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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Marquesas PN.PUUPUU.4 Pupa Fagot, paquet, faisceau, botte, gerbe Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas NP.LAPAKAU Ea ra pou A plaister
Marquesas PN.SOPU.1 Ea Tom, a ho boo Adopted child
Rarotongan NP.TAA.1E Ta/taa Wash clothes (often by beating or pounding); washed
Marquesas PN.TAPA.4 Ta/tapa, te/tapa Faire retentir son nom pour annoncer son arrivée
Marquesas FJ.TIPI.2 Tipi/koki Boiter en marchant, traîner la jambe Uncertain Semantic Connection
Kapingamarangi OC.TAQO.2A Taa. ThA (Ebt). To submerge under the water; to remain in water for a period of time. Set a fish trap (Ebt).
Marquesas EP.UKU-I Ukui (MQN), uʔui (MQS) Brosser, frotter pour rendre clair et luisant, fourbir, polir.
New Zealand Maori EP.UKU-I Ukui To wipe, scour or rub something; white clay
Rarotongan EP.UKU-I Uukii Grate, rub, grind, scrub, scour
Tahitian EP.UKU-I ʔUʔui Frotter
Tahitian EP.UKU-I Uui To rub or polish a canoe, umete, &c.
Tahitian EP.UKU-I Ui To grate, to rub; a grater or rubber
Tahitian EP.UKU-I ʔUi Frotter, effacer
Marquesas MQ.FATARA Fáttá A wooden utensil with branches to suspend victuals upon; a raft; a cage
Marquesas AN.SALA.1 Haá/haá Colère, fâcherie, détestation, haine, rancune; contrariété, déplaisir, impatience...
Marquesas CE.TAKAO Haka/tekao, haá/tekao Rester oisif, faire le paresseux; paresse, fainéantise Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas PN.FAKA-MAQU Haka mau Consolider, affermir, fixer, rendre stable; ajouter foi; (bot.) vrilles, cirrhes, griffes
Marquesas TA.FAA-TATA Haʔtaʔtah, ha, taʔter Near
Marquesas NP.SAWAIKI Maʔtee, zha vie Death
Ifira-Mele NP.SAWAIKI Wàmatte haviee He is absolutely dead
Takuu PN.FAI-QAHAWANA Haiaavana Related as spouses
Sikaiana PN.FAI-QAHAWANA Hai aavana To have sexual intercourse (polite form)
East Uvea PN.SIKI.1E Hiki Transporter, emporter, transférer
Niue PN.SIKI.1E Hiki Change, alter (vt); land (vi) from canoe Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuamotu PN.SIKI.1E Hiki Set out, move, go from one place to another, migrate
Marquesas CP.SIGA.A Heka (NKH), héna To fall prostrate; to fell a tree
Marquesas CE.RIRE Interjection de mépris, pour se moquer, faire honte... Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas CE.RIRE Yai A term of mockery
Marquesas PN.KINO Kigéno Absolutely bad, wicked
Tahitian NP.GAA-IPU ʔAaipu Coque de coco, coupe faite avec la noix de coco
Marquesas PN.POO.1B Ka/po óa Il y a longtemps (pour la partie du jour la plus éloignée) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas NP.GAA-IPU Kaipu Toutes sortes de vases
Marquesas MP.TAGATA Caʔna ter [person] s.v. 'dwarf'
Marquesas MQ.KEU.2 Káiu To teaze
Marquesas PN.KEU.1 Keu/keu S'agiter, remuer sans cesse; très vif, turbulent; chèvre
Marquesas CE.KIRITI Kikií/ete Convulsions Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas CE.KIRITI Keke/áite To tremble
New Zealand Maori PN.NANU.A Nanu Speak indistinctly or confusedly, be inarticulate, indistinct (of speech)
Rarotongan PN.NANU.A Nanu Mutter
Rennellese PN.NANU.A Nanu Sing after a leader, knowing song imperfectly
Tikopia PN.NANU.A Nanu/nanu Confused (of speech), inarticulate
Tongan PN.NANU.A Nenu Speak falteringly or hesitantly. Bredouiller (Rch).
Tuamotu PN.NANU.A Nanu To mumble, murmur indistinctly; indistinct, inarticulate (of voice)
Marquesas PN.TAU.3 Mata/tetau Généalogie, histoire des ancêtres
Marquesas PN.TAU.3 Ea Mata tee tow Genealogy, as to trace it
Marquesas AN.MATAKU Haka/metaú, haá/metaú Peur, crainte; effrayant; avoir peur, craindre
Marquesas PN.MISI.A Miti/ku, miti/ú Regretter vivement, s'inquiéter, se lamenter Phonologically Irregular
Ifira-Mele MP.MOO-MONA Mo, mo, nah Milky tasted, fattish
Marquesas FJ.NOKU Kahóu nógu Best white cloth Uncertain Semantic Connection