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16733 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Sikaiana EO.MA-LAMA Malama The moon; a month
Takuu PN.MA-RAMA.B Maarama Natural world (as opposed to the supernatural)
Sikaiana PN.MA-RAMA.B Malaama/na The world, the universe, the cosmos Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana PN.MA-LAGA.1 Marana To be pried up; to be peeling (as paint peels)
Sikaiana MP.MALU.A Malu To be shaded, of an area protected from the sun and rain
Sikaiana XO.MA-SIKE Masike/sike To fidget, be disturbed, be unable to sit still Uncertain Semantic Connection
Nuguria XO.MA-SIKE Masike, mahike (pl. mahhike) Arise, get up, wake up, stand up after sleep
Takuu XO.MA-SIKE Masike (pl. massike) Stand up, get up; (of the wind) pick up, increase in strength; (of engine) start, fire
Sikaiana CP.MA-MATA Mmata Look, examine, inspect
Sikaiana PN.MATA-FENUA Mata henua The point or tip of the island, promontory
Takuu NO.MATA-KAINA Matakaaina Place, area, location
Luangiua NO.MATA-KAINA Makaʔiŋa Village
Nukumanu NO.MATA-KAINA Matakaina Town, city; household, home place
Takuu NO.MATA-PUKU Matapuku Fish sp., Papuan Trevally (Caranx sansun) [second largest growth stage]
Nuguria NO.MATA-PUKU Matapuku Big eye trevally
Sikaiana NO.MATA-PUKU Matapuku Fish sp., trevally [largest growth stage]
Sikaiana PN.MATAQU.1 Maatau A fish hook (archaic); to fish with a hand held line
Sikaiana AN.MATE.1A Mate To die, to be dead; to fall into a deep sleep after a tiring experience of drinking; to be extinguished or to have lost power...
Sikaiana AN.MATUQA.A Matua Ripe, of fruits and vegetables; mature, of humans
Takuu PN.MATUKU.A Matuka Bird sp., a type of tern Problematic
Sikaiana AN.MATUQA.C Maatua Parents
Sikaiana PN.MAATUQA Maatua genetic parents, classifactory parents; 1st ascending generation lineal and collateral relatives.
Takuu PN.MAATUQA Maatua Clan head, traditional religious and secular leader; parent
Takuu EO.MAUII Mauvi Left (as opposed to right)
Sikaiana PN.MELE.1 M/mele Injured, damaged, cut, dented
East Uvea PN.GAQA Gaʔa Nom de poisson, espèce de maquereau, Rastrelliger kanagurta
Luangiua PN.GAQA ŋaa Long jawed mackerel
Sikaiana PN.GAQA Naa Fish sp., 'buma' [horse mackerel, Caranx crumenophthalmus]
Sikaiana PN.GATAQA Nataa/taa To make an effort, to engage oneself in some activity
Takuu PN.NEWA.A Neva/neva (of stomach) Unsettled from hunger; (of body) exhausted; (of birds) hover
Nuguria EC.NI.1 Ni Tense marker (past?)
Takuu OC.NOFO Naa n/noho Wives in a plural marriage (in fables)
East Uvea SO.FUA-QI- Fua ʔi tama Un beau garçon fort
Takuu CE.PAA-SERE.2 Paela Curved metal blade of a hoe or mattock Problematic
Takuu PN.PAGOGO Pannoo Fishing technique: standing in waist-deep water and casting a line among the rocks for small fish; Golden Spinefoot (Siganus guttatus) or rabbitfish, typically caught by this method
Nuguria XO.PAQIOLO Paoro Turtle bones on the back, turtle backbones; stirring rod for hot food, made of turtle bone
Takuu PN.PALE-TUQA Paretua Fishing contest with married couples competing against other married couples Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu SO.PATI.3 Pati kauae Jaw of an animal; dimple
West Futuna NP.PEQE-SI.B Pesi/a/mai (ANI) To shut in, include
Sikaiana PN.PITO.2 Pito kupena A small net about three feet long
Luangiua NO.MANU.2 Maŋu Odour (bad)
Nuguria NO.MANU.2 Manu-manu Smell (v) of the sea
Nuguria NO.MANU.2 Manu-saa Smell (v) of something going bad (fish and meat)
Nuguria NO.MANU.2 Manu-taitai Smell (v) of something which has drifted for a long time in the sea
Sikaiana NO.MANU.2 Manu A smell
Takuu NO.MANU.2 Manu/kava Foul-smelling; smell of stale urine or sweat
Takuu PN.POLA-POLA Porapora Kind of basket made of coconut leaves...
Sikaiana PN.PORO-QAKI Polo The death wish or requests a dying man makes to his family
Sikaiana PN.PORO-QAKI Polo/polo A promise; to promise, to make a commitment, often to marry
Sikaiana OC.PULAPULA Pulapula Offspring whose physical features resemble their male genitor