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61298 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Manihiki-Rakahanga CE.REIRA Reira There
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.LAU-QULU Rauru Hair (of head)
Sikaiana PN.QALI.2 A/ali/ To shave
Tikopia PN.QALI.2 A/ari/ Shave face
Tongan PN.QALI.2 Ali Naturally beardless (of man's face) Phonologically Irregular
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.LAULAU Raurau Generic term for cooking receptacles and serving platters
Tongan PN.QALI.2 Hali To graze, just touch in passing Phonologically Irregular
Tongan PN.QALI.2 ʔAli/aki To scrape or wipe (one's feet) on a scraper or mat
Fijian PN.QALI.1A Yali Lost, absent, missing Uncertain Semantic Connection
Hawaiian PN.QALI.1A Ali/ali Crystal clear, white
Kapingamarangi PN.QALI.1A A/ali Successful, outstanding; to win (in game) Uncertain Semantic Connection
New Zealand Maori PN.QALI.1A Ari White, visible
New Zealand Maori PN.QALI.1A Ari/ari Bare (as tree trunk); clear, gleaming
Marquesas PN.QALI.1A Aʔi Bare; a decouvert, qui n'est pas obscurci par aucun nuage
Mangareva PN.QALI.1A Ari/a Place with no trees
Niue MP.QAPI.2 Api/tia To be jammed, tight. Choked, confined (as by plants etc.) (McE).
Niue PN.QALI.1A Ma/ali Clear, distinct, apparent, obvious
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.QALI.1A Ali Be visible, be possible to see, appear
Rarotongan PN.QALI.1A Ari Sparkling, as of very clear water
Hawaiian CE.TUU.3 Kuu Name for the third, fourth, fifth and sixth days of the month (Kuu kahi, Kuu lua, Kuu kolu, Kuu pau)
Samoan PN.QALI.1A Ali/ali Visible
Samoan PN.QALI.1A A/ali/ Appear
Tahitian PN.QALI.1A Ari/ari Clear, fair, transparent
Tongan PN.QALI.1A ʔA/ʔali So clear that fish can see those trying to catch them. Apparaitre dedans l'eau, à distance profonde (Btn).
Tuamotu PN.QALI.1A Ari (Lay) bare; visible; be white
West Futuna PN.QALI.1A Ari Open, clear; become known
Hawaiian PN.HAALIQA Aalia Pool where salt is formed; salt-bed
Tuvalu AN.QAHAWA-NA Aava Polite, respectful ; honour, respect
Tuvalu AN.QAHO Ao Day (not night)
Tuvalu OC.AI.1 Ai Anaphoric pronoun
Tuvalu AN.QAITU Aitu Ghost, spirit
Tuvalu PN.QAKA Aka(hi) Push with foot, stamp
Tuvalu LO.AKERISI Akelisi Locust (Gk.)
Tuvalu PN.-QAKI.1 -aki Reciprocal intensive indicating repeated or alternating action
Tuvalu PN.AKIAKI Akiaki Fairy Tern. White Tern (Jsn).
Tuvalu PN.AALAI Aalai Fence; cut off fugitive with pincer movement ; wall
Tuvalu PN.ALA-TI Alati Scratch, as when itchy
Tuvalu OC.QALAWA Alava (C. longiamus)
Tuvalu OC.ALI.1 Ali Fish sp., Flounder
Tuvalu PN.QALI.2 Ali Clean inside of eyelids
Tuvalu PN.QALI.1A Ali/ali Visible
Tuvalu PN.HAALIQA Aalia Shallow passage between two islets
New Zealand Maori PN.HAALIQA Aaria Deep water between two shoals; deep pool in river; shore pool filled only at high water
Marquesas PN.HAALIQA Aiʔa Reef or rocks where seafood is gathered at low tide. Bas-fond de corail sur lequel les poulpes se tiennent ordinairement; récif de corail. Base de corail [Northwest Marquesan Dialect] (Lch).
Penrhyn PN.HAALIQA Aaria Water pathway, narrow passage, that is a stretch of water between two islets, which is shallower and narrower than a passage (ava), which...even a small boat cannot normally go through.
Rarotongan PN.HAALIQA Aaria Open stretch of water between two islands in the lagoon
Samoan PN.HAALIQA Aalia Watercourse, dry bed of a river ; brook, creek but example suggests perhaps one subject to drying up
Tahitian PN.HAALIQA Aria The space between objects; the parts between the knots of sugar cane, bamboo, &c.
Tahitian PN.HAALIQA Aria Détroit, intervalle
Tuamotu PN.HAALIQA Aria Shallow passage, inlet filled with rocks, leading into lagoon