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4460 Results matching "sa" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Nuguria AN.QONE One Sand islets in the sea
West Uvea PN.MATAQU.1 Maatau Pêche au large, à la ligne, sans canne
West Uvea SO.MA-FULE Mafule Ampoule crevée (laissant la peau à vif)
West Uvea OC.MAKO.3 Mako Plante: (Elattostachys apetala) (Sapindacées)
West Uvea EO.SAQU.2 Ma/sau Se relever
Nuguria MP.PIA.1 Pia Sago palm, sago
Emae CP.MUNA Mune/ia Say, tell
West Uvea PN.NAO Na/nao Pêche ancienne, à la sagaie, le pêcheur nageant sur un bout de bois Uncertain Semantic Connection
Nuguria PN.POKO.2 P/poko Deep (a hole, a saucepan, inside of a canoe)
Nuguria MP.PUNA Puna Bubble (v); spring (in the sea); places of fine white sand where upo worms live and sea grass grows
Nuguria SO.LAPITI Ropiti Sea bird sp. (lays eggs in sand)
Nuguria PN.TAKA.2B Taka Modern shoes; sandals for going to fish on reefs
Nuguria OC.TAPU Tapu Holy (mysterious), sacred; forbidden
Nuguria MP.TALIE.1 Tarie Fruit tree sp., locally called "okari nut" (Tok Pisin talisa) -- seeds are eaten
Nuguria MP.TII.1 Tii Plant: (Cordyline fruticosa)
Nuguria PN.TALA-TALA.A Ttara Coarse (of sandpaper); furious
Mangareva AN.RAMA Tu/rama Feu que les reines se faisaient allumer pour s'éclairer la nuit
Tikopia SO.QULU.4 Uru Leading stanza and "entry" movement of mori dance....traditional sacred chant in Marae in archaic language
East Futuna PN.PAKIA.1 Pakia Travailler trop; harassant
Samoan PN.PAKIA.1 Paʔia Not touched by work, sacred (A term applied to titled chiefs) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Sikaiana PN.GASUE Nasue Shake, vibrate, pulsate, spasm
East Futuna PN.GASUE Gasue Panier de vivres du au roi lors de son intronisation... Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rennellese PN.GAA-GAA Ngaangaa/saʔa Demon-infested Uncertain Semantic Connection
Luangiua NO.SATATA Sakka Gold striped goat fish
Takuu NO.SATATA Sattaa Goatfish sp.
Sikaiana NO.SATATA Satta Goatfish sp.
Takuu OC.SALALA Sara/tea Small white fish sp.
Luangiua OC.SALALA Sale/kea Spangled emperor fish
Takuu NO.SIMATA Simata Large number, one thousand
Sikaiana NO.SIMATA Simata [cardinal number] One thousand (for roof mats, pudding and fish)
Nuguria NO.SIMATA Himata Thousand (Takuu word?)
Nukuoro NO.SIMATA Semada Tens of thousands
Luangiua PN.HOA Si/a/oa. Si/á/ua (Sar). Two (counting in pairs)
Tongan PN.QULU-KAO ʔUlukau Small k. fish (like a sardine) Problematic
East Uvea PN.QULU-KAO ʔUlukau Petite sardine vénimeuse Problematic
Takuu XO.KOKO.3 (Ha)kkoo Sago palm (non-indigenous, drifts to Takuu)
Sikaiana XO.KOKO.3 Koko Sago palm (rare on Sikaiana)
Anuta XO.KOKO.3 Koko Flour made from pulp of sago palm or from turmeric root
Tikopia XO.KOKO.3 Koko Flour, trad. of sago starch, turmeric
Vaeakau-Taumako XO.KOKO.3 Koko Sago palm
Tahitian CK.MAEA.2 Maea The white or sappy part of trees; a worthless person
Mangareva CK.MAEA.2 Maea Laisser, mettre sa nourriture de coté pour manger celle des autres Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian LO.AKERISI Akarite Sauterelle
Tahitian PN.QAATEA Aatea/tea Vaste, étendu; clairsemé, clair, sans obstacle, dégagé
Marquesas MP.APU.A ʔApuʔapu Prendre, saisir
Rennellese PN.KOO.2B Koo Exclamation, Coo! (Said if one’s name is called, as “Here I am”)
Anuta NP.OLI.2 Ori/tu To "cross swords" (in this case using war clubs rather than sabres or foils)
New Zealand Maori CP.LEU-LEU Reu Outer palisade of a pa Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuamotu NP.MA-SUE Mahue Heaped up by the wind and waves: as sand in banks
New Zealand Maori NP.MA-SUE Mahue Laid aside, put off (as clothes); forsaken, deserted, given up; left, left behind