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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tokelau AN.AFIAFI Afiafi Afternoon and evening
Mangareva MP.AFO Aʔo Ficelle, petite corde dont on fait les filets; ligne de pêche
Nggela MP.AFO Rau ni/avo/lo Leaf kite for fishing
East Futuna EO.AFU.1 Afu(sa) Posterité Borrowed
Rotuman EO.AFU.1 Afu Generation (of persons related) Borrowed
East Futuna PN.AFU.2 Afu Rejeton en generale; petites plantes de lafi
Marquesas PN.AFU.2 Ahu Transplanter la canne a sucre
Marquesas PN.AFU.2 Ahu/ka Cérémonie qui consiste à porter aux jeunes mariés un jeune pied de hiapo qu'on plante
Rennellese PN.AFU.2 Haka/ahu/ Let grow, as volunteer papayas
Tikopia PN.AFU.2 Faka/afu/ Tend, as a plant Problematic
New Zealand Maori PN.QAFU.1 Ma/ahu/ Steamy
Niue PN.QAFU.1 Te/afu, ta/afu Tired Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue CP.ALU Te/alu, ti/alu Creeper sp. (Verbena officinalis); spreading weed sp. (Salvia occidentalis). Creeping shrub found on cliffs (McE).
Samoan PN.QAFU.1 Aafu To be heated, to sweat
Tahitian PN.QAFU.1 Ahu Chaleur radiante; dégager de la chaleur par radiation, chauffer en parlant du piment; fièvre, avoir la fièvre
Tongan PN.QAFU.1 ʔAfu Hot and steamy, of air, of an earth-oven, of a feverish person
Tongan PN.QAFU.1 ʔAʔafu Very hot and steamy
Tuamotu PN.QAFU.1 Aahu Steam, vapour; hot from exertion
Rapa EO.QAFU.2 Aʔu/nga Artificial terrace (a`uanga?)
Tahitian EO.QAFU.2 Ahu To throw up or huddle toegher a heap of things; to pile up stones or throw up earth, as for a fortification; to put up the wall of a marae; to make an inclosure to catch fish in shallow places (Dvs). Plate-forme supérieure des marae (Lmt)
Takuu PN.WAA.2 Vaa Distance along a known (and usually stated) route (noun of place, not preceded by an article); in compounds, gap or distance between two or more objects...
East Uvea TO.QAFUA ʔAfua Beau temps, sans pluie Problematic
Tahitian NP.AAFUA Ahua Traits caracteristiques
Tuamotu NP.AAFUA Ahuua The form, appearance, semblance, character
Tuamotu PN.QAAFUA Ahuua An elevated place on shore exposed to the breaking waves
East Uvea MP.AFU-AFU Afuafu Petite pluie fine
East Futuna CP.AGA Aga Conduite, coutume, usage, habitude
East Uvea EO.SONI.A Honi/ʔi, soni/i (obs.) Tailler légèrement; faire une petite incision
Kapingamarangi NP.QAGA.2 Anga Empty, hollow; outer shell of breadfruit seed
New Zealand Maori NP.QAGA.2 Anga Hard outer covering, shell, husk
Rarotongan NP.QAGA.2 Anga General term for sea shells; fish trap
Rapa PN.-AGA.3 -Anga Participial suffix, present tense
Kapingamarangi PN.AGE Ange Towards the addressee ; away from speaker and listener
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.AGE Ange Away, more (postnuclear, mostly clitic, directional particle indicating motion or action away from both speaker and hearer, towards a third person or in general away from something. It is also used to express comparison or a greater amount of something)
Rennellese PN.AGE Ange Postposed particle softening entreaties, sometimes with a nuance of emotion (hope, sorrow, pity, affection, pleasure)
Tongan PN.AGE Ange To or towards him, along; -er, more, to a greater degree
Nukuoro AN.AGI.1 Angi Blow gently (of wind); a disturbance (of the water)
Niue PN.AGI.2 Angi(angi) Tramp, vagabond, destitute, prostitute
Rarotongan CK.AGI.3 ʔAnge (Geniostoma sykesii) ("Apparently Cheeseman (1903) and Campbell (1932) mistakenly applied this name (misspelled as angi) to the similar looking but unrelated Coprosma laevigata." Problematic
East Uvea AN.AGO.1 Ago Nom d'une plante donnant une coleur jaune. Curcuma domestica (le curcuma, safran des Indes)
Nukumanu AN.AGO.1 Te lau ano Turmeric
Penrhyn PN.AGO.2 Ango Imitate
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.AGO.2 Ango/ia Engage [in marriage] (vt); decorate
Pukapuka PN.AGO.2 Ango/ango Careful rationing of a limited supply
New Zealand Maori NP.QAGO.A Ango/a Wasted away
Tongan PN.QAGO.B ʔAngoʔango Absolutely empty, absolutely dry, completely finished (of a vessel which has had liquid in it)
Samoan NP.QAGO.A Ago/si Wasted with sickness
Tahitian NP.QAGO.A A/ao Thin, wasted by disease
Mangareva PN.QAGO.B ʔAgo Trou d'anguille dans la terre
Rennellese AN.QAHAWA-NA ʔAaba/ki Participate, join, help; helper, assistant, spouse