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Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
East Futuna AN.AKA.A Aka Root
East Uvea AN.AKA.A Aka Root
Fijian AN.AKA.A W/aka/ Root
Hawaiian AN.AKA.A Aʔa Small root
Kapingamarangi AN.AKA.A Aga Root of tree or plant
New Zealand Maori AN.AKA.A Aka Small root
Marquesas AN.AKA.A Aka. Aaka (Mtu). Racine. Root.
Mangareva AN.AKA.A Aka, aʔa Root
Nuguria AN.AKA.A Aka Root
Nukuoro AN.AKA.A Aga Root of tree or plant
Luangiua AN.AKA.A (ʔ)Aʔa Root
Penrhyn AN.AKA.A Aka Root; sprout
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.AKA.A Aka (pl. vei/aka) Root
Pukapuka AN.AKA.A Aka Root of a plant or tree
Rarotongan AN.AKA.A Aka Root
Samoan AN.AKA.A Aʔa Root
Sikaiana AN.AKA.A Pati/aka Root
Takuu AN.AKA.A Aka Lateral root of a tree or plant
Tokelau AN.AKA.A Aka Root
Tongan AN.AKA.A Aka Root
Tuamotu AN.AKA.A Aka Small root
Rennellese RO.AKA.B Aka A bush vine (Pueraria triloba) with long roots, eaten in times of shortage
Tikopia RO.AKA.B Aka Root of (Pueraria lobata)
Tongan RO.AKA.B Aka Kind of leguminous creeper whose root is eaten when better food is scarce. (Pueraria lobata) (Whr).
Luangiua PN.QAKA ʔAsi Kick, shove with foot
Takuu PN.QAKA Aaka/si Kick something with the sole of the foot; (of leg) kick out; extend in kicking motion
Tongan PN.AKA-TASA Akataha A leguminous vine or creeper with a taproot . (Rorippa somentosa)
Tongan PN.AKE.A Ake A hardwood tree
New Zealand Maori MP.GUTU.A Koo/ngutu Mouth of a river
Fijian OC.AKU Yaku Take soft food with fingers
Niue OC.AKU Aku To shovel up (as gravel, rubbish, etc.), dig up. Scoop; scurry (Sph).
Mangaia AN.-KU.1 Aa/ku, oo/ku I, mine Problematic
Hawaiian CE.AA-KUA-NEI Auaneʔi, aʔuaneʔi Soon, by and by, presently, shortly, just
Rarotongan CE.AA-KUA-NEI Aakoonei Later on today; maybe, perhaps
Tuamotu CE.AA-KUA-NEI Aakuuanei Today in a little while, today a little later on, presently, soon
Fijian FJ.QARA Cadra Rise (of sun or moon), come up (of seeds) Problematic
Rennellese PN.ALAGA.A Aganga Limb, as leg or arm; tool, as adze or knife; weapon; to carry such
East Futuna TO.ALAGA.B Alaga All the parts and gear of a canoe; the main roof-bearers in a house Problematic
Pukapuka PN.AALAI Aalai That which wards off, protects or defends as barrier; reef, in the sense of the outside reef considered as warding off the sea and protecting the land; reef heads and barriers in the lagoon
Tokelau PN.AALAI Aalai Reef inside the lagoon
Takuu OC.QALAWA Arava Type of shark which excretes a yellow, apparently glowing substance when hooked; to be brownish, yellowish-orange
Hawaiian PN.ALEALE.B Ale Hollow or cavern on sea floor
Niue AN.FARU.1 Fo/foo To take something without permission
Moriori PN.QALELO Arere Roof of mouth
Nukuoro XO.ALETUU Boo/aleduu Tomorrow night
Rennellese CE.ARI ʔAgi Exclamation: Goodness! My! Really! Problematic
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.LAULAU Raurau Generic term for cooking receptacles and serving platters
Hawaiian PN.HAALIQA Aalia Pool where salt is formed; salt-bed
New Zealand Maori PN.HAALIQA Aaria Deep water between two shoals; deep pool in river; shore pool filled only at high water
Marquesas PN.HAALIQA Aiʔa Reef or rocks where seafood is gathered at low tide. Bas-fond de corail sur lequel les poulpes se tiennent ordinairement; récif de corail. Base de corail [Northwest Marquesan Dialect] (Lch).