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363 Results matching "mate" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nukumanu AN.MATE.1A Mate (pl. mmate) Die; death
Nukumanu PN.MATE.1B M/mate Paralyzed (plural)
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.MATE.1D Mate/mate Flicker, go out, die out
Tokelau AN.MATE.1A Mate Die, be dead (of animals and plants; of humans in joking or disrespectful way); (of engine) stop; (of people in game) be out
Tokelau PN.MATE.1B Mate Be paralysed (of body part)
Tokelau PN.MATE.1D Mate (of fire, lights) Go out
Tokelau NP.NANEA Nanea (of food) Plentiful, enough to go round; also applied to food such as fish which have a high proportion of edible material in them
Tokelau MP.TIO.2 Tio Mollusc (Vermetus sp.); hard coral-like material or shell of the mollusc, found in brain coral....
Tongan PN.TUQU-GA.2 Toonga A pile, or heap; a row of plantain or banana trees; a sign of the plural number of animated beings
Rapa PN.POKI.1 Aʔa/poʔi To cover an oven with plant material
Tupuaki AN.MATE.1A Mate Sickness
Takuu PN.FAKA-SOA Hakasoa Associated with, like friends or mates; be or act as a companion...
Sikaiana PN.KAPI.B Kapi The harnesses of the back‑strap loom {mea tau} used to hold the strands of material taut
Sikaiana AN.MATE.1A Mate To die, to be dead; to fall into a deep sleep after a tiring experience of drinking; to be extinguished or to have lost power...
Tikopia XO.TAFETA.B Tafeta Bag or small basket, of closely plaited leaf material and string handle, for stowing small objects
Mangaia NP.ME.1B Mei, mee Like, resembling, approximately, nearly Problematic
Sikaiana PN.O O Preposition marking inalienable possession: of, belonging to, for both animate and inanimate possessors
Ifira-Mele PN.TE-QA Taa Possessive. Our (inclusive dual, intimate)
Ra'ivavae AN.FUTU Hutu The fruit of the Barringtonia tree;...the spongy, fibrous pericarp of the fruit of the Barringtonia, used as caulking material
Ifira-Mele SO.MOQI-KAKA Mukaka Fibrous material at base of coconut frond Problematic
Tongan PN.MATE.1C Mate To 'almost die' with, to be overcome or carried away with (laughter, weeping, desire, sleepiness, fear, etc.)
Niue PN.MATE.1C Mate To desire, to need intensely, to want something very much
Mangareva PN.MATE.1C Mate Avoir soif; aimer d'un amour profane, désirer passionnément
Tahitian CE.MATE-KAI Mateai To be longing, as for fish, &c.
Marquesas PN.MATE.1C Mate Besoin naturel; vif désir
Sikaiana PN.MATE.1C Mate To fall in love, including as a result of love magic
New Zealand Maori PN.MATE.1C Mate In want of, lacking; overcome with any emotion; deeply in love; desire
New Zealand Maori CE.MATE-KAI Mate kai Hunger
New Zealand Maori CE.MATE-WAI Mate wai Thirst
Penrhyn CE.MATE-WAI Mate vai To be thirsty
Rarotongan PN.MATE.1C Mate Suffer (any oppressive physical or mental condition, e.g. hunger, thirst, misfortune, danger, intense desire)
Rarotongan PN.MATE.1C Mate/pongi Feel hungry; hunger
Rennellese PN.MATE.1C Mate/kaga To be very thirsty
Ifira-Mele PN.MATE.1C Mate/a Love passionately
West Futuna PN.MATE.1C Mate ta vai Thirsty
West Futuna PN.MATE.1C Mate/ia To long for, to be dying for a thing
New Zealand Maori PN.TAU-PILI Taupiri Clinging close, maintaining attachment, intimate
Tongan PN.KANO-MATE Kanomate Meat
Samoan PN.KANO-MATE ʔAnomate, ʔanogase The lean part of flesh
Tongan PN.FAKA-QAFU-MATE Fucca-afoo-mate The name of the ninth lunar month
Tongan AN.MATE.1A Mate Death, carnage, a corpse, an eclipse; to die, to wither
Tongan PN.MATE.2 Mate To guess, to conjecture
Tongan PN.TAA-MATE-A Tamate. Tamaté. Támatéä. To kill by striking. Kill him, kill it. To kill.
Nukuoro PN.MAQU-KOLOA Mau goloa Rich in material possessions
Rennellese EC.FAKA-MATE Hakamate/nga Suicide, attempted suicide
Rennellese CP.NOQA Noʔa te uʔa ke mate To strangle, as with a rope
Samoan MP.PAA.1 Pa/mate, pa/moe Churchyard
Nukuoro EC.FAKA-MATE Haka-mate To kill
West Uvea PN.PANI.4 Pani/pani Cadeaux dus aux oncles maternels (mort et mariage) Uncertain Semantic Connection
East Futuna XW.MATE-GUUGUU Mate guuguu Etre engourdi