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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Rennellese PN.GAO.2 Tapu/ngao Sole of foot, footprint, steps in coconut trunks for climbing
Samoan PN.GAOFIE -Goofie Indicates that action of preceding base comes about easily
Tikopia PN.GAFUA Ngafua Licit, appropriate, usu. of food
Rotuman PN.GAOGAO Gaogao Uninhabited, vacant (of land, house); without, destitute of; alone, unaccompanied
Samoan PN.GAOGAO Gaogao Deserted, empty
Tokelau PN.GAO-HAQA Gaoaa Rough terrain, rocky road
Tongan PN.GAO-HAQA Ngaohaʔa Littered with garbage
East Futuna SO.GAOI Gaoi Étourdi, espiègle, égrillard. Malfaiteur
Samoan SO.GAOI Gaoi Thief, steal, theft
East Uvea PN.GA-OQI Gaoʔi Jouer, se distraire, s'amuser, passer le temps
Tokelau PN.GA-OQI Gaoi Make haste (in doing; move
Tongan PN.GA-OQI Ngaaoʔi To persist in doing something (in spite of prohibition or difficulty, etc.)
Rarotongan NP.GAAOQI Ngaaoi Out-of-joint, dislocated
Tongan PN.GAOSI Ngaohi, ngaahi Make, construct, build, manufacture; do, attend to, handle, treat, deal with, manipulate, manage, work, mend, repair, prepare; meddle with; ill-treat, attack physically
New Zealand Maori TA.GAPU.1 Ngapu Oscillate, undulate (as swampy ground)
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.GA-SAE Ngae-a Tear
Pukapuka NP.GA-SAE Ngaayae Tear, be torn, ragged, burst
Tuamotu NP.GA-SAE ŋahae Come apart, open out slightly; to blossom; to tear become torn
Tongan XW.LAFU.3 Laafu/aʔa, (mod.) la/lafu (Of soil) impoverished, exhausted by constant used; (of house and surroundings) old and "done for"
West Futuna FJ.GASAU Gasau Reed, wild cane. Pointed arrow (Cpl).
New Zealand Maori OC.GASE-GASE Ngahengahe Weak, feeble, wasted
Tongan OC.GASE-GASE Ngahengahe/a To feel weak and nervy, esp. after an illness; to be exhausted or overwrought
Tuamotu OC.GASE-GASE ŋaheŋahe Sweet-scented land breeze Uncertain Semantic Connection
West Futuna CE.GASERE Gahere/fere Entangled brush, difficult to negotiate Problematic
West Uvea PN.GAASOLO.A Ngasolo (Child) move along while remaining seated (Hmn)
Tokelau SO.GASOLO.*B Gaholo Be on the point, tend to, gradually becoming
Hawaiian CE.GASU.1 Nahu Bite, have a tendency to bite; sting, pain
New Zealand Maori CE.GASU.1 Kakahu Bite [Southern Maori Dialect]
Moriori CE.GASU.1 Ngahu Bite
Marquesas CE.GASU.1 Ne/nnáhhu, kà/káhhu To bite
Rapa CE.GASU.1 Ngaʔu To bite
Tahitian CE.GASU.1 A/ahu To bite or nip, a bite; to bite or gnash with the teeth as a signal for some violence, mischief or murder
Penrhyn OC.GASU.2 Ngasu An erect to prostrate shrub (Scaevola sericea) ; Scaevola frutescens
Rarotongan OC.GASU.2 Nga(nga)ʔu An erect to prostrate littoral plant (Scaevola sericea)
Tikopia OC.GASU.2 Ngasu A shrub (Scaevola sp.); Grows near shore; white odourless flower
Luangiua NO.KATA.4 ʔAka/lele Crested weed fish; fresh water eel
Luangiua NO.KATA.4 ʔAka Tessellated reef eel
Takuu NO.KATA.4 Kata Moray Eel (Gymnothorax sp.?); snake; tapeworm and other parasitic species. Lobster (?) (Hwd).
Takuu NO.KOO.4 Koo takaniva Constellation: so-called Coalsack of the Southern Cross (Hwd).
Nuguria NO.KATA.4 Kata Snake (generic); also sea eels and intestinal worms
Tokelau SO.AN-ATU Gaatu Travel or move in order to congregate at one place (e.g. people congregating for a village meeting) Phonologically Irregular
Fijian PN.GATA.3 Gata A term used in addressing a kalou, like "amen". It is expressive of his power to perform Borrowed
Tokelau PN.GATETE Gatete Tremble with fear
Rotuman PN.GATA.3 Gata To terminate, be bounded or limited or restricted Borrowed
Samoan PN.GATA.3 Gata Finish, end, terminate ; be restricted to
Tongan PN.GATA.3 Ngata Come to an end, terminate
Takuu PN.FAI-GAOFIE Hainauhie Easy, simple; to be treated lightly
Niue PN.GATAE Gatee (Erythrina variegata)
East Uvea SO.GAA-TAI Gaatai Du cote de la mer; ver la mer
Samoan PN.GATALA Gatala-pulesama Yellowspotted Grouper (Epinephelus sp.) (Am. Sam. Bottomfishes)