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4460 Results matching "sa" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Takuu PN.TAA.1D Taa sau Beat the rhythm for sau dances
Tongan PN.TAUALA Tauala To luff, to sail close or closer to the wind
Tokelau PN.TAUALA (Tau)ala (of canoes or sailboats) Be close to the wind
Takuu PN.TAUALA Tauara Sail a canoe close to the wind
Tongan FJ.WESA Vesa Bracelet, bangle, wristlet Phonologically Irregular
Tongan FJ.WESA Vesa A bracelet of any kind Phonologically Irregular
East Uvea FJ.WESA Vesa Bracelet (de fleurs ou de gatu); sorte de jarretière que les fringants se mettent aux jambes (mot fidijien) Phonologically Irregular
Fijian FJ.WESA Vesa An ornament of leaves around the legs or arms
East Futuna FJ.WESA Vesa Bracelet, collier en liane (pour les danseurs ou les guerriers)
Mangareva NP.PEI Pei Faire sauter sur les mains des petites boules ou des fruits pour s'amuser
Luangiua PN.MOKOPUNA Mopuŋa. Moʔopuŋa (Sar). Grandchild...
Samoan PN.FAI.2C Fai To say, to speak
Tokelau PN.FAI.2C Fai Say, rehearse; perform, act; give (a command)
Sikaiana PN.FAI.2C Hai (with directional particle) To say, to tell; to have the notion, to have the belief, to think
Rennellese PN.FAI.2C Hai To say (us. with directional particle)
Mangareva NP.FAA-QITA.* Aita Montrer les dents à quelqu'un en signe de désapprobation ou de haine
West Futuna PN.TAGO.B Tonga/fia, tongo/fia Gouter, essayer une nouvelle nourriture
East Futuna XW.PUSA.3 Pu/pusa Etouffer de chaleur; chaleur étouffante
Niue EO.INO-QI Hi/hino To look sad, to look pale Problematic
Niue PN.MAA-KONA.1 Makona To be satisfied, satiated, full (refers to eating and drinking, and figuratively to the mind)
Niue PN.MALIE Melie Satisfied, happy (with loto) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue PN.MA-WAHE Mavehe To part, to say goodbye Phonologically Irregular
Rennellese PN.MENE Mene Go into, enter, penetrate; set, as sun; sink into; disappear from sight
Tahitian PN.MEQA.A Mena A thing, the same as mea Phonologically Irregular
Niue PN.TUULOU Tulou To say thank you (formal use); to say excuse me
Samoan NP.LOLE.2 Lole To rub smooth, as breadfruit in making taufolo; to rub, as a fallen adversary in the dirt; to be beaten, as a canoe in racing
Tongan PN.SAWALA Havala Grasping, never satisfied, always wanting more; to crave after
Niue PN.SAWALA Havala To be cheeky, to be a nuisance
East Uvea PN.SAWALA Havala Envie de manger (une chose déterminée); avoir sans cesse envie de manger, manger en glouton sans pouvoir se rassasier
Samoan PN.SAWALA Savala To long for, to desire to eat particular articles, such as fish, masi, &c.
Nukuoro PN.SAWALA Savala Interested in, enjoys
Rennellese PN.SAWALA Saabaga To be used to, accustomed to; to do often
East Uvea XW.MA-TUKU Maatuku Se dit de la foule qui se précipite et s'attroupe pour regarder un spectacle. Kua matuku te misa. Les gens sont sortis de la messe.
Tongan PN.MAUKU Maauku (of a boil) Go down and disappear without bursting or being lanced
Niue PN.MAUKU Mauku Disaster; funeral. Poor fellow, good-for-nothing (McE). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Hawaiian CE.FALAGI Alani An O'ahu tree (Pele sandwicensis or P.oahuensis)...
Niue AN.FAFAGO Fagu/na To interrupt ceaselessly, to be a nuisance, to annoy, to irritate.
East Uvea XW.FIFITI Fifisi Amer, piquant (comme le poivre), cuisant
Niue EO.FUSU Futu Fight (with fists). (Said to be a modern word) (McE). Phonologically Irregular
East Uvea TO.GAQE-GAQE Gaʔegaʔe Nom de coquillage, bénitier (Tridacna squamosa et T.maxima)
East Futuna MP.SAQA.1 Saʔa/saʔa/taki Fort coup de vent, rafale de vent; souffler par rafales Uncertain Semantic Connection
Mangareva NP.SEKI ʔEki Aller à clochepied; marcher sur les doigts d'un pied en bottant; sauter sur un pied; danser un solo Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue XW.SO-LOFA Holofa Weed sp. growing on rocky cliffs (Nasturtium sarmentosum)
Niue PN.WALE.2 Faa/vale Fierce, savage, wild; to act violently, to growl
Niue PN.FOTA.1A Fota/fota To press repeatedly, massage
Tongan PN.QINA-TI ʔIna/nga Due reward or punishment, fitting consequence (whether pleasant or unpleasant)
Niue EC.KALEVE Kaleve Toddy (the sweet sap extracted from the bud of the coconut palm, not a traditional drink)
East Futuna PN.KELE.B Kele/kele Etre sale; être taché; se salir
Tongan PN.MAALUU.2 Maluu (of wind, sea, or day) Mild, pleasantly calm; (of pain) abated, gone
Marquesas PN.MAALUU.2 Moʔu Paix, paisable, pacifique, doux, patient. Lentement, slowly. Gentil, aimable; kind, nice, pleasant (Atl).