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16732 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Anuta PN.TUME Tuma Slow (of a canoe)
Pukapuka PN.TUME Tuma Blunt, dull; slow (of canoe)
Moriori EP.TUMU.1 Tchumu Main part
Anuta PN.TUMU-QAKI Tumuoki Top of human head
Tokelau PN.TUMU-TUMU Tumutumu Top (e.g. of mast)
Rennellese AN.TUNU Lunu Burn the last small part of a garden after the large trees have been burned . (Bst) Problematic
New Zealand Maori CE.TUU-ORO Tioro Scream, make a discordant sound
Rotuman OC.TUPA Fupa Small landcrab
Tahitian OC.TUPA Tupa Crabe de terre: tourlourou (Cardisoma carnifex)
Tikopia OC.TUPA Tupa The large beach crab (Cardisoma sp.)
Waya OC.TUPA Tubaa Generic term for several species of land-crab; (Cardisoma sp.)
Marquesas EP.TUUPAAPAKU Tupapaku (MQN), tupapaʔu (MQS) Moribond, malade, mort, cadavre, corps inanimé; dépouille mortelle; spectre du mort
Tongan PN.TUPE.1 Tupe Disc made of coconut shell used in the game of lafo
Nuguria AN.TUPU.A Tipu Grow (human beings, birds, yeast, islands in creation stories; not plants)
Rennellese AN.TUPU.A Ma/lubu To grow, sprout Borrowed
Sikaiana AN.TUPU.A Tupu To grow, to age (of humans); to bear; to be born; to emerge
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TUPU.B Tupu/angahulu Thousand, very many
Anuta OC.TUPUQA.A Tupua Spirit. A spirit which was never a human being (Fbg).
East Futuna OC.TUPUQA.A Tupuʔa Stars marking months of year
Hawaiian OC.TUPUQA.A Kupua Supernatural being, being with magic powers
New Zealand Maori OC.TUPUQA.A Tupua Goblin, demon, one versed in magic
New Zealand Maori OC.TUPUQA.A Tipua Goblin, demon, one versed in magic
Ifira-Mele OC.TUPUQA.A Jipua A type of supernatural creature (not harmful) that may visit people in their sleep
Mangareva OC.TUPUQA.A Tupua Demon, monster (I); sage, chief. Principal, chef; savant, maître d'un art, instituteur; grand tortue; être très gros, large, épais (se dit des hommes et des choses) (Rch).
Rotuman OC.TUPUQA.A Tupuʔa Image, stature, idol, doll; star or constellation (especially as a point for steering by; point of the compass Problematic
Samoan OC.TUPUQA.A Tupua Idol , image
Sikaiana OC.TUPUQA.A Tupua A supernatural spirit. Unlike aitu, tupua are not dead humans who have become supernatural, but have always been supernatural beings. They are often associated with specific place names either ashore or along the reef. They assisted aitu mate in their endeavors.
West Futuna OC.TUPUQA.A Tupua Image, idol, sign
Moriori CE.TUPUAKI.* Tupuaki = MAO tumuaki (Wms)
Moriori OC.TUPUNA Rupuna, ropuna, rapuna = MAO tupuna (Wms)
Tikopia OC.TUPUNA Puna Male or female of grandparent generation or above
Marquesas AN.TUSU.A Tuhi Point, indicate. Indiquer, montrer avec la main, imputer, accuser (Lch).
Mangareva AN.TUSU.A Tuʔi Point to. Montrer du doigt, désigner quelqu'un avec le doigt, avec la main
Fijian OC.TUSI Tusi Of native cloth kesa'd (marked with dye) with various colours and patterns
Pukapuka OC.TUSI Tuyi To mark
Rennellese OC.TUSI Tusi Mark, as with turmeric or betel spit
Rotuman OC.TUSI Tusi To mark with dots Problematic
Samoan OC.TUSI Tusi Draw, write . Mark siapo, write.
Sikaiana OC.TUSI Tusi To make lines in a material; to draw them on paper; the lines on lined paper
Tikopia OC.TUSI Tusi Trace with finger, mark (e.g. with turmeric); write (mod.)
Tikopia OC.TUSI Ta/tusi/tusi Marked in pattern; banded, as tail feathers of bird
New Zealand Maori CE.TUU-TARA Tuutara Small talk, gossip; to slander, defame
Tahitian TA.TUU-TOKO Tutoo To shove or push aside, to pull or drag along; the lasting cough, the asthma
Tahitian TA.TUU-TOKO Tuutoʔo Tuberculose (ma'i tuuto'o); faire avancer une pirogue à la perche
Easter Island EP.TUTU.1 Tutu Rueda de redes que tiene forma de embudos y canastos . Rueda. Wheel (Weber).
Tongan CE.TUTU.2 Tutu/ʔuli A vine (Jasminum didymum) whose juice may be used as ink Problematic
Marquesas AN.TUTU.3 Tútu To beat (in making cloth)
Rapa AN.TUTU.3 Ike tutu Tapa mallet for finishing
Tahitian AN.TUTU.3 Tutu To beat the layers of bark with the cloth-mallet, as the women do in cloth-making; to strike or beat; to express the juice from the mati berries, in order to die a scarlet colour
Tongan AN.TUTU.3 Tutu Inner bark of the paper mulberry after the outer layer has been removed; to beat this in making tapa cloth