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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Marquesas PN.MEGE Mene (MQS) Se recroqueviller (à la cuisson); shrivel up (during cooking)
Marquesas MP.KAPU.1A Kapu Puiser, vider. Scoop up (Mtu).
Hawaiian MQ.KAI-HAQA.B ʔAiaa Ungodly, godless, irreligious, wicked, unbelieving, careless of observances of taboos; wickedness
Marquesas PN.PALA.1A Ko/paʔa Aubier, sapwood
Marquesas MP.PUKU.1A Puku/puku ʔakau (MQN) (Bois) noueux; (wood) gnarled [? knotty]
Marquesas PN.PONA Pona/pona (MQS) (Bois) noueux; (wood) gnarled [? knotty].
Marquesas OC.PATA.1A To/pata/pata (Ua Pou too-) Goutte à goutte (tomber); drip
Tahitian CE.PUA-PUA.3 Puapua The blossoms of sugar cane reeds, and of bamboos
Sikaiana PN.MATE.1E Tai m/mate A time when the tide is very low. Fish are trapped in shallow pools in the reef and some die.
Pukapuka CE.MA-REKA Maaleka Gentle, soothed
Marquesas PN.QAUEE Ue(ue) (Chein) hurler; (dog) howl. Grogner; grunt, growl [of dog] [Southeast Marquesan Dialect]. Miauler, meow. Meugler, moo.(Atl).
Marquesas PN.QUGA-KOA Ukako(o) (Ua Pou), unaakoo (Hiva Oa) Bernard-l'hermite, hermit crab
Marquesas RO.MATU Matu (Hiva Oa), matu ono, matu/vi (Ua Huka) Vivaneau à queue fourchue; Smalltooth Jobfish (Apherus furcatus).
Ifira-Mele NP.MAA.7 Maa Fish sp., vertically striped yellow and brown, in schools
Marquesas XE.KOREWA Koʔeva, kooʔeva(ʔeva) (MQS) Poisson-lime gribouillé; Scribbled Filefish
Marquesas NP.LOOLOA Roroa Thazard, wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri)
Marquesas RO.ULE Uʔe haʔa (NKH, Ua Pou) Racine aérienne de pandanus; aerial root of the pandanus
Marquesas CE.POO-FUE.* Poohue (Ua Pou), pohue (MQS) Morinda forsteri (lianes grimpantes, climbing plant)
West Futuna PN.FAKA-AGI Fakaŋiaŋi To go and cool oneself in the breeze
Kapingamarangi PN.FAKA-AGI Hagaangiangi To cool off (by breeze)
Tikopia PN.FAKA-AGI Fakaangiangi Making breezy, hence refreshing, relaxing, cooling; without special ritual -- light, free in ritual sphere
Pukapuka PN.FAKA-AGI Wakaangiangi To cool oneself in a breeze
Mangareva MP.QAROFA.A Aooa Regretter; désirer quelqu'un Problematic
Tuamotu MQ.KARAKO Karakoo The petrel or tropical bird (Pterodroma sp.) [a Mangarevan word?]
Rarotongan NP.KAI-GA.A Kainga Table or mat spread with food; meal, feast
Easter Island PN.KAI-GA.B Kaiŋa toa Waste from the sugar cane given to animals as food
Easter Island NP.KAI-GA.A Kaiŋa Food, nourishment, nutrition
Takuu NP.KAI-GA.A Kaina Food, meal. Taro...heaped in front of the officiating elder's house during the*tukumai* ritual, and later divided into equal household lots
Takuu PN.KAI-GA.B Kaina Garbage, food peelings, scraps of food to be discarded
Rennellese NP.KAI-GA.A Kainga Food, meal, people eating
Samoan PN.KAI-GA.B ʔAiga/mea A part of some food, as part of a joint of meat; a contemptuous term for a diseased person
Tokelau NP.KELO.2 (Ke)kelo, faka/kelo A quick stealing look, glance (e.g. out of corner of eyes); to glance
Niue PN.KITE-A Kitia See, be seen, look, perceive Phonologically Irregular
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.KITE-A Kutea See, recognize, look after Phonologically Irregular
West Futuna PN.KITE-A Kitea To see something, look at something
Mangareva EC.KOOKOO.1 Koko/kooko Nom d'un oiseau de mer (Pterodroma parvirostris)
Mangareva CE.KOOKOO.2B Koko/kooko S'élargir, s'aggrandir en large (en parlant d'un espace); être creux, vide (ventre)
Mangareva CE.KOO-TAFA.A Kootaʔa Oiseau: Frégate (Fregata minor)
New Zealand Maori PN.LITO.2 Koo/tiro Girl
Mangareva SO.TOKO-TULI Koturi. Kooturi (Atl). S'agenouiller Problematic
Ra'ivavae NP.FENUQU.A* Heŋu Warp (the threads which are extended lengthwise in the loom and crossed by the woof); a cord, the strand of a cord; a tendon Phonologically Irregular
Samoan PN.MA-RAMA.C Maalama/lama Clear, well understood; understand, grasp; conscious; enlightened, civilized
Marquesas AN.MAQOHA Móà To dress food thoroughly, especially in the oven
Mangareva NP.MOI.2 Mooi Poisson: Polydactylus sexfilis (Polynemidae); au fig. une personne grosse et de petite taille, une personne à menton courte; calebasse sans ouverture suffisante
Arosi OC.MAHU.B Masu To have had enough, be full, replete, satisfied with food
Rarotongan CE.NO-TE-MEA Noo te mea Because, for the (following) reason
New Zealand Maori CE.NO-TE-MEA Noo te mea From the fact that, because
Luangiua MP.MAQULI Mouli Cricket (whose song is regarded as a good omen)
Tuamotu PN.OMA.1 Oma To dip over a wave (VHI); to swoop, as a bird;
Tongan PN.OFO.C Ofo (of *kape*) To start sending out shoots again because left in the ground too long