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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Marquesas MP.TIRO Teóhhe To see, look, watch
Marquesas FJ.TIPI.2 Tee pee, tee pee Hip
Marquesas FJ.TIPI.2 Teʔpee, coke Lame
Marquesas NP.TII-PUTA Tee, pu ta, toto Blood letting
Marquesas CE.TII-TAFA Tee tach ah To walk, stir about
Marquesas CE.TAPI.1C De/díppe tà eiyu Bail out the water out of the canoe
Marquesas NP.TOTI.1 Teté To hop Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas PN.TILI.1A Tetté To throw away, cast off, reject
Marquesas CE.MOO-TORO.* E toó í te vehine Debitum conjugalem petere
Hawaiian CE.TOLO.4 ʔUpena kolo Immense bag net said to be from sixteen to twenty-four fathoms deep
Marquesas PN.TAFUTI Tàhóute, tahute/húte To run
Marquesas EP.TOPA O ma tee, wo topas Sun set
Marquesas PN.TAU-.14 Tou/fá Forty, or an indefinite number Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue OC.TAQO.3A Tao/mi To occur repeatedly; to beset, to crowd
Marquesas CE.TUA-FINE.* Ea, Tu viʔene A sister
Marquesas OC.KOFU.2 Tu/kohu Brumeux (temps)
Marquesas CE.TUU-PERE Tupeʔe, tuveʔe, tuveve Gratter, se gratter; égratigner, racler
Marquesas AN.UA.1 Uwó/uwa Vein, artery, sinew
Marquesas PN.QAUEE Wai To cry; an interjection of grief, astonishment, &c
Marquesas PN.QUFI.2 E/oo chʔe Pearl oyster
Marquesas PN.QUFI.2 Úhwe The pearl oyster
Tahitian NP.KO-NAA Mai ʔoo na De là (où tu te trouves)
Marquesas MP.QULI.1 Hóuge To steer, a steersman
Marquesas EO.KUMETE Umétte A large woodden vessel to contain food &c
Anuta OC.MARA Maa mei Fermented breadfruit Borrowed
Anuta OC.MARA Ma/maa A type of food made from a number of vegetable substances, buried in large pits where it is fermented to acid, in which condition it can be kept for many years without spoiling
Emae OC.MARA Maa Fermented breadfruit Borrowed
Marquesas OC.MARA Ma. Maa (Atl). Breadfruit preserved by fermentation. Fruits à pain fermentés et conservés dans un silo, trou en terre ou récipient. Borrowed
Tahitian CE.KIA.1B Ía Devant une forme verbale: quand, lorsque, si (pour un événement inaccompli à la date à laquelle on se réfère).
Marquesas PN.TAAQOFI Maóhi (MQS) Toucher, saisir, prendre avec la main, retenir; adopter Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas PN.OO.2 E/o Interjection pour appeler quelqu'un de près: hé! holà! dis! écoute!
Marquesas PN.OO.2 Ai/óu An exclamation to draw the attention of a person passing by or going away
Marquesas PN.FAKA-TUQU Hakatu í te tupapaú Mettre un cadavre dans sa maison de mort
Sikaiana PN.SEKE.1A Haka/s/seke To drop out of, to fail to appear at an activity or event, to fall behind in a race; to move down, as in going down from one step to another.
Tikopia PN.FAKA-SEKE Fakaseke ifo i te ngaru Slid down on the waves (surfing)
Marquesas OC.SIKA.2 Hika i te ahi Frotter du bois pour feu [F-M]
Marquesas CE.SEKE.2 Hiki Fuir, s'enfuir; fuite, évasion Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas MQ.KAHA.2 Kaha Pouvoir maléfique d'envoûtement attribué à certains anciens *tuhuna*
Marquesas MQ.KAHA.2 Káhha A kind of spell, or charm; also the disease supposed to be inflicted thereby
Easter Island PN.KA-KAU.2 Kakau Obsidiana de filo cortante, ancho; incrustada en un mango se usaba como arma de mano para degollar o tajear al enemigo. Wide, sharp-edged obsidian provided with a wooden handle, used to cut off the enemy's head. Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas MQ.TAU.13 Tau/tua Porter sur le dos, derrière le dos; suivant, serviteur...
Tuamotu CE.REKA Reka Perfectly, beautifully, admirably; completely (in the intensive sense)
Marquesas AN.QAA.1 A Lieu sacré, lucus des païens; rangée, râtelier
Marquesas CE.ARA-NUI V/aʔanui (MQN), aʔanui (MQS) Chemin, route, sentier, voie, passage.
Mangareva CE.ARA-NUI Aranui Chemin, route, sentier
Tahitian CE.ARA-NUI Aranui The great or public road. Grande route, chemin public (Aca).
Marquesas PN.QATAA Phinnew aʔtackʔa Waste land
Marquesas CE.ATA.2 Ate noho Rester tranquille, être posé
Marquesas AN.TULU.1 Ka/tuú Donner à boire goutte à goutte à un mourant
Samoan PN.E.1B E Particle placed before numerals and certain other words referring to things which can be counted