1 Maoo Clear; to define; explanatory
Tongan XW.FAI-TAU Fy-taoo To get ready the leaves, &c. with which the victuals are covered during the process of cooking
Tongan PN.TUQA.1B Tooa The lower class of people; the name of the lowest rank in society
Tongan PN.SUNU-KI Hoonoogi To stick a skewer or peg in any thing; the name of the stick put in the ground for the tendrils of the yams to rest on
Tongan XW.PAQOGO Páoonga The tree, the leaves of which are used for imprinting gnatoo
Niue XW.PAQOGO Paaogo A type of floor mat (woven with wide double strips of pandanus)
Tongan PN.TAAU-GA.B Tówtówoonga A circular flat piece of wood, surrounding the middle of the string, by which the oil baskets hang, so as to prevent rats getting to the basket
Tongan PN.FAI-KAI Fýcaký lolo tootoo, fýcaký lolo matta Names of particular preparations of food
Fijian XW.LOA.3 Loa Soot used as black paint for the face
Tokelau PN.LONA Lonaa Be choked on a piece of food
Nukuoro PN.LONA Loonaa The sticking of food in the throat (which is cleared by washing it down with liquid)
Kapingamarangi PN.LONA Noonaa Food stuck in the throat; to choke (because there is too much to swallow) Phonologically Irregular
Hawaiian XW.MAMANA Maamana Attractive, said of a person sexually appealing but not necessarily good-looking Problematic
Tongan PN.TUA.4 Tooa A superior sort of yam
Tongan PN.TUKI.B Toogi/e To stumble, to fall down
Nuguria PN.TUKI.C Tuki/tuki Pounder, wooden tool for mashing taro
Sikaiana PN.TUKI.C Tuki Wooden pounder, hammer
Takuu PN.TUKI.C Tuki Food pounder; drum
Tokelau PN.TUKI.C Tuki Pestle, food-pounder
Tongan PN.TUKI.C Toogi A hammer or mallet
Takuu PN.TAU-FAA Tauhaa Contellation of four stars in Pegasus outlining a square (Starts the period of westerly trade winds when it sets at dawn, creating rain and wind to cool its body.)
Tikopia PN.MOTO.2B Niu motomoto Fully grown nut, hard shell, husked, hard flesh rasped for cooking Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rennellese PN.MOTO.2B Moto Green but good to drink of (coconut)
Nuguria PN.MOTO.2B Moto Young coconut, too strong
Tongan PN.NAMU-AQA Namooá A bad smell
New Zealand Maori PN.NAMU-AQA Namu/namuaa Flavour imparted to food by something with which it has been in contact
New Zealand Maori FJ.QAA-SIO-SIO Aawhiowhio Whirlwind, whirlpool Phonologically Irregular
Rennellese FJ.QAA-SIO-SIO ʔAosiosio Whirlpool, waterspout
Luangiua EO.KUMETE ʔOmeke Food bowl
New Zealand Maori CE.FAI.7 Whai Follow, pursue; look for, go in search of;
Mangareva CE.FUATA.1B Uata Bois de travers du filet à main. A cross piece of wood on a hand-net (Tgr).
Rarotongan CE.FUATA.1B ʔUata Scoop-net
Kapingamarangi FJ.NOKU Doo n/nogu Crunching fall, to be crumpled up from a fall
Niue MP.PAPA.1A Papa Washing-board; type of wooden club (weapon)
Niue EO.INO-QI Hi/hino To look sad, to look pale Problematic
Rennellese NP.KA-ITOQA Hakaitoʔa Rejoice, as over the death or misfortune of a foe, or for a man receiving the chest tattoo
Takuu NP.KALO-(QI)-AFI Koro/koro ahi Spark, ember; the flash of light of a meteorite; flaming piece of wood inside a fire Phonologically Irregular
Anuta PN.WALE.2 Vare Foolish, stupid, mentally unbalanced (person)
Anuta PN.WALE-A.A Varea Intensified form of vare (fool, foolish), sometimes used to connote process [e.g.become foolish, go crazy]
Tokelau PN.WALE-A.A Valea Foolish, stupid, silly, crazy about, mad
Tikopia PN.WALE-A.A Varea Without order, wildly, foolishly, wrongly; crazy, mad (.e. mentally disturbed)
Niue PN.LAQOA Looa To choke [on] (of solids)
Niue PN.LILA Lile/lile Not well planted, not firmly fixed, loose Problematic
Niue PN.MAATA-GA Mataga Look-out point (at the verge of high places, such as cliffs)
Niue PN.MAATA-KI Mataki/a To look at, peep, pry
Niue PN.MA-WAHE Mavehe To part, to say goodbye Phonologically Irregular