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16729 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tikopia MP.MUTU.2 Mutu Small, striped, edible fish taken on reef in hand-net (Pomacentidae cf. Abudefduf spp.)
Samoan AN.-NA.1 Na This, that, these, those. It always brings the accent of the preceding word onto the ultima, and causes a lengthening of the vowel.
Penrhyn AN.-NA.1 Na Particle marking nearness to the second person (hearer, addressee). The particle lengthens the final vowel of the preceding word.
Penrhyn PN.-RA Ra Locative particle marking remoteness both from speaker and hearer. This particle lengthens the preceding vowel...
West Uvea AN.-NA.1 Na Déictique marquant ce qui est près de celui à qui le locuteur s'addresse, ou renvoyant à d'autres éléments du discours...
Ifira-Mele NP.NA.2 Na Possessive marker, general
Mangareva NP.NA.2 Na Possessive particle. Particule qui marque la possession non-dominante [sic]
West Uvea PN.NA.3 Na Morphème préverbal marquant le passé...
Anuta PN.-NA.4 -na Third person singular possessive marker
East Futuna PN.-NA.4 ʔA/na, ʔo/na Third person singular possessive form after /ma/ /mo/ and /io/ 'for (A and O forms)' 'at'
East Uvea PN.-NA.4 -na Third person singular possessive marker
Fijian PN.-NA.4 -na Third person singular possessive marker
Ifira-Mele PN.-NA.4 -na Third person singular possessive marker
Mangareva PN.-NA.4 -na Third person singular possessive marker
Niuafo'ou PN.-NA.4 ʔA/na, ʔo/na Third person singular type II pronoun, occurring after the prepositions 'o, 'a, mo'o and ma'a
Penrhyn PN.-NA.4 -na 3rd person singular possession marker
Pukapuka PN.-NA.4 -na Third person singular possessive marker
Rarotongan PN.-NA.4 -na Third person singular possessive marker
Tikopia PN.-NA.4 -na Third person singular possessive marker
Tuamotu PN.-NA.4 -na Third person singular possessive marker
Tongan PN.NAA.2 Naa Respectful, modest, mannerly
Tikopia SO.NAQA.4 Na Rest, lie (of inanimate object)
Niue PN.NAFA Nafa Slit drum. Small, wooden drum shaped like a canoe, with a narrow slot on one side (McE).
Pukapuka PN.NAFA Nawa Small, wooden gong
Tahitian PN.NAFA Naha A sort of native cistern made of leaves; a receptacle for some liquid Uncertain Semantic Connection
Nuguria EC.NAI Tama/nai Perle der Tridacna
Tuamotu TA.NAKO Nako To make a mark, design upon
Marquesas AN.NAMU.1A Namu- Odour. Mauvaise odeur (Lch).
Mangareva CE.KOO-MATA.1 Komata. Komata uu (Atl). Mamelon. Mamelon du sein, nipple (Atl).
Marquesas AN.FARA Ko/fá-a The wood of the *fa-a*; a spear made from it
Marquesas CE.NAMU.2B Namu Petits moucherons qui se tiennent particulièrement sur les matières fermentées
Rarotongan CE.NAMU.2B Namu/namu Small winged insects
Rarotongan CE.NAMU.2B Namu-rikiriki Sandflies, small flies
Vaeakau-Taumako XO.NANA.1 Nana Mother (mainly used by children) [Taumako Dialect]
New Zealand Maori TA.NANA.2 Nana Eyebrows, tattoo marks between the eyebrows
Penrhyn NP.NANA.3 Naanaa Wild (animal)
New Zealand Maori CE.NANE Nanenane Rotten kumara Problematic
Pukapuka NP.NANEA Nanea To make much out of little, dextrous
East Futuna NP.NANU.B Nanu Réprimander, gronder, blâmer
Marquesas PN.FAU.B Ko/fáou [= fáou] The *purou* tree; an ornament for the ears made from the wood of the *fáou*
Marquesas MP.FAU.A Ko/fáou [= fáou] The *purou* tree; an ornament for the ears made from the wood of the *fáou*
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.SALATO Lau/aloato Small tree sp....leaves are itchy
Vaeakau-Taumako RO.NANUE Nanue A fish, maybe a bream fish
East Futuna PN.NAO Na/nao Grope for in hole. Introduire la main dans qqch.; attraper qqch. en mettant la main dans un trou (Mfr).
Marquesas PN.NAO Na/nao Introduire la mans dans, fouiller, chercher avec la main dans un trou
Penrhyn PN.NAO Noo Open tridacna shells, separate flesh from shell; shell opener, a pointed stick made from ngangie wood
Tahitian PN.NAO Na/nao Essayer d'atteindre, avec la main, un object visible. To thrust or introduce the hand or arm into any cavity, hole, or aperture (Dvs).
Tahitian PN.NAO Taa/nao, tii/nao Introduire la main dans un trou pour attraper une anguille, un crabe de terre
New Zealand Maori CP.NAO-NAO Naonao Midge, small moth
Penrhyn CP.NAO-NAO Nao/nao Small fly, gnat, etc.