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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tuamotu CP.KAALEWA Karevareva, kuurevareva Long-tailed Cuckoo, (Urodynamis taitensis)
Luangiua EC.KALEVE (ʔ)Aleve Fermented coconut juice. Drink from coconut pods.
Sikaiana EC.KALEVE Kaleve Sap from coconut tree collected for various uses including molasses (Donner)
Takuu EC.KALEVE Kareve Coconut toddy made from the collected sap from an inflorescence of the coconut tree
Tokelau EC.KALEVE Kaleve Sap extracted from bud of coconut tree
New Zealand Maori CE.KARIOI Karioi Loiter, idle, linger
Mangaia CE.KARIOI Karioii Profligate, debauched
Marquesas CE.KARIOI Kaʔioi Lubrique, sensuel, luxurieux. Jeunes vivant en groupes, non asujettis aux obligations du tapu.L'étude de la culture de leurs ancêtres et les préparatifs de la fête, étaient leurs occupations journalieres (Lch). Jeune homme, young man (Atl).
Tahitian CE.KARIOI Arioi A certain fraternity of players, that travelled thru the islands, and observed peculiar customs
Tuamotu CE.KARIOI Karioi Young man/woman prior to permanent the period of free sexual intercourse
Nggela EO.KALISI.1A Karisi To peel off skin (of a stem or stick) Borrowed
Easter Island PN.KALO.1 Karo Hacer ejercicios de quite, para evitar el golpe de un arma
East Uvea PN.KALO.1 Kalo Esquiver; ebiter par un mouvement de tete
Mangareva PN.KALO.1 Karo Eviter un coup de pierre, de lance, de balle, etc. Avert or turn aside stroke of a stone, a lance or a wave (Tgr).
Tokelau PN.KALO.1 Kalo Dodge, sidestep; evasion
West Uvea PN.KALO.1 Kalo-a Éviter/esquiver (coup,projectile); espèce de jeu
Easter Island FJ.KALO.3 Ka/karo To dig, excavate, hollow, shell (e.g. pick nose, pluck out eye). Hollow out (Wbr).
Easter Island FJ.KALO.3 Karo/karo Excavate, to hollow, to shell (iterative of he kakaro)
Pukapuka FJ.KALO.3 Kalo Steel instrument for opening clam shells
Pukapuka FJ.KALO.3 Kalo/kalo Scoop out clams, grate coconuts
Pukapuka PN.KALO-AMA Kalooma A small fish ; yellow mullet ; young goatfish (both vete and memea)
Rarotongan PN.KALO-AMA Koama A small, silvery fish caught in shoals along the beach ; young vete, 6 inches
Takuu PN.KALO-AMA Karo Goatfish (Mullidae auriflamma), juvenile growth stage of vete
Tongan PN.KALO-AMA Kalo-ama Young vete (Surmullet)
New Zealand Maori CK.KAROHE Karohe Whitebait migrating upstream (Whang)
Fijian SO.KALO-KALO Kalokalo Imported aster plant, a garden flower Problematic
Emae SO.KALO-KALO Kalokalo Planting season for yams (September), when the Erythrina flowers Problematic
Rapa SO.KALO-KALO Karokaro The palm-lily (Cordyline terminalis) Problematic
Vaeakau-Taumako FJ.KALOLO Kalolo/a, kalolo/ina Pull the bowstring tight when attaching it to the bow and fasten it
Hawaiian CE.KAROSI ʔAlohi Shine, glitter, sparkle
Tokelau PN.KALU.C Ka/kalu Pass a small amount of watery faeces
East Futuna PN.KALU.A Kalu/mata White of eye
New Zealand Maori PN.KALU.A Karu Spongy matter around gourd seeds
Mangareva PN.KALU.A Karu Substance interieure des meilleurs fruits a pain. Chair d'un fruit; fruit à pain mûr et de bonne qualité
New Zealand Maori PN.KALU.B Karu/karu Spongy matter in a gourd, or anything of similar consistency: brains, matter from a sore, clotted blood
Rotuman PN.KALU.B Tee kArkAru Any jelly-like substance resembling the mucus that comes from the nose Borrowed
East Futuna PN.KALU-KALU.A Kalukalu Poisson dont on ne connait tete ni bouche
West Uvea PN.KALU-KALU.A Kalukalu Méduse à tentacules courtes; limace de mer
Hawaiian PN.KAMA-KAMA.1 ʔAʔama A large, black edible crab (Grapsus grapsus tenuicrustatus)
West Futuna PN.KAMA-KAMA.1 Kam(a)kama Species of small bluish sea crab; generic term for sea crab
Nuguria SO.KAIPEA.* Paikea Name for a constellation Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria AN.TOLU Aa/toru Name for a constellation: three stars within Orion
Rarotongan PN.KAMATA.1 Taa/mata/mata Start, begin, try, test, attempt Phonologically Irregular
East Uvea TO.KAMATA.2 Kamata Gouter . Problematic
Niue TO.KAMATA.2 Kamata Taste; begin; tempt >
Tahitian TO.KAMATA.2 Taamata Essayer, gouter, tenter quelque chose; tenter quelqu'un Problematic
Tongan TO.KAMATA.2 Kamata/hake Taste
Easter Island MP.KAMI.1 Kami Glad, pleased, contented Problematic
Rennellese MP.KAMI.1 Ka/kami To bite, of fish
Ra'ivavae MP.KAMI.1 Amiami Interior folds of the vagina. To move the vagina with a circular motion (Stn). Problematic