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4903 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Samoan PN.MAALILI Maalili Tree sp., (Terminalia sp.)
Pukapuka CE.MAARIRI Maalili Filariasis
Rarotongan CE.MAARIRI Maariri An ulcerative inflammatory skin disease accompanied by fever; filariasis
Tuamotu CE.MAARIRI Maariri Illness involving fever, filaria
Hawaiian PN.MAROO Maloo Variant of malo`o
New Zealand Maori PN.MAALOLO Maaroro Flying Fish (Volantia microptera)
Rarotongan MP.MALUU.A Maruu Soft and yielding (of materials)
Kapingamarangi PN.MAALUU.2 Maaluu Full (of food); satiated Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian MP.MALUU.A Maruu Tendre (se dit de la viande), meuble, mou; doux (son); doux (au toucher)
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.MAMA.2 Ma/ia Chew
Rarotongan MP.MAMA.2 Mama, mamaa-ʔia Chew; a mouthful
Marquesas MP.MAHUKU Mouku (MQN), mouʔu (MQS) Jonc, plante de la famille des cypéracées. A species of rush (Bgs). Roseau, reed (Erianthus floridulus) [Nukuhiva Dialect] (Atl).
West Futuna MP.MAMA.2 Mama (trans. ma/ia) To chew, masticate without swallowing. Chew in order to soften food for baby (Cpl).
West Uvea XO.MAAMAA.* Maamaa/ia Chew food before giving it to a child [Muli Dialect]
West Uvea XO.MAAMAA.* Maa/ia Chew food before giving it to a child [Heo Dialect]
West Futuna XO.MAAMAA.* Ma/ia Chew, masticate without swallowing Problematic
West Uvea MP.MOMO.A Mumu Friable, qui se frite en miettes Phonologically Irregular
East Futuna PN.MAMAGI Mamagi Nom d'une liane très dure servant à lier les bois de la maison
Rapa PN.MAMAGI Maiangi A tree (Sophora tetraptera) Phonologically Irregular
Tahitian PN.MAMAGI Maiai The name of a timber tree Phonologically Irregular
Tongan PN.MAMAGI Mamange A kind of yam; possibly also shrub (Morinda myrtifolia); (Faradaya amicorum) (Buelow); variety of aka (Pueraria lobata)
Hawaiian CE.MAMAKU ʔAmaʔu (Sadleria spp.)
Mangaia CE.MAMAKU Maamaku The Silk Cotton tree, the kapok of Malaysia Problematic
Samoan PN.MA-MALU Mamalu Dignity, majesty, glory, honour, prestige; be of proud bearing, full of dignity or poise; be operative or in force (Mnr). influential, influence (Prt) Problematic
Anuta MP.MAMI Mami A tree (Antiaris toxicaria); barkcloth Problematic
Nggela MP.MAMI Mami Fresh, not salty; mamia tasting good.
Tahitian CE.MAMO.1 Mamo Race, lineage, progeny (obsolete in Tahiti, but retained in other dialects)
Tuamotu CE.MANAFUNE Manahune Legendary race of friendly giants
East Futuna PN.MANA-QIA Manaia Qui a beacoup d'amants; amouraché, amoureux
East Futuna PN.MANA-QIA Manaʔia Etre aimé; aimer (agent singulier)
East Uvea PN.MANA-QIA Manaʔia Qui a du succès avec les femmes, qui est recherché par les femmes
New Zealand Maori PN.MANA-QIA Manaia Carving of a stylized human figure in profile Problematic
Niue PN.MANA-QIA Manaia Decorated, embellished, decorative
Samoan PN.MANA-QIA Maanaia Attractive, smart, fine, beautiful; chief's son
Tokelau PN.MANA-QIA Maanaia Beautiful, pretty, handsome
Tongan PN.MANA-QIA Maanaʔia Young man of especially attractive appearance, or especially attractive to young women. Also adj
New Zealand Maori NP.MANA-QAKI Manaaki-tia Show respect or kindness to; entertain
Tahitian NP.MANA-QAKI Manaa Manageable, moveable, portable; to be able to do or manage a thing; the thing is mentioned as manageable or otherwise, manaa ia ia`u it is manageable by me Problematic
Hawaiian MP.MANAWA.1 Manawa/hua Discomfort of the stomach or indigestion, with gas and often diarrhea
Marquesas MQ.MANAWA.2 Heʔe ia menava. Hua menava (MQN) (Atl). Anterior fontanelle. Fontaine de la tête, fontanelle.
New Zealand Maori CE.MAANAWA.2 Maanawa Mangrove (Avicennia officinalis)
East Futuna PN.MANIA.1 Mani(a)nia Be set on edge (of teeth)
East Uvea PN.MANIA.1 Mania Show the teeth
Hawaiian PN.MANIA.1 Mania Shudder, set on edge (of teeth)
Emae PN.MANIA.1 Maania/nia To have one's teeth set on edge
New Zealand Maori PN.MANIA.1 Mania Set on edge
Mangareva PN.MANIA.1 Mania(nia) Set on edge. Sentiment sensual involontaire (Rch).
Niue PN.MANIA.1 Mania Ache, toothache, twinge of pain; bitter.
Penrhyn PN.MANIA.1 Mania To set one's teeth on edge
Pukapuka PN.MANIA.1 Mania Orgasm