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16732 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tuamotu PN.WALO.2 Vaaro (Lysiosquilla maculata)
Fijian OC.WALO-WALO Yaro(yaro) A small coast tree with entire leaves
Waya OC.WALO-WALO (Y)araro Small tree, Premna spp.
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.WARU Valu/ia Scrape out (e.g. coconut, kumara, yam, breadfruit, taro, a tree (to make traditional medicine), etc.)
Takuu PN.WARU Varu Scrape a coconut or fibres from a swamp taro stalk (e.g. to make a hat), grate; grate coconuts
East Uvea CP.WANA Vana Oursin (Heliocidaris erithrogramma) (Acanthaster planci)
Penrhyn CP.WANA Nava Long-spine black sea urchin (Diadema savignyi etc)
Vaeakau-Taumako CP.WANA Vana Sea urchin ; very small black sea urchin spine
Tikopia CP.WANA Vana A needle-spined sea urchin (Diadema sp.)
Tokelau CP.WANA Vana Black sea-urchin with long, brittle spines (Diadema sp.)
Nukuoro NP.WAANAGA Vaalanga Made up (of story)
Pukapuka NP.WAANAGA Vaananga Public proclamation, announcement, challenge
Tongan NP.WAANAGA Vaangana (Of water) to make a trickling, rippling or running noise Problematic
Takuu MP.WAO.A Vao Uncultivated area with trees, bush; vegetation used as mulching material
Easter Island CP.WASA Vaha Hendedura, abertura de un cuerpo; espacia entre los dedos de la mano (vaha rima)
Marquesas CP.WASA Haʔa/vaha Make an opening (e.g. for passage of people)
Tikopia CP.WASA Vasa Open space; empty space, esp. of cosmic kind; in marine context, ocean wastes
Tokelau FJ.WASE Vahe To draw a line; marked line; rule
New Zealand Maori NP.WATA Wata/wata Full of holes, perforated; having many interstices
Samoan PN.WAATIA Vaatia A kind of dish made by mixing coconut cream with arrowroot
Sikaiana PN.WAATIA Vaasina A food made from taro Problematic
Tikopia PN.WAATIA Vaatia A pudding made from the root of masoaa; make sago pudding
Tongan PN.WAATIA Vaasia A food made from taro leaves, coconut cream and arrowroot
Tongan PN.PAQAO Paʔao (of female fish) Thin after spawning; (of woman or female animal) thin after giving birth [syn. paeko]
East Futuna PN.PAQAO Paʔao Maigre, sans chair; vide (crabe)
Kapingamarangi PN.WATUKE Maduge Slate Pencil Urchin (Heterocentrotus mammillatus) Phonologically Irregular
Takuu FJ.WAA-WAA.2A Vaavaa Intestines, guts, bowels of humans, turtles and pigs, after they have been removed from the body
Marquesas EP.WAWAI Vevai (MQS) (Ua Pou-Lch) Coton. Cotonnier, arbuste introduit par les Espagnols au XVIème siècle, de la famille des malvacées (Lch).
Tuamotu EP.WAWAI Vava(a)i Vine (Triumfetta procumbens) whose fibres used to make cordage and clothing
Mangareva OC.WAWE Vave Grow, progress rapidly. Grandir, pousser promptement; progresser rapidement (maladie) (Rch).
Nuguria OC.WAWE Hare mai iave! Komm sehr schnell!
Kapingamarangi CC.WEKE-WEKE Wegewege Frayed, as cloth or mat; unravelled; grainy coarseness of wood
East Futuna NP.WEKU.1 Veku/veku Ébouriffé, échevelé, mal peigne
Samoan NP.WEKU.1 Ma/veʔu Disarranged, disordered, of hair, clothes
Marquesas OC.WELA.A Veʔa Incendié, brûlé, brûlant, détruit par le feu; cuit. Brûlant, chaud; cuire, incendier, brûler; inflammation, ébullition de sang (Lch).
Mangareva OC.WELA.B Vera Hot, burning, stinging. Etre cuisant, brulant, âpre, piquant (se did du feu, de ce qui est chaud, des maux, des douleurs) (Rch).
Tikopia FJ.WALE.3 Vare/vare General sense of not belonging to systematic order: at random, haphazard, in every direction, out of focus, etc.; common, ordinary (in social or technical status)
Nuguria FJ.WELE Vere/na Urbar machen, Gras und Busch entfernen
Penrhyn EP.WERE-WERE.A* Verevere Tassels; edge of mantle of Tridacna shell, something like short spines
Rarotongan EP.WERE-WERE.A* Vere That which is of a gauze-like appearance, or that which is thin or fine to make; anything flimsy and easily broken; the uvula . To pout
Rarotongan EP.WERE-WERE.A* Maa/verevere Fringed, a fringe
New Zealand Maori TA.WERE-WERE.B* Werewere Some part of female sex organs capable of constriction and usually cited with plural article
Tahitian TA.WERE-WERE.B* Verevere Lately, a name given to the female pudenda
Mangareva OC.WELI.1 Veri Espèce d'annélide de mer ressemblant aux mille-pattes. A marine annelid like a centipede; it is venomous (Tgr).
East Uvea NP.WELI.2 Veli Démanger
Marquesas NP.WELI.2 Veʔi Qui a une qualité mauvaise quelqonque
Mangareva NP.WELI.2 Veri/veri Disagreeable, repulsive. Haïr, détester; être très mauvais, très vilain
Takuu XO.VELO Velo/velo Fish sp., similar to a mataere, not often caught. Poss? a Coral Cod
Fijian CE.WERU Wedru Wet and sticking together as hair of an animal that has been in the water Problematic
Anuta SO.VENE Vene A strip of barkcloth used to tie a *poopora* type basket to a woman's back