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1056 Results matching "mai" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.TAKALO Hua/takalo Play (mainly of children)
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.TOA Toa/toa A small tree with small leaves and hard wood growing on rocks (mainly found in Vaeakau)
West Futuna PN.PITO.2 Pih/pito/kai Restes pour le lendemain
West Futuna PN.TARA Tara veihtoka Dépassement du toit devant la maison
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.MUQA-KI Mua/mai To go before
West Futuna PN.TAA.2 Ta/fuji Main de banane
West Futuna MP.AFE.1A Afe/mai Reviens
West Futuna PN.TATAU.3 Fa/tataw/ia Essorer main de dessus vers droite
West Futuna PN.MATUQA.B Ko/motua Jardin nouveau, jamais planté auparavant
Anuta PN.PITO.2 Tau/pito mai Nearby Uncertain Semantic Connection
New Zealand Maori PN.TAU-PILI Taupiri Clinging close, maintaining attachment, intimate
Nukumanu NO.KOO.4 Ko A dark spot in the Milky Way, a little south of Mailapa [Altair].
Nuguria PN.TIQAKI Tiake Remain, stay (behind); be abandoned, left behind Phonologically Irregular
East Futuna NP.KOI-GA Koiga Limite, marquée par des croix en troncs de cocotier, entre les différents domaines
East Uvea PN.ALA Ala(ala) Palper, toucher, porter la main sur, caresser
Emae PN.HALA-MATUQA Ara matua Main road
Ifira-Mele PN.HALA-MATUQA Te/ara matua The main road
Tikopia PN.HALA-MATUQA Ara matua Main path
Niue TO.KUU.3 Kuu Short. Maimed (Lws).
East Uvea TO.KUU.3 Nima ku Main dont le petit doigt est coupé
Tongan AN.FARU.1 Faoo To take away by main force, or by virtue of superior rank or authority
Tongan PN.MATA-FENUA Matafonua Coast on the front side of an island (the side where the main settlement is)
Tongan OC.NOFO (No)nofo To dwell, remain, pass one's time
Tongan EO.TOE.1A Tóë Remainder, residue
Tongan PN.TOE-GA Twenga. Tooenga, toénga, twenga. Remainder. Residual.
East Futuna PN.TAAU-GA.B Tautaauga Crochet auquel on suspend les paniers de vivres dans la maison
East Uvea PN.TUTUE Tutue Maigre
Mangareva NP.PEI Pei Faire sauter sur les mains des petites boules ou des fruits pour s'amuser
Mangareva CE.FUATA.1B Uata Bois de travers du filet à main. A cross piece of wood on a hand-net (Tgr).
Tahitian TA.MAI-MOA Maimoa A toy, pet, favourite, a play thing
New Zealand Maori TA.MAI-MOA Maimoa Pet, fondling; decoy, parrot; cherish, take care of
Tuamotu TA.MAI-MOA Maimoa A toy, plaything; a favourite, a pet, a petted child
Niue PN.MA-ISI Maihi To be split open; rock crevice
East Uvea PN.MA-ISI Maihi Qui peut se couper, coupé
East Futuna PN.MA-ISI Maisi/isi Etre légèrement griffé (peau en se grattant); être gribouillé
Nukuoro PN.MA-ISI Maisi To be peeled off
Kapingamarangi PN.MA-ISI Maihi Peeled off
Tahitian PN.MA-ISI Maihi To fall or slip off untimely as the abortives of brutes
Tuamotu PN.MA-ISI Maihi To come-, peel-, strip, flake- off, exposing the under surface (as bark, skin)
Marquesas PN.MA-ISI Maihi Déménager, s'en aller de Uncertain Semantic Connection
New Zealand Maori PN.MA-ISI Maihi, maaihi/ihi Scurf, dandruff
Takuu PN.MA-ISI Maisi (of bark of a tree) Come off by itself, split open
Rennellese PN.MA-ISI Maisi To be broken off, as a fragment; small bit, fragment
Rennellese PN.MA-ISI Maisi/isi To be fragile, broken to bits, as coral
East Futuna TO.LAKU.2 Laku S'accoupler, faire l'amour avec une maitresse Problematic
East Uvea TO.LUTU (Lu)lutu Bruit, fait dans l'eau avec la main ou autrement; faire un bruit ainsi tremblement; trembler
Niue PN.MAO.2 Mao mao V mai: Be perceived (by speaker) as a result of V Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue PN.MELO Melo Mixed (of colour) (mainly refers to shades of yellow, green, red and brown); to redden (of face or eyes, as when close to tears)
East Uvea XW.NUTI Nusi, nunusi, nusinusi Frotter, broyer entre ses mains, écraser entre les doigts; saupoudrer, semer
East Uvea XW.NUTI Nuki(nuki) Frotter entre ses doigts, broyer avec les mains Phonologically Irregular