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4904 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tongan MP.GIGIE Ngingie Shore shrubs or small trees (Suriana maritima) and (Pemphis acidula)
East Futuna TO.GINI Gini/gini Filtre végétal: petiti panier tressé spécialement pour filtrer les fleurs odoriférantes mélangées au jus de coco.... Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rarotongan FJ.LUNA Runa (Boerhavia tetrandra) (Atiu)
Hawaiian CE.GOIO.1A Noio Hawaiian noddy tern (Anous tenuirostris)
Mangareva CE.GOIO.1A Goio Oiseau de mer, noddi niais (Anous stolidus)
Rarotongan CE.GOIO.1A Ngooia, ngooio Brown Noddy (Anous stolidus)
New Zealand Maori CK.GORE Ngore(ngore) Smooth, plain; soft, pliable, flaccid
Rarotongan CK.GORE Ngore(ngore)-ʔia Cut short, shave(d) close, strip(ped) or prune(d) bare
New Zealand Maori PN.GOSE Ngohe(ngohe) Supple, soft; obedient, pliable; easy, agreeable
Rarotongan TA.GOTE Ngote-a, -ʔia Suck in/up; absorb
Easter Island NP.GUU.2 ŋuu Sepia, jibia (molusco parecido al calamar); (Sepioteuthis arctipinnis)
New Zealand Maori NP.GUU.2 Nguu Squid (Sepia apama)
Tongan PN.PAKIA.1 Pekia To die (honorific); death, decease, fatality
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.GUGU.1 Ngungu/hia Crush hard food (e.g. tupoe) with the teeth, gnaw
Nukuoro AN.FUTU Kava-hutu The Barringtonia tree
Nukuoro AN.IKA.A Ia A fish Problematic
Tikopia PN.HAGAI Angai Turn towards, especially in ritual, with suggestion of effectiveness
East Futuna PN.A-IA Ia Voilà Problematic
East Uvea PN.A-IA Ia Voilà Problematic
New Zealand Maori PN.A-IA Aia Expressing satisfaction or complacency, "it is good", Etc
Marquesas PN.A-IA Aia Voici, voilà; interjection d'étonnement: oh!; pour s'encourager: allons! courage!
Niue PN.A-IA H/aia "That's it","Exactly so"
East Uvea OC.HAKAU Hakau Récif, plus spécialement les récif de l'intérieur de lagon Problematic
Moriori OC.HAKE.B Ake Adverbial particle
West Uvea NP.AKILI Akilia Vider un sac (à la main)
Tokelau PN.HAKU Aku Fish sp.similar to Giant Needlefish (Strongylura sp.)
West Futuna CP.TUAKI Tuo-gia (ANI) To disembowel
Manihiki-Rakahanga CE.RUHIA Ruia Shark sp
Rennellese PN.HAPI Api Some spp. of Surgeonfishes and Coralfishes e.g. Acanthurus triostegus and Chaetodon miliaris
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.HELE El/ele(ngia) Deny
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.HIKO-FI Ikohi/a Take things with tongs, especially used about taking warm stones out of the oven with tongs
Nukuoro CP.HINA Ina Light up an area at night (especially to hunt land crabs)
Fijian OC.HINAGA Cigana Whitebait (Nadrogaa dialect)
Easter Island EP.HIWA.2 Hiva Name of the country from where, according to tradition, came the Polynesian migration of Hotu Matu`a
New Zealand Maori FJ.KOFE.A Kohe/riki Plant spp. (Angelica rosaefolia) (Bidens pilosa). Tree sp. (Melicope ternata)
Tokelau FJ.HOGAHOGA.A Ogo/hia Be hurt, feel pain
Tongan PN.HOKO.1 Hoko To arrive (especially of time); happen, occur, take place...
West Uvea PN.HOKO.1 Oko/fia Trouver
Vaeakau-Taumako FJ.OLO.3 Olo/ia Grind (vt) (e.g. manioc)
Takuu FJ.OLO.3 Oro-ia Rub against something, grind, or grate using a long blade with a back and forth motion; tool which uses this action (exs. grating taro, grinding shell artefacts, flattening pandanus leaves)
West Uvea AN.HUHU Uu-mia Sein; teter
Samoan OC.HULI.1 Uli/sega Caesia sp. , fish sp.
Kapingamarangi PN.HURU.B Ulu/hia Ecstatic, excited
Nukuoro PN.HURU.B Ulu/hia A sudden access of hostile feeling
Pukapuka PN.HURU.B Ulu/wia Possessed
Rennellese PN.HURU.B Ugu/hia To be possessed by an unworshipped supernatural and driven crazy; to be drunk
Tokelau PN.HURU.B Ulu/fia Be possessed by a spirit
Tongan PN.HURU.B Ulu/fia To infect (a wound or a limb etc.) so as to cause blood-poisoning (often impl.) Problematic
Sikaiana ??.TULUMA Tuluma A hand carved wooden cyclinder used for storing special items, especially the bonito hooks {paa}
Niue PN.KA.1 Ka Particle of immediate future